Why Are You Hungry All the Time?

Being hungry due to being in constant physical activity is something that is normal. After all, if you are in constant energy expenditure, your body will demand that you somehow replenish it. However, if you are hungry and eating in pure leisure time, that is where it can mean something else. And of course, this is not a good thing, as it means that you become prone to a series of health problems that will be discussed here.

The most obvious thing about eating just out of greed is that it will lead you to be overweight. This condition can lead to other types of more serious problems. And if it is associated with a state of laziness, the consequences will be even worse. For there is nothing more harmful than the fusion of gluttony with laziness.

But let’s see, we are not here to scare anything else, if you have reached this entry it is because you are aware that something is wrong or you are looking for answers to solve. And as we always say here… “The first step to solve a problem is to recognize that there is one”.

What is presented in this article is to help you identify the possible causes of your recurring famine. Which can be associated with many factors? Hunger or gluttony does not only come from the need to eat food, but also from some emotional problem, stress or even medical conditions.

It’s not hunger, its dehydration.

Next, we will quote the words of Alyssa Rumsey, a nutritionist who is registered with the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

“Moderate dehydration is often mistaken for feeling hungry, when in reality your body just needs fluids.”

What it gives us to understand is that there is a confusion that is born in the hypothalamus. Part of the human brain responsible for regulating thirst and appetite. When you are really dehydrated your brain “crosses the wires”. Confusing thirst with hunger seems absurd but it is a proven case.

That is why in those moments where you want to go and eat that bag of chips; maybe what your body really asks for is a glass of water.

The best way to confirm if this is the case for you is to stay aware of how much fluid you are ingesting throughout the day. If you know you haven’t had much to drink and you feel hungry, try drinking a little water and waiting approximately 25 minutes. If the hunger decreases or better said “The cravings”. It means your problem is dehydration.

Given this situation, the solution is very simple, you just have to proceed to drink water more often, and it’s that simple.

Are you hungry? Or a lot of accumulated stress?

As we have mentioned before, stress or those situations where we are in low spirits. As a measure of escape or release pressure we resort to food. What is the reason for doing this? Well, if you stop to think about it, the answer is clearer than it seems.

When we eat we feel comfortable, since after all it is one of the best ways to feel satisfaction or “pleasure”. It is by indulging those sudden cravings for something to eat (Usually food that seems delicious to us, junk food).

In addition to the above, there is also another explanation that complements it. You see… Being under stressful situations our body increases the production of cortisol and adrenaline, known as the stress hormones.

This makes your body believe that it is under a situation of attack and energy need. So you are unconsciously exhausting yourself (hence in stressful situations we feel tired). What makes your body demand more nutrients and that it does by generating hunger.

However, this energy consumption cannot be compared with a physical one. Well, stress is more a sensation caused by our brain than a true lack of energy.

You are drinking a lot of alcohol.

If you are very hungry, it is possible that the cause is excess alcohol. As some of you may already know, alcohol makes you hungry. This is because it dehydrates you, which is why what I mentioned a few points before happens. This is so that people who drink alcohol are more susceptible to consuming foods with a high caloric content.

Have you ever wondered why restaurants serve that glass of wine before eating? Well, they do it precisely to whet your appetite. If this is your case, you should simply reduce your alcohol consumption and replace it with something healthier.

Being hungry due to being in constant physical activity is something that is normal. After all, if you are in constant energy expenditure, your body will demand that you somehow replenish it. However, if you are hungry and eating in pure leisure time, that is where it can mean something else. And of course, this is not a good thing, as it means that you become prone to a series of health problems that will be discussed here.

The most obvious thing about eating just out of greed is that it will lead you to be overweight. This condition can lead to other types of more serious problems. And if it is associated with a state of laziness, the consequences will be even worse. For there is nothing more harmful than the fusion of gluttony with laziness.

But let’s see, we are not here to scare anything else, if you have reached this entry it is because you are aware that something is wrong or you are looking for answers to solve. And as we always say here… “The first step to solve a problem is to recognize that there is one”.

What is presented in this article is to help you identify the possible causes of your recurring famine. Which can be associated with many factors? Hunger or gluttony does not only come from the need to eat food, but also from some emotional problem, stress or even medical conditions.

It’s not hunger, its dehydration.

Next, we will quote the words of Alyssa Rumsey, a nutritionist who is registered with the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

“Moderate dehydration is often mistaken for feeling hungry, when in reality your body just needs fluids.”

What it gives us to understand is that there is a confusion that is born in the hypothalamus. Part of the human brain responsible for regulating thirst and appetite. When you are really dehydrated your brain “crosses the wires”. Confusing thirst with hunger seems absurd but it is a proven case.

That is why in those moments where you want to go and eat that bag of chips; maybe what your body really asks for is a glass of water.

The best way to confirm if this is the case for you is to stay aware of how much fluid you are ingesting throughout the day. If you know you haven’t had much to drink and you feel hungry, try drinking a little water and waiting approximately 25 minutes. If the hunger decreases or better said “The cravings”. It means your problem is dehydration.

Given this situation, the solution is very simple, you just have to proceed to drink water more often, and it’s that simple.

Are you hungry? Or a lot of accumulated stress?

As we have mentioned before, stress or those situations where we are in low spirits. As a measure of escape or release pressure we resort to food. What is the reason for doing this? Well, if you stop to think about it, the answer is clearer than it seems.

When we eat we feel comfortable, since after all it is one of the best ways to feel satisfaction or “pleasure”. It is by indulging those sudden cravings for something to eat (Usually food that seems delicious to us, junk food).

In addition to the above, there is also another explanation that complements it. You see… Being under stressful situations our body increases the production of cortisol and adrenaline, known as the stress hormones.

This makes your body believe that it is under a situation of attack and energy need. So you are unconsciously exhausting yourself (hence in stressful situations we feel tired). What makes your body demand more nutrients and that it does by generating hunger.

However, this energy consumption cannot be compared with a physical one. Well, stress is more a sensation caused by our brain than a true lack of energy.

You are drinking a lot of alcohol.

If you are very hungry, it is possible that the cause is excess alcohol. As some of you may already know, alcohol makes you hungry. This is because it dehydrates you, which is why what I mentioned a few points before happens. This is so that people who drink alcohol are more susceptible to consuming foods with a high caloric content.

Have you ever wondered why restaurants serve that glass of wine before eating? Well, they do it precisely to whet your appetite. If this is your case, you should simply reduce your alcohol consumption and replace it with something healthier.

WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
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