The New Flash Diet 2020

Gaining weight, for some people, is as easy as snapping their fingers. It is enough to speed up the rhythm of the eating routine a little so that the extra kilos begin to appear.  The problem is when we try to lose them. This is indeed a task that becomes uphill.

In recent months, the problem of being overweight has intensified, since the isolation situation has generated anxiety in people and, consequently, a constant desire to eat. Others have gotten creative and given free rein to their culinary imagination by creating new dishes and recipes. But, now that we want to get rid of those extra kilos, what can we do?

If we try it on our own, maybe we’ll get some results, not as fast as we’d like, but we would. However, since we are not professionals in the field, we could inadvertently threaten our health.

Now, this does not mean that all the diets we discover are healthy. Before making the decision to follow one, it is important that we consult a nutritionist or endocrinologist, who will take into account our age, weight, physical condition and other aspects to determine which one is best for us.

However, very often a large number of new diets begin to appear. Have you heard about the new Flash 2020 diet? This diet was conceived by Dr. Manuel Jiménez Cuero, which provides the exact amount of protein a person needs to maintain their body without causing structural losses.

In his opinion, one gram of protein is needed for every kilo a person weighs. But what are the basics of this diet? What is the correct procedure when doing it? What are its benefits and disadvantages? Find out more by reading this post.


It is a normal protein diet, in which a normalized protein intake is provided, while carbohydrates and fats are reduced to achieve a compensation of vitamins, minerals and fluids.

  1. It takes advantage of the characteristics of each person’s metabolism, in order to direct the daily energy consumption towards the body’s reserve deposits. This diet can be followed perfectly and without expert advice. In addition, it guarantees that you will lose at least 10 kilos. In case you want to lose more, you should consult a nutritionist.
  2. The fastest weight loss occurs in just one month. However, in the case of men, the result is usually better and more noticeable.
  3. Another benefit of this diet is that, thanks to its regimen, you can follow it without suffering from discomfort or hunger, since it offers recipes to eat healthy every day. So you won’t have to deal with anxiety attacks or any other similar effects of crash diets.
  4. This new Flash diet is an update of an earlier one. New meal replacements are now incorporated for the 5 recommended daily intakes. In addition to different recipes to make it more bearable.

Now, what is the correct way to follow it? Is there any procedure or protocol in this diet?

What do you need

The new flash diet consists of 3 stages. The first one is the high performance slimming. Initially, it lasts about two or three weeks, and is usually the most complicated. The idea is to put the body into ketosis, burning stored fat for energy, rather than glucose as it normally does.

  • During this phase it is important to eat about 5 times a day, without letting three or four hours pass between each meal. In each of them, you must include a protein food, such as shakes, cereals, soups, creams, crepes, etc.
  • On the other hand, the only foods that are allowed are green vegetables in salad, boiled, steamed or pureed. You should also consume between one and two liters of water per day, in addition to coffee, tea, infusions and unsweetened milk. The intake of fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, fish and eggs is prohibited.
  • The second stage is the reincorporation of food. In it, those foods that we eliminate in the first phase are integrated, at the same time that, gradually, the normal proteins are eliminated.
  • You will still need to consume food 5 times a day, without neglecting nutritional supplements. In this phase you can eat tomato, green beans, eggplant, beets, red peppers, lean meats, white fish, shellfish and shellfish.
  • In the morning you can introduce skimmed dairy products and acidic and watery fruits into the diet. In addition, you will be able to consume some carbohydrates and fats. However, dairy products with higher calories, starches, desserts and fruits that are rich in sugars are still prohibited.
  • The last phase is maintenance. Also known as the food balance stage. During this phase a complete and varied diet is reintroduced. In addition, the support protein elements that we used previously are eliminated.
  • On the other hand, eating routines are organized and the foods to be eaten are selected, taking into account the quantities. The idea is to learn to eat, establish a control system and psychological support that allows maintaining high self-esteem.


From the point of view of the European Medical Institute of Obesity, this diet is not recommended, since it is among the so-called miracle diets, which make claims that are outside the legal or recommended order. This, regarding the promise of losing between 7 and 10 kilos a month.

On the other hand, during the first phase, when the body goes into ketosis, some side effects can occur. For example: bad breath, constipation, headache, dry skin, hair loss, among other similar discomforts.

In addition, experts say that it favors nutritional disorders, causes a rebound effect, and produces loss of muscle mass, insomnia and anxiety attacks. So they don’t recommend it at all.

Now, regardless of whether it is this diet or any other, what is really important is learning to eat and maintaining a routine that favors the person’s health. That is, do not leave it without what is necessary to fight against viruses that cause diseases of all kinds.


The new Flash diet establishes certain recommendations that the person must follow, even if the diet has already been terminated. Among them we find the following:

  1. Eat five times a day in small amounts.
  2. In case you eat vegetables or salads, the proportion can be higher. But, if it is legumes, pasta or rice, you must control the quantities.
  3. Distribute calories throughout the day.
  4. Make compensation. If you exceed one day, the next day you will have to pay a penalty, in order to establish a balance.
  5. Separate fruits from main meals so that you do not exceed the amount of sugar you eat.
  6. Avoid the consumption of desserts. In case you cannot avoid it, or you want to treat yourself from time to time, it is advisable to do it mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
  7. Learn to distinguish what can make you fat and what can’t. This will help you if you don’t know how to keep track of calories.
  8. Seek professional help. Remember that nutritionists are the experts in the field. They will always know what you need to do to look good and maintain good health at the same time.
  9. Don’t put exercise aside. Do physical activity on a regular basis.
  10. Stay well hydrated. Drink about two liters of water per day.

As we have mentioned before, the key to success, for any diet, is learning to eat and that this learning can last throughout life to always be healthy.

Gaining weight, for some people, is as easy as snapping their fingers. It is enough to speed up the rhythm of the eating routine a little so that the extra kilos begin to appear.  The problem is when we try to lose them. This is indeed a task that becomes uphill.

In recent months, the problem of being overweight has intensified, since the isolation situation has generated anxiety in people and, consequently, a constant desire to eat. Others have gotten creative and given free rein to their culinary imagination by creating new dishes and recipes. But, now that we want to get rid of those extra kilos, what can we do?

If we try it on our own, maybe we’ll get some results, not as fast as we’d like, but we would. However, since we are not professionals in the field, we could inadvertently threaten our health.

Now, this does not mean that all the diets we discover are healthy. Before making the decision to follow one, it is important that we consult a nutritionist or endocrinologist, who will take into account our age, weight, physical condition and other aspects to determine which one is best for us.

However, very often a large number of new diets begin to appear. Have you heard about the new Flash 2020 diet? This diet was conceived by Dr. Manuel Jiménez Cuero, which provides the exact amount of protein a person needs to maintain their body without causing structural losses.

In his opinion, one gram of protein is needed for every kilo a person weighs. But what are the basics of this diet? What is the correct procedure when doing it? What are its benefits and disadvantages? Find out more by reading this post.


It is a normal protein diet, in which a normalized protein intake is provided, while carbohydrates and fats are reduced to achieve a compensation of vitamins, minerals and fluids.

  1. It takes advantage of the characteristics of each person’s metabolism, in order to direct the daily energy consumption towards the body’s reserve deposits. This diet can be followed perfectly and without expert advice. In addition, it guarantees that you will lose at least 10 kilos. In case you want to lose more, you should consult a nutritionist.
  2. The fastest weight loss occurs in just one month. However, in the case of men, the result is usually better and more noticeable.
  3. Another benefit of this diet is that, thanks to its regimen, you can follow it without suffering from discomfort or hunger, since it offers recipes to eat healthy every day. So you won’t have to deal with anxiety attacks or any other similar effects of crash diets.
  4. This new Flash diet is an update of an earlier one. New meal replacements are now incorporated for the 5 recommended daily intakes. In addition to different recipes to make it more bearable.

Now, what is the correct way to follow it? Is there any procedure or protocol in this diet?

What do you need

The new flash diet consists of 3 stages. The first one is the high performance slimming. Initially, it lasts about two or three weeks, and is usually the most complicated. The idea is to put the body into ketosis, burning stored fat for energy, rather than glucose as it normally does.

  • During this phase it is important to eat about 5 times a day, without letting three or four hours pass between each meal. In each of them, you must include a protein food, such as shakes, cereals, soups, creams, crepes, etc.
  • On the other hand, the only foods that are allowed are green vegetables in salad, boiled, steamed or pureed. You should also consume between one and two liters of water per day, in addition to coffee, tea, infusions and unsweetened milk. The intake of fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, fish and eggs is prohibited.
  • The second stage is the reincorporation of food. In it, those foods that we eliminate in the first phase are integrated, at the same time that, gradually, the normal proteins are eliminated.
  • You will still need to consume food 5 times a day, without neglecting nutritional supplements. In this phase you can eat tomato, green beans, eggplant, beets, red peppers, lean meats, white fish, shellfish and shellfish.
  • In the morning you can introduce skimmed dairy products and acidic and watery fruits into the diet. In addition, you will be able to consume some carbohydrates and fats. However, dairy products with higher calories, starches, desserts and fruits that are rich in sugars are still prohibited.
  • The last phase is maintenance. Also known as the food balance stage. During this phase a complete and varied diet is reintroduced. In addition, the support protein elements that we used previously are eliminated.
  • On the other hand, eating routines are organized and the foods to be eaten are selected, taking into account the quantities. The idea is to learn to eat, establish a control system and psychological support that allows maintaining high self-esteem.


From the point of view of the European Medical Institute of Obesity, this diet is not recommended, since it is among the so-called miracle diets, which make claims that are outside the legal or recommended order. This, regarding the promise of losing between 7 and 10 kilos a month.

On the other hand, during the first phase, when the body goes into ketosis, some side effects can occur. For example: bad breath, constipation, headache, dry skin, hair loss, among other similar discomforts.

In addition, experts say that it favors nutritional disorders, causes a rebound effect, and produces loss of muscle mass, insomnia and anxiety attacks. So they don’t recommend it at all.

Now, regardless of whether it is this diet or any other, what is really important is learning to eat and maintaining a routine that favors the person’s health. That is, do not leave it without what is necessary to fight against viruses that cause diseases of all kinds.


The new Flash diet establishes certain recommendations that the person must follow, even if the diet has already been terminated. Among them we find the following:

  1. Eat five times a day in small amounts.
  2. In case you eat vegetables or salads, the proportion can be higher. But, if it is legumes, pasta or rice, you must control the quantities.
  3. Distribute calories throughout the day.
  4. Make compensation. If you exceed one day, the next day you will have to pay a penalty, in order to establish a balance.
  5. Separate fruits from main meals so that you do not exceed the amount of sugar you eat.
  6. Avoid the consumption of desserts. In case you cannot avoid it, or you want to treat yourself from time to time, it is advisable to do it mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
  7. Learn to distinguish what can make you fat and what can’t. This will help you if you don’t know how to keep track of calories.
  8. Seek professional help. Remember that nutritionists are the experts in the field. They will always know what you need to do to look good and maintain good health at the same time.
  9. Don’t put exercise aside. Do physical activity on a regular basis.
  10. Stay well hydrated. Drink about two liters of water per day.

As we have mentioned before, the key to success, for any diet, is learning to eat and that this learning can last throughout life to always be healthy.

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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