What Is My Ideal Weight

The vast majority of people who reach their  ideal weight , although it is often difficult to know what weight an individual should have, as well as what has to be done to reach it and its maintenance over time. Weather.

Achieving the most appropriate weight for each person does not depend on being on a continuous diet, but on adopting a healthy lifestyle, through proper eating habits accompanied by regular physical exercise.

The ideal weight is the one that allows a person to have an optimal state of health, which will allow them to enjoy the highest possible quality of life. The ideal weight is based on different factors, so it can vary from one person to another depending on their age, gender and constitution, as well as their general state of health. In addition, muscle mass; fat mass and bone mass must be taken into account.

This term is subjective, since it does not have to meet specific parameters, since not all people are the same. In any case, despite the fact that there are many tables that recommend a weight based on height and complexion, the best way to calculate a healthy weight is to go to the  Body Mass Index (BMI) .

Tips to get your ideal weight

To achieve an ideal and healthy weight, you must take care of your diet and combine it with physical exercise; there are different ways to lose weight that you can find in this specific section of our portal.

If you want to reach your ideal weight, it is important to take into account the following considerations:

  • Combine cardiovascular exercise with muscle toning: Exercise is essential to eliminate those extra kilos and reduce body fat, so it is important that you do cardiovascular exercise. The ideal is to combine it with muscle exercise. Training designed to activate aerobic capacity allows you to consume more calories. Muscle training, for its part, favors the increase in muscle mass.
  • Train at least three times a week: The most advisable thing for anyone who wants to lose weight to find their ideal weight is to train at least three times a week. You should look for the activities that motivate and like you the most and organize your schedules to be able to exercise. Do not abandon it after a few days and try to always maintain maximum motivation.
  • Use a personal trainer: If you want to achieve good results faster and in a healthy way, the best option is to use a personal trainer. He will be the one in charge of creating a totally personalized and tailor-made training that you will have to follow in order to achieve your ideal weight.
  • Maintain a balanced diet: Beyond physical exercise, it is just as important to maintain a balanced diet. Diet is an aspect that you must take care of if your goal is to lose weight. This is because it is largely responsible for you being able to achieve your ideal weight. It will be useless for you to do a lot of physical exercise if you then neglect your diet. There are a large number of diets that you can follow, but the most appropriate thing is to go to a professional who is in charge of designing a diet totally adapted to your tastes and schedules. This way it will be easier for you to maintain healthy eating habits.
  • Rest: In addition to everything outlined above, it is important that if you want to lose weight, you also rest well, it being advisable that you sleep around 6 to 8 hours a day.

Tips to maintain the ideal weight

Once you manage to lose weight and reach a weight that is considered ideal taking into account the Body Mass Index (BMI), you should not let yourself go and abandon yourself, but rather you should take into account a series of fundamental tips to  maintain the weight ideal and never gain a few extra kilos again:

  • If you have been following a diet to reach the ideal weight for you, keep in mind those foods that were the most recommended and which ones you should continue to leave aside in your diet. As a general rule, fruits, vegetables and fresh foods will continue to be preferable, and very salty, very sweet or fatty foods worse.
  • Try not to forbid yourself foods, since it is very likely that if you do so, you will want to consume them more. For this reason, try to keep control and not obsess over forbidden foods.
  • Eat five meals a day. In this way you will avoid eating between meals and you will arrive with enough energy for the main meals, at the same time that you will make your metabolism more accelerated, with the advantage that this entails when it comes to burning fat and achieving optimal weight.
  • When one day you have eaten more than necessary, try to increase the physical exercise you already do, for which you can do physical activity one more day in the week or increase the time of your exercise sessions.
  • Don’t skip meals. It is important for you to maintain a balance that you do not skip meals.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking fluids is very important. This will help you avoid fluid retention, eliminate toxins, as well as improve your metabolism. It is advisable to drink two liters a day.
  • Control your weight without obsessing: Try to weigh yourself every week or every 10 days, which will allow you to know if you are doing the maintenance right or if there is some aspect that you should refine.


  1. To know your ideal weight, you must first take a scale and weigh yourself, it being preferable to take the measurement in the morning and fasting, since during the day the different drinks and meals you have made can cause the weight to vary.
  2. Then proceed to use a tape measure or flex meter to measure your height, if you do not know it.
  3. Once you have collected the data related to both weight and height, it will be time to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI). Its formula is:  BMI = Body Weight (Kg) / height box in meters.
  4. Based on this formula, a value will be obtained, from which, using the table of the World Health Organization (WHO), you will be able to know if you have an ideal weight or if you have a problem. Check the value in the table according to the following values:
    • Below 17: Extreme thinness
    • From 18 to 20: Low weight
    • From 21 to 24: Ideal weight
    • From 25 to 29: Overweight
    • More than 30: Obesity (can be of three degrees, I, II or III (also called morbid obesity))

What do you need

  • A scale to know your weight
  • A flex meter or tape measure with which you can measure your height
  • Use the table provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) to find out the Body Mass Index (BMI)


  • To maintain an ideal weight, it is essential to change your eating habits and eat a balanced diet, as this will make it less likely that you will become overweight or obese.
  • You must put aside the sedentary life you may have and do physical exercise regularly, an average of 60 minutes a day being recommended for young people. In adults, 150 minutes a week may be enough.
  • Rest properly; it is advisable to sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day.

The vast majority of people who reach their  ideal weight , although it is often difficult to know what weight an individual should have, as well as what has to be done to reach it and its maintenance over time. Weather.

Achieving the most appropriate weight for each person does not depend on being on a continuous diet, but on adopting a healthy lifestyle, through proper eating habits accompanied by regular physical exercise.

The ideal weight is the one that allows a person to have an optimal state of health, which will allow them to enjoy the highest possible quality of life. The ideal weight is based on different factors, so it can vary from one person to another depending on their age, gender and constitution, as well as their general state of health. In addition, muscle mass; fat mass and bone mass must be taken into account.

This term is subjective, since it does not have to meet specific parameters, since not all people are the same. In any case, despite the fact that there are many tables that recommend a weight based on height and complexion, the best way to calculate a healthy weight is to go to the  Body Mass Index (BMI) .

Tips to get your ideal weight

To achieve an ideal and healthy weight, you must take care of your diet and combine it with physical exercise; there are different ways to lose weight that you can find in this specific section of our portal.

If you want to reach your ideal weight, it is important to take into account the following considerations:

  • Combine cardiovascular exercise with muscle toning: Exercise is essential to eliminate those extra kilos and reduce body fat, so it is important that you do cardiovascular exercise. The ideal is to combine it with muscle exercise. Training designed to activate aerobic capacity allows you to consume more calories. Muscle training, for its part, favors the increase in muscle mass.
  • Train at least three times a week: The most advisable thing for anyone who wants to lose weight to find their ideal weight is to train at least three times a week. You should look for the activities that motivate and like you the most and organize your schedules to be able to exercise. Do not abandon it after a few days and try to always maintain maximum motivation.
  • Use a personal trainer: If you want to achieve good results faster and in a healthy way, the best option is to use a personal trainer. He will be the one in charge of creating a totally personalized and tailor-made training that you will have to follow in order to achieve your ideal weight.
  • Maintain a balanced diet: Beyond physical exercise, it is just as important to maintain a balanced diet. Diet is an aspect that you must take care of if your goal is to lose weight. This is because it is largely responsible for you being able to achieve your ideal weight. It will be useless for you to do a lot of physical exercise if you then neglect your diet. There are a large number of diets that you can follow, but the most appropriate thing is to go to a professional who is in charge of designing a diet totally adapted to your tastes and schedules. This way it will be easier for you to maintain healthy eating habits.
  • Rest: In addition to everything outlined above, it is important that if you want to lose weight, you also rest well, it being advisable that you sleep around 6 to 8 hours a day.

Tips to maintain the ideal weight

Once you manage to lose weight and reach a weight that is considered ideal taking into account the Body Mass Index (BMI), you should not let yourself go and abandon yourself, but rather you should take into account a series of fundamental tips to  maintain the weight ideal and never gain a few extra kilos again:

  • If you have been following a diet to reach the ideal weight for you, keep in mind those foods that were the most recommended and which ones you should continue to leave aside in your diet. As a general rule, fruits, vegetables and fresh foods will continue to be preferable, and very salty, very sweet or fatty foods worse.
  • Try not to forbid yourself foods, since it is very likely that if you do so, you will want to consume them more. For this reason, try to keep control and not obsess over forbidden foods.
  • Eat five meals a day. In this way you will avoid eating between meals and you will arrive with enough energy for the main meals, at the same time that you will make your metabolism more accelerated, with the advantage that this entails when it comes to burning fat and achieving optimal weight.
  • When one day you have eaten more than necessary, try to increase the physical exercise you already do, for which you can do physical activity one more day in the week or increase the time of your exercise sessions.
  • Don’t skip meals. It is important for you to maintain a balance that you do not skip meals.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: Drinking fluids is very important. This will help you avoid fluid retention, eliminate toxins, as well as improve your metabolism. It is advisable to drink two liters a day.
  • Control your weight without obsessing: Try to weigh yourself every week or every 10 days, which will allow you to know if you are doing the maintenance right or if there is some aspect that you should refine.


  1. To know your ideal weight, you must first take a scale and weigh yourself, it being preferable to take the measurement in the morning and fasting, since during the day the different drinks and meals you have made can cause the weight to vary.
  2. Then proceed to use a tape measure or flex meter to measure your height, if you do not know it.
  3. Once you have collected the data related to both weight and height, it will be time to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI). Its formula is:  BMI = Body Weight (Kg) / height box in meters.
  4. Based on this formula, a value will be obtained, from which, using the table of the World Health Organization (WHO), you will be able to know if you have an ideal weight or if you have a problem. Check the value in the table according to the following values:
    • Below 17: Extreme thinness
    • From 18 to 20: Low weight
    • From 21 to 24: Ideal weight
    • From 25 to 29: Overweight
    • More than 30: Obesity (can be of three degrees, I, II or III (also called morbid obesity))

What do you need

  • A scale to know your weight
  • A flex meter or tape measure with which you can measure your height
  • Use the table provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) to find out the Body Mass Index (BMI)


  • To maintain an ideal weight, it is essential to change your eating habits and eat a balanced diet, as this will make it less likely that you will become overweight or obese.
  • You must put aside the sedentary life you may have and do physical exercise regularly, an average of 60 minutes a day being recommended for young people. In adults, 150 minutes a week may be enough.
  • Rest properly; it is advisable to sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day.
WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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