What to Eat To Not Gain Weight

When it comes to losing weight, not all organisms are the same, so it is necessary to choose a diet that works according to how our metabolism is, since many times they do not work because they do not pay attention to this, however, we must know what to eat to not get fat

When it comes to following a diet that often kills us with hunger or is not ideal, it results in the rebound effect, when losing weight with great effort and abandoning the diet, it is possible to gain twice as many kilos as has been lost.

The ideal is to lose weight through a specialist who, after evaluating the body through a physical examination and in addition to this blood test to know how everything is, will be able to give the diagnosis and establish what regimen can be followed. Out to lose weight.

Here is a list of foods that can help you when it comes to losing weight or losing weight, according to the components and contributions that each of them can give to the body, so keep this in mind so that you choose a diet balanced and easy to follow.

What do you need

  • Dietary balance.
  • Energetic food.
  • Fats.
  •  Healthy meals.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Eliminate calories.
  • Training.


When you do not lose weight despite being on a diet, it means that you are not following the diet properly or the diet is not suitable for your metabolism, resulting in not burning the amount of food you consume daily.

It is for this reason that you should be more active, seek help from someone with knowledge or a nutritionist, and take all the tests you need, start exercising as well as knowing what kind of food you can eat to lose weight according to your body.

Eat healthy and not get fat

  1. The eggs. Eggs are a source of energy, which will give you enough strength if you eat them for breakfast and in addition to this they do not give you many calories if you include them in your diet at least three or four times a week, according to the diet. what you consume
  2. It is important to note that eggs should be eaten cooked or scrambled without any fat, so when cooking them, you should not add any oil, only with its juice so that it does not provide you with more calories than necessary for your diet. .
  3. Green vegetables. Within this group of foods we can mention spinach, Swiss chard, cabbage and lettuce in all their presentations, which you can eat as much as you want because they are very light and do not provide more than what the body needs, they are also a source of fiber which you It will remove toxins from the body.
  4. You can eat them in all kinds of salads, creams as well as stews, so you can eat the amount you want because they will give you enough strength and energy without fear of gaining more kilos than you want to eliminate from your body. Do you dare with these ingredients?
  5. Blue Fish. Within these there is a wide range of types of fish that you can use in your diet as long as they are not eaten fried, but rather roasted or baked without eliminating their flavor and properties for the body, providing Omega 3, calcium and gold. Minerals. Within this class we can mention among many others and the one that stands out the most is salmon, which provides you with what you need without fear of gaining weight, ideal for any type of body and to be used in any diet to lose weight.
  6. lean meats Lean meats are those that fall within the line of not having fats that can be harmful to the body, so you have the possibility of a wide variety ranging from pork loin, lamb, veal, sirloin and loin, among many other cuts of meat.
  7. There are foods that are very greasy more than meat itself, and of which you should forget for this reason meat should be immersed in a diet for the person who wants to lose weight and take off those extra kilos.
  8. The potato. The potato contains starch in its composition, which makes it clear that people can be more satiated if they eat them at any time of the day between the two main meals that go from breakfast or lunch, if they are eaten cooked or pureed without additives Additional features. It is important to take into account the possibility of including it in a diet at least twice a week and at breakfast or lunch, so that it can provide the energy that the body needs to carry out the different daily activities that we dedicate ourselves to.
  9. Legumes are necessary for the body because they provide almost the same protein as a piece of lean meat, for this reason they should be taken into account when making a calorie-based diet, since these are light despite what many believe. The important thing that you have to keep in mind is not to prepare them with too much fat or simply not to add that extra touch to avoid gaining weight; a dose of legumes twice a week in a diet to lose weight should also be included.
  10. Creams and soups. The creams and soups prepared by a variety of vegetables provide fiber, energy, vitamins and minerals in addition to the contribution of the liquid that satisfies us more and prevents us from being hungry during the rest of the day, for this reason it is one of the recommended foods to lose weight. The creams are usually prepared with the vegetables that you like the most or those that provide your body with the necessary nutrients for any diet you want to follow. Do you dare to make some to lose weight and get in shape?
  11. The contribution of the avocado. Did you know that avocado is a fruit? Well, yes, and contrary to the beliefs that were held, it is one of the fruits that gives the body the most benefits due to the oil it contains, which is not greasy, but rather an acid that manages to help burn calories. It is light and digestible, so consumption in salads provides what the body needs, apart from also being able to give the person a feeling of satiety, which causes them to be able to endure more and not overeat during the day.
  12. The coffee. Coffee is a stimulant, which helps you to be active during the day. What many do not know is that coffee, if you drink it alone without any additives, offers you the possibility of speeding up your metabolism and helps the body to burn more calories more quickly. After this, do you dare to have a cup of coffee in the morning? Coffee (without sugar), gives your body a stimulating shot that activates metabolism, as well as being perfect for satisfying your hunger and a delight for the palate and the senses.
  13. Make the three meals and the two snacks. Make each of the meals in addition to a snack in the morning and another in the afternoon, which gives you enough calories to feel satiated, without gaining weight, which is what, is actually required, eating foods that do not get fat and keep your figure. It is a way to keep something in your stomach at all times and do not think that you will lose more weight if you skip dinner, for example, which can make your body try to solve that need by giving you more appetite and the anxiety of eating to solve it.
  14. The vital liquid. Water is one of the main components to carry out a balanced diet, with which you can have the power to eliminate toxins and keep your body hydrated while you exercise, since when you do it you sweat and lose fluid. Do not think that water increases your weight, in reality what it does is make you swell a little and if you suffer from fluid retention, this can affect your desire to lose weight; for this we return to what we always say, it is better to consult the doctor before anything else.
  15. Do not think that because you are on a diet you do not deserve a good rest; on the contrary, you should sleep and rest more. For this reason, start with sleeping your eight regular hours in addition to taking breaks in your activity, I would say, relaxing your body and closing your eyes. In this section you can choose to do relaxation exercises or meditation while you rest, this in order to provide energy to your body and thus prevent decay and fatigue, which makes you look for foods that give you energy to endure the day.
  16. Visit to the specialist. It is advisable that at least once a year you have a medical check-up, this in order to verify that the diet, exercises, rest and recommendations are being carried out to the letter, to corroborate that the body has adapted good to new life.
  17. Apart from eating healthy and everything else, your body must adapt to health and lifestyle habits, which will do more to help when it comes to losing weight with a balanced diet, for this reason it is important that the doctor is the one who evaluates which is the best diet for you.


  • Try taking the stairs at work so you burn calories.
  • Avoid spending a lot of time lying on the couch and try to walk more to be more active.

When it comes to losing weight, not all organisms are the same, so it is necessary to choose a diet that works according to how our metabolism is, since many times they do not work because they do not pay attention to this, however, we must know what to eat to not get fat

When it comes to following a diet that often kills us with hunger or is not ideal, it results in the rebound effect, when losing weight with great effort and abandoning the diet, it is possible to gain twice as many kilos as has been lost.

The ideal is to lose weight through a specialist who, after evaluating the body through a physical examination and in addition to this blood test to know how everything is, will be able to give the diagnosis and establish what regimen can be followed. Out to lose weight.

Here is a list of foods that can help you when it comes to losing weight or losing weight, according to the components and contributions that each of them can give to the body, so keep this in mind so that you choose a diet balanced and easy to follow.

What do you need

  • Dietary balance.
  • Energetic food.
  • Fats.
  •  Healthy meals.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Eliminate calories.
  • Training.


When you do not lose weight despite being on a diet, it means that you are not following the diet properly or the diet is not suitable for your metabolism, resulting in not burning the amount of food you consume daily.

It is for this reason that you should be more active, seek help from someone with knowledge or a nutritionist, and take all the tests you need, start exercising as well as knowing what kind of food you can eat to lose weight according to your body.

Eat healthy and not get fat

  1. The eggs. Eggs are a source of energy, which will give you enough strength if you eat them for breakfast and in addition to this they do not give you many calories if you include them in your diet at least three or four times a week, according to the diet. what you consume
  2. It is important to note that eggs should be eaten cooked or scrambled without any fat, so when cooking them, you should not add any oil, only with its juice so that it does not provide you with more calories than necessary for your diet. .
  3. Green vegetables. Within this group of foods we can mention spinach, Swiss chard, cabbage and lettuce in all their presentations, which you can eat as much as you want because they are very light and do not provide more than what the body needs, they are also a source of fiber which you It will remove toxins from the body.
  4. You can eat them in all kinds of salads, creams as well as stews, so you can eat the amount you want because they will give you enough strength and energy without fear of gaining more kilos than you want to eliminate from your body. Do you dare with these ingredients?
  5. Blue Fish. Within these there is a wide range of types of fish that you can use in your diet as long as they are not eaten fried, but rather roasted or baked without eliminating their flavor and properties for the body, providing Omega 3, calcium and gold. Minerals. Within this class we can mention among many others and the one that stands out the most is salmon, which provides you with what you need without fear of gaining weight, ideal for any type of body and to be used in any diet to lose weight.
  6. lean meats Lean meats are those that fall within the line of not having fats that can be harmful to the body, so you have the possibility of a wide variety ranging from pork loin, lamb, veal, sirloin and loin, among many other cuts of meat.
  7. There are foods that are very greasy more than meat itself, and of which you should forget for this reason meat should be immersed in a diet for the person who wants to lose weight and take off those extra kilos.
  8. The potato. The potato contains starch in its composition, which makes it clear that people can be more satiated if they eat them at any time of the day between the two main meals that go from breakfast or lunch, if they are eaten cooked or pureed without additives Additional features. It is important to take into account the possibility of including it in a diet at least twice a week and at breakfast or lunch, so that it can provide the energy that the body needs to carry out the different daily activities that we dedicate ourselves to.
  9. Legumes are necessary for the body because they provide almost the same protein as a piece of lean meat, for this reason they should be taken into account when making a calorie-based diet, since these are light despite what many believe. The important thing that you have to keep in mind is not to prepare them with too much fat or simply not to add that extra touch to avoid gaining weight; a dose of legumes twice a week in a diet to lose weight should also be included.
  10. Creams and soups. The creams and soups prepared by a variety of vegetables provide fiber, energy, vitamins and minerals in addition to the contribution of the liquid that satisfies us more and prevents us from being hungry during the rest of the day, for this reason it is one of the recommended foods to lose weight. The creams are usually prepared with the vegetables that you like the most or those that provide your body with the necessary nutrients for any diet you want to follow. Do you dare to make some to lose weight and get in shape?
  11. The contribution of the avocado. Did you know that avocado is a fruit? Well, yes, and contrary to the beliefs that were held, it is one of the fruits that gives the body the most benefits due to the oil it contains, which is not greasy, but rather an acid that manages to help burn calories. It is light and digestible, so consumption in salads provides what the body needs, apart from also being able to give the person a feeling of satiety, which causes them to be able to endure more and not overeat during the day.
  12. The coffee. Coffee is a stimulant, which helps you to be active during the day. What many do not know is that coffee, if you drink it alone without any additives, offers you the possibility of speeding up your metabolism and helps the body to burn more calories more quickly. After this, do you dare to have a cup of coffee in the morning? Coffee (without sugar), gives your body a stimulating shot that activates metabolism, as well as being perfect for satisfying your hunger and a delight for the palate and the senses.
  13. Make the three meals and the two snacks. Make each of the meals in addition to a snack in the morning and another in the afternoon, which gives you enough calories to feel satiated, without gaining weight, which is what, is actually required, eating foods that do not get fat and keep your figure. It is a way to keep something in your stomach at all times and do not think that you will lose more weight if you skip dinner, for example, which can make your body try to solve that need by giving you more appetite and the anxiety of eating to solve it.
  14. The vital liquid. Water is one of the main components to carry out a balanced diet, with which you can have the power to eliminate toxins and keep your body hydrated while you exercise, since when you do it you sweat and lose fluid. Do not think that water increases your weight, in reality what it does is make you swell a little and if you suffer from fluid retention, this can affect your desire to lose weight; for this we return to what we always say, it is better to consult the doctor before anything else.
  15. Do not think that because you are on a diet you do not deserve a good rest; on the contrary, you should sleep and rest more. For this reason, start with sleeping your eight regular hours in addition to taking breaks in your activity, I would say, relaxing your body and closing your eyes. In this section you can choose to do relaxation exercises or meditation while you rest, this in order to provide energy to your body and thus prevent decay and fatigue, which makes you look for foods that give you energy to endure the day.
  16. Visit to the specialist. It is advisable that at least once a year you have a medical check-up, this in order to verify that the diet, exercises, rest and recommendations are being carried out to the letter, to corroborate that the body has adapted good to new life.
  17. Apart from eating healthy and everything else, your body must adapt to health and lifestyle habits, which will do more to help when it comes to losing weight with a balanced diet, for this reason it is important that the doctor is the one who evaluates which is the best diet for you.


  • Try taking the stairs at work so you burn calories.
  • Avoid spending a lot of time lying on the couch and try to walk more to be more active.
WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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