Take Lupines to Lose Weight

To lose weight, among other foods, one of the foods that is not so well known and the benefits they contain are not known are lupines. Surely, not everyone will know what it is or will know it by another name… but in Spain, in certain regions, these legumes are very typical.

Not everyone knows what lupines are and, in fact, they surely see it every day in markets and/or supermarkets. What are lupines? They are legumes. In fact, their family. For example, if we say: chickpeas, lentils, beans… these vegetables will be very famous for you. The lupines are those yellowish orange colored legumes, round and somewhat flat.

In some areas of Spain, it is common for some bars to offer you, as a free tapa, a tapa of lupines. Lupines, therefore, are like dried fruit (although some people like it better than others). In other parts or as a general, it is given to feed cattle. It has a particular flavor… hence, not everyone likes it. A bit strong.

But apart from the benefits it has (like almost all legumes) there are also people who eat them to help them lose weight. Why do they eat lupines? Obviously, because they contain many vitamins. Such as proteins, fiber, amino acids, omega 3, 6 and 9, calcium, phosphorus and, above all, few calories.


  1. Thinking of eating lupines to lose weight and lose weight really has benefits. Nor should we lose perspective and be realistic… It will always help, but just eating lupines will not lose weight.
  2. Always, you have to exercise, be active, not be sedentary, not drink alcohol, not eat sugar, fat, fried foods, etc.
  3. The fact that it is the optimal lupines to lose weight is that they are legumes with a very low percentage of calories. It hardly has calories and if instead, a lot of proteins. Therefore, if it is combined with a good diet and you do some exercise, you will be able to lose weight.
  4. On the other hand, the fact that among its components fiber is one of the main ones, also helps to lose kilos. Fiber and amino acids help metabolism. In case it is slow, the fiber will help reduce the volume of the abdomen. You’ll have less swelling, less volume, you’ll feel less heavy… but you can’t go overboard eating them either. The excess of lupines is also not good.
  5. There are no magic tricks to eating these legumes, you just have to be sensible and change the way you eat.
  6. For example, if you want to lose a few kilos you must change the diet. In case you eat sweets or snack… leave it. Something that will work for you in this case is to replace industrial pastries or salty products and even any carbonated and/or sugary drink with lupines. A handful would do you good. You will see how by doing this, you will see how you improve physically and lose weight.
  7. You can go eating them in handfuls, at noon to kill hunger or for a snack and not be tempted to eat less caloric things. If, even so, you are not too convinced by the idea of ​​eating them “alone”, you can choose to make salads and put them inside. Just as healthy as a lentil salad, bean salad, chickpea salad… all of them are vegetables and proteins and healthy.
  8. This legume, the lupines, is also known by other names, such as: the chowchows or the white lupine. As we said, in each region, they have their own name or are known that way.
  9. Lupines or white lupines are increasingly being used in food for human consumption. In fact, more and more countries are signing up to test all its benefits and get the most out of them. To do this, they crush it, grind it, mix it, etc. From taking advantage of them to enrich milk and dairy products, through meats and sausages (among others).
  10. Except for people with illnesses who should go to the doctor first, the rest can consume lupines without much problem. If you suffer from any type of disease, it is essential that your doctor prescribes it. In fact, for people with high blood pressure or sugar problems (as in the case of diabetics), the doctor or dietitian usually recommends eating this particular type of legume. Since it hardly contains fat, the fats it has are healthy; it contains a multitude of vitamins and benefits to improve health problems.
  11. As we always recommend and that you should know, before wanting to lose weight eating lupines, you should have a medical check-up. In this way, you will know if you can go on a diet, if you can eat lupines daily, etc. You will surely wonder why. Easy. This legume is full of advantages, but it may not be beneficial for all cases. For example, pregnant women and for people with high blood pressure or health problems.
  12. To cook lupines and have ideas on how to eat them, we give you some very simple and, above all, healthy recipes (which is about being able to lose weight). For example, the simplest, eat these legumes as a snack. Another very healthy and quick option, in salads. As we mentioned, prepared as if they were another type of legume. Take into account the amounts (do not exceed one hundred grams). Prepare it in a hummus version (all crushed with a little water, olive oil, garlic, a bit of black pepper and half a lemon squeezed), prepare them as is, with half a lemon squeezed on top to give it that more acidic touch, add a little Tabasco or some hot sauce, etc.
  13. As a complement to the meat, you can make up adding lupines. Or whole, or laminated or chopped. To your liking and even toast them a little to give it a crunchy and different touches. Grilled or baked. Keep in mind that the basis of losing weight is to take care of how you cook. For this reason, forget about fats, fried foods, oil and fried foods. You have to cook as healthy as possible if you want to lose weight.
  14. Another important point, not everyone likes lupines so salty. Therefore, if the purchases seem very salty to you, you can reduce them. How is it done? Soak them in water for a while to remove excess salt. Then drain them.

What do you need

  •   lupines
  • Get a medical checkup before doing any type of diet.
  • Combine diet with physical exercise.
  • Make a diet that is balanced.


Lupines, having such a high amount of protein, help to satiate the stomach, take away hunger and the desire to snack and, in turn, help to lose weight. Lupines, having such a high amount of protein, help to satiate the stomach, take away hunger and the desire to snack and, in turn, help to lose weight. They go well, therefore, for diets or for diets that are low in calories and/or protein. 

A way to keep a good control of the amount that should be consumed so as not to overdo it and that it is excessive, which can also bring with it less desirable effects such as flatulence, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, etc. Because think they are legumes. You always have to make a value of about one hundred grams. Taking this amount as a reference, the calories they have are just over a hundred. It’s not bad at all.

To lose weight, among other foods, one of the foods that is not so well known and the benefits they contain are not known are lupines. Surely, not everyone will know what it is or will know it by another name… but in Spain, in certain regions, these legumes are very typical.

Not everyone knows what lupines are and, in fact, they surely see it every day in markets and/or supermarkets. What are lupines? They are legumes. In fact, their family. For example, if we say: chickpeas, lentils, beans… these vegetables will be very famous for you. The lupines are those yellowish orange colored legumes, round and somewhat flat.

In some areas of Spain, it is common for some bars to offer you, as a free tapa, a tapa of lupines. Lupines, therefore, are like dried fruit (although some people like it better than others). In other parts or as a general, it is given to feed cattle. It has a particular flavor… hence, not everyone likes it. A bit strong.

But apart from the benefits it has (like almost all legumes) there are also people who eat them to help them lose weight. Why do they eat lupines? Obviously, because they contain many vitamins. Such as proteins, fiber, amino acids, omega 3, 6 and 9, calcium, phosphorus and, above all, few calories.


  1. Thinking of eating lupines to lose weight and lose weight really has benefits. Nor should we lose perspective and be realistic… It will always help, but just eating lupines will not lose weight.
  2. Always, you have to exercise, be active, not be sedentary, not drink alcohol, not eat sugar, fat, fried foods, etc.
  3. The fact that it is the optimal lupines to lose weight is that they are legumes with a very low percentage of calories. It hardly has calories and if instead, a lot of proteins. Therefore, if it is combined with a good diet and you do some exercise, you will be able to lose weight.
  4. On the other hand, the fact that among its components fiber is one of the main ones, also helps to lose kilos. Fiber and amino acids help metabolism. In case it is slow, the fiber will help reduce the volume of the abdomen. You’ll have less swelling, less volume, you’ll feel less heavy… but you can’t go overboard eating them either. The excess of lupines is also not good.
  5. There are no magic tricks to eating these legumes, you just have to be sensible and change the way you eat.
  6. For example, if you want to lose a few kilos you must change the diet. In case you eat sweets or snack… leave it. Something that will work for you in this case is to replace industrial pastries or salty products and even any carbonated and/or sugary drink with lupines. A handful would do you good. You will see how by doing this, you will see how you improve physically and lose weight.
  7. You can go eating them in handfuls, at noon to kill hunger or for a snack and not be tempted to eat less caloric things. If, even so, you are not too convinced by the idea of ​​eating them “alone”, you can choose to make salads and put them inside. Just as healthy as a lentil salad, bean salad, chickpea salad… all of them are vegetables and proteins and healthy.
  8. This legume, the lupines, is also known by other names, such as: the chowchows or the white lupine. As we said, in each region, they have their own name or are known that way.
  9. Lupines or white lupines are increasingly being used in food for human consumption. In fact, more and more countries are signing up to test all its benefits and get the most out of them. To do this, they crush it, grind it, mix it, etc. From taking advantage of them to enrich milk and dairy products, through meats and sausages (among others).
  10. Except for people with illnesses who should go to the doctor first, the rest can consume lupines without much problem. If you suffer from any type of disease, it is essential that your doctor prescribes it. In fact, for people with high blood pressure or sugar problems (as in the case of diabetics), the doctor or dietitian usually recommends eating this particular type of legume. Since it hardly contains fat, the fats it has are healthy; it contains a multitude of vitamins and benefits to improve health problems.
  11. As we always recommend and that you should know, before wanting to lose weight eating lupines, you should have a medical check-up. In this way, you will know if you can go on a diet, if you can eat lupines daily, etc. You will surely wonder why. Easy. This legume is full of advantages, but it may not be beneficial for all cases. For example, pregnant women and for people with high blood pressure or health problems.
  12. To cook lupines and have ideas on how to eat them, we give you some very simple and, above all, healthy recipes (which is about being able to lose weight). For example, the simplest, eat these legumes as a snack. Another very healthy and quick option, in salads. As we mentioned, prepared as if they were another type of legume. Take into account the amounts (do not exceed one hundred grams). Prepare it in a hummus version (all crushed with a little water, olive oil, garlic, a bit of black pepper and half a lemon squeezed), prepare them as is, with half a lemon squeezed on top to give it that more acidic touch, add a little Tabasco or some hot sauce, etc.
  13. As a complement to the meat, you can make up adding lupines. Or whole, or laminated or chopped. To your liking and even toast them a little to give it a crunchy and different touches. Grilled or baked. Keep in mind that the basis of losing weight is to take care of how you cook. For this reason, forget about fats, fried foods, oil and fried foods. You have to cook as healthy as possible if you want to lose weight.
  14. Another important point, not everyone likes lupines so salty. Therefore, if the purchases seem very salty to you, you can reduce them. How is it done? Soak them in water for a while to remove excess salt. Then drain them.

What do you need

  •   lupines
  • Get a medical checkup before doing any type of diet.
  • Combine diet with physical exercise.
  • Make a diet that is balanced.


Lupines, having such a high amount of protein, help to satiate the stomach, take away hunger and the desire to snack and, in turn, help to lose weight. Lupines, having such a high amount of protein, help to satiate the stomach, take away hunger and the desire to snack and, in turn, help to lose weight. They go well, therefore, for diets or for diets that are low in calories and/or protein. 

A way to keep a good control of the amount that should be consumed so as not to overdo it and that it is excessive, which can also bring with it less desirable effects such as flatulence, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, etc. Because think they are legumes. You always have to make a value of about one hundred grams. Taking this amount as a reference, the calories they have are just over a hundred. It’s not bad at all.

WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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