What Can I Take To Lose Weight?

If you suffer from an overweight problem and want to lose weight, you can try to speed up your metabolism in order to reduce your weight. Although for genetic reasons it may be more or less complicated, it can always be modified to optimize the loss of those extra kilos.

Over the next few lines we are going to give you a series of tips that will help you speed up your metabolism, as well as other solutions you can take to lose weight.

Lose weight by modifying metabolism

If you want to know what you can take to modify your metabolism and thus lose weight, you should take into account the following tips:

Eat a nutritious breakfast every day

In the morning you should eat nutritious food for breakfast, something that is essential to get the metabolism to work properly.

This will give your body enough energy, energy that it will get from low-fat sources. It is recommended to have a light dinner and a good healthy breakfast.

Include green tea in your diet

The antioxidant properties of green tea are well known, but it also helps to accelerate metabolism and, therefore, to lose weight more quickly.

In this way, all those people who include green tea in their diet can lose weight more quickly, although other factors must also be taken into account.

It is recommended to drink around five cups of green tea a day, thanks to which you will have more energy in exchange for very few calories.

Eat foods rich in omega 3

If you want to know how to increase your metabolism in order to lose weight, it is important that you eat foods rich in omega 3. This is found in fish such as salmon and tuna, and also helps regulate blood sugar levels.

If you do not like to eat fish or prefer other types of food, you can resort to taking omega 3 supplements. Failing that, you can add some nuts to your diet.

Avoid Trans fats

These types of fats are totally negative, since they reduce the body’s ability to eliminate fat. This is because they alter the cells of the body, in addition to being able to generate resistance to insulin. You should avoid eating this type of food if you want to lose weight.

Increase protein intake

Protein-rich foods take longer to digest, meaning you can feel full and satisfied for longer, while your metabolism works to burn fat. In addition, protein consumption allows you to gain muscle instead of fat.

Weight loss drinks

Always keeping in mind that there are no magic solutions to lose weight in a healthy and fast way, it is advisable to resort to different drinks that will help you achieve your goal.

Even if you choose to prepare the following drinks, it is always necessary to remember the importance of drinking two liters of water a day, as it is a great way to combat fat and lose weight.

Some of the best juices and juices for weight loss are as follows:

Coconut Water Juice

This is one of the drinks that have a lower number of calories. It has many electrolytes that help the nervous system and calm anxiety. Increases metabolism and helps keep skin fresh.

Green Tea

Green tea should be drunk cold for it to be more effective, a drink that when you drink it you will be accelerating the metabolism to burn fat much faster. It is one of the best drinks to get rid of those extra kilos that you may have.

Kiwi, Spinach and Lettuce Juice

With a blender you can quickly make this juice in which you must place a kiwi, two spinach and three (or less) lettuce leaves. Add cold water and, if you want, also some sweeter fruit and you can enjoy this preparation.

It is a juice that makes you burn calories more quickly, in addition to being an antioxidant.

Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice is an excellent option for those looking for a fruit that will help speed up metabolism, lose fat and lose weight quickly. It is recommended to drink a glass a day on an empty stomach.

Jamaica’s water

To be able to make this preparation you have to buy the flowers at an herbalist, to later boil them for five minutes and already have water with diuretic properties, important for losing weight. You can take it up to three times daily.

Ginger tea

Ginger helps when it comes to naturally eliminating fat, in addition to favoring those people who have respiratory problems. On the other hand, it should not be taken by people suffering from high blood pressure.

Blueberry juice

Blueberries have excellent properties to treat infections, but also to eliminate fats that accumulate within the body.

A good cranberry juice is a good way to lose weight; it is advisable to drink two glasses a day. In addition, you can also make jam with this same fruit if you prefer.

Hot water with lemon

Thanks to the vitamin C that lemon contains, defenses are improved, but this fruit also allows you to lose weight naturally by contributing to the metabolism of fats.

To make this preparation you just have to squeeze two or three lemons in a liter of water and boil the mixture for five minutes.

Artichoke water

The artichoke is very good for eliminating fats and toxins and, in addition, purifying the liver. You can take it daily. It is enough to boil it in water for about twenty minutes and then take its juice.

Papaya juice

Papaya has an enzyme called pain that is responsible for preventing fat from accumulating, releasing it naturally, being one of the most recommended juices in diets.

Natural supplements for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you can also choose to take some natural supplements that promote fat burning, such as:

  • Chitosan: This product that comes from fish is frequently used to lose weight. It is the sugar that is extracted from the outer layers of lobsters, crabs and shrimp, and its function is to help prevent the absorption of fats and cholesterol.
  • Glucomannan: Substance from the Kona plant helps to lose weight thanks to the contribution of natural fiber that it gives to the body.
  • Raspberry ketone: Helps burn fat, being widely used in many pills marketed as supplements.
  • Bitter orange: It is one of the most common ingredients in weight loss supplements, as it helps burn more calories.
  • Chromium pollinate: Thanks to the fact that it improves the insulin response, it has an effect that causes the greatest fat burning and increases muscle mass.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): The consumption of CLA helps in reducing fat and also in reducing appetite.
  • Caffeine : Caffeine is a natural supplement that helps  speed up metabolism, making sure that it can increase fat burning by up to almost 30%.


  •  To achieve the best results when it comes to losing weight, you need to combine the acceleration of metabolism with a good balanced diet and physical exercise.
  • Learn to follow a good diet to lose weight, avoiding miracle diets that can offer bad results in the long term.
  • Do not abuse the intake of weight loss supplements or juices. Find a balance to get the best results.
  • You should avoid a sedentary lifestyle and try to be an active person at all times, changing your daily habits.

If you suffer from an overweight problem and want to lose weight, you can try to speed up your metabolism in order to reduce your weight. Although for genetic reasons it may be more or less complicated, it can always be modified to optimize the loss of those extra kilos.

Over the next few lines we are going to give you a series of tips that will help you speed up your metabolism, as well as other solutions you can take to lose weight.

Lose weight by modifying metabolism

If you want to know what you can take to modify your metabolism and thus lose weight, you should take into account the following tips:

Eat a nutritious breakfast every day

In the morning you should eat nutritious food for breakfast, something that is essential to get the metabolism to work properly.

This will give your body enough energy, energy that it will get from low-fat sources. It is recommended to have a light dinner and a good healthy breakfast.

Include green tea in your diet

The antioxidant properties of green tea are well known, but it also helps to accelerate metabolism and, therefore, to lose weight more quickly.

In this way, all those people who include green tea in their diet can lose weight more quickly, although other factors must also be taken into account.

It is recommended to drink around five cups of green tea a day, thanks to which you will have more energy in exchange for very few calories.

Eat foods rich in omega 3

If you want to know how to increase your metabolism in order to lose weight, it is important that you eat foods rich in omega 3. This is found in fish such as salmon and tuna, and also helps regulate blood sugar levels.

If you do not like to eat fish or prefer other types of food, you can resort to taking omega 3 supplements. Failing that, you can add some nuts to your diet.

Avoid Trans fats

These types of fats are totally negative, since they reduce the body’s ability to eliminate fat. This is because they alter the cells of the body, in addition to being able to generate resistance to insulin. You should avoid eating this type of food if you want to lose weight.

Increase protein intake

Protein-rich foods take longer to digest, meaning you can feel full and satisfied for longer, while your metabolism works to burn fat. In addition, protein consumption allows you to gain muscle instead of fat.

Weight loss drinks

Always keeping in mind that there are no magic solutions to lose weight in a healthy and fast way, it is advisable to resort to different drinks that will help you achieve your goal.

Even if you choose to prepare the following drinks, it is always necessary to remember the importance of drinking two liters of water a day, as it is a great way to combat fat and lose weight.

Some of the best juices and juices for weight loss are as follows:

Coconut Water Juice

This is one of the drinks that have a lower number of calories. It has many electrolytes that help the nervous system and calm anxiety. Increases metabolism and helps keep skin fresh.

Green Tea

Green tea should be drunk cold for it to be more effective, a drink that when you drink it you will be accelerating the metabolism to burn fat much faster. It is one of the best drinks to get rid of those extra kilos that you may have.

Kiwi, Spinach and Lettuce Juice

With a blender you can quickly make this juice in which you must place a kiwi, two spinach and three (or less) lettuce leaves. Add cold water and, if you want, also some sweeter fruit and you can enjoy this preparation.

It is a juice that makes you burn calories more quickly, in addition to being an antioxidant.

Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice is an excellent option for those looking for a fruit that will help speed up metabolism, lose fat and lose weight quickly. It is recommended to drink a glass a day on an empty stomach.

Jamaica’s water

To be able to make this preparation you have to buy the flowers at an herbalist, to later boil them for five minutes and already have water with diuretic properties, important for losing weight. You can take it up to three times daily.

Ginger tea

Ginger helps when it comes to naturally eliminating fat, in addition to favoring those people who have respiratory problems. On the other hand, it should not be taken by people suffering from high blood pressure.

Blueberry juice

Blueberries have excellent properties to treat infections, but also to eliminate fats that accumulate within the body.

A good cranberry juice is a good way to lose weight; it is advisable to drink two glasses a day. In addition, you can also make jam with this same fruit if you prefer.

Hot water with lemon

Thanks to the vitamin C that lemon contains, defenses are improved, but this fruit also allows you to lose weight naturally by contributing to the metabolism of fats.

To make this preparation you just have to squeeze two or three lemons in a liter of water and boil the mixture for five minutes.

Artichoke water

The artichoke is very good for eliminating fats and toxins and, in addition, purifying the liver. You can take it daily. It is enough to boil it in water for about twenty minutes and then take its juice.

Papaya juice

Papaya has an enzyme called pain that is responsible for preventing fat from accumulating, releasing it naturally, being one of the most recommended juices in diets.

Natural supplements for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you can also choose to take some natural supplements that promote fat burning, such as:

  • Chitosan: This product that comes from fish is frequently used to lose weight. It is the sugar that is extracted from the outer layers of lobsters, crabs and shrimp, and its function is to help prevent the absorption of fats and cholesterol.
  • Glucomannan: Substance from the Kona plant helps to lose weight thanks to the contribution of natural fiber that it gives to the body.
  • Raspberry ketone: Helps burn fat, being widely used in many pills marketed as supplements.
  • Bitter orange: It is one of the most common ingredients in weight loss supplements, as it helps burn more calories.
  • Chromium pollinate: Thanks to the fact that it improves the insulin response, it has an effect that causes the greatest fat burning and increases muscle mass.
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): The consumption of CLA helps in reducing fat and also in reducing appetite.
  • Caffeine : Caffeine is a natural supplement that helps  speed up metabolism, making sure that it can increase fat burning by up to almost 30%.


  •  To achieve the best results when it comes to losing weight, you need to combine the acceleration of metabolism with a good balanced diet and physical exercise.
  • Learn to follow a good diet to lose weight, avoiding miracle diets that can offer bad results in the long term.
  • Do not abuse the intake of weight loss supplements or juices. Find a balance to get the best results.
  • You should avoid a sedentary lifestyle and try to be an active person at all times, changing your daily habits.
WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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