Sun Diet

In their quest to lose weight, many people make mistakes that are sometimes irreversible, since they permanently threaten their health. It is true that we all want to look good. However, it is not rational to follow all the advice given to us on this subject.

When choosing a diet, it is important to take into account the opinion of professionals in the field. They will take into account factors that we may overlook. For example, our height, weight, age, among others. In addition, some organisms are more resistant to strict diets, while others are more vulnerable and bear less pressure.

On the other hand, you have to be very careful with the so-called “miracle diets”. That is, those that promises that you will lose a large amount of weight in record time. In general, these diets tend to starve those who practice them and cause major eating disorders.

Some diets are related to lifestyles or the spirituality of people, their relationship with the environment, the cosmos, the universe and other similar forces. In this regard, in recent decades hundreds of philosophies have emerged that encourage a diet out of the ordinary.

One such new trend is the Sunshine Diet. Some might confuse it with the diet that promotes the intake of foods rich in beta-carotene, antioxidants and fibers, which allow you to lose kilos, at the same time that the tan color of the skin is enhanced. However, it is a very different diet.

Have you heard of the sun diet? What is its foundation? What are the benefits highlighted by your followers? What risks does it have for health? Is it scientifically recommended? In this short article we will be answering these questions.


It is part of a philosophy that is based on the observance of the sun. He affirms that looking at the sun the body receives energy from the star king and that this energy is capable of curing different types of diseases, providing a feeling of well-being and even feeding the body. Therefore, they refrain from consuming any other food.

Hire Rattan Mane is one of the representatives and followers of this movement. He claims that sunlight enters the brain and that, in this way, the whole body is recharged. Then there is no longer any hunger or desire to eat, since the body has the ability to receive solar energy and transform it into any other type that we need.

In fact, he assures that he has been living for about 21 years without eating anything at all. According to him, she only feeds on solar energy and liquids. Although, in reality, there is no way to confirm that his claims are true. But is this diet beneficial? Does it really work? We’ll be looking at it right now.

The reality of the sun diet

Although this philosophy has gained strength quickly, several alarms have been raised after the death of a 50-year-old woman in Switzerland. She had been feeding only from the sun for 4 weeks. But, upon doing the autopsy, she revealed that she had starved to death. However, this is not an isolated case. Similar reports have been filed in Germany, Australia and the UK.

It is interesting to mention the fact that every day at least 100,000 people die from lack of food. A year would be about 36 million and a half. Detractors of this diet maintain that, if this system were true, there should not be deaths from starvation, since the source of energy from the sun is inexhaustible and available to everyone.

This is a subject on which there is not much scientific research. What we do know is that for sunlight to be transformed into food, it is necessary for chlorophyll to intervene, a green substance that is present in plants. But, the human being does not possess it, so we cannot transform sunlight into energy. However, the sun does bring great benefits. Let’s see what they are.

 What do you need?

The sun favors the production of vitamin D, which is naturally present in few foods and helps with the calcification of bones and teeth, because it allows the body to absorb the calcium it needs. For this production to be achieved, it will be enough for you to expose yourself to the sun for about 10 or 15 minutes, directly, about 3 days a week.

  • Regulates the functioning of the metabolism in a natural way. That is, it does help you lose weight.
  • The sun increases the immune response of our body by increasing the number of white blood cells and lymphocytes in the blood, which reduces the chances of contracting infections. It also improves muscle tone, increases overall stamina, and stimulates nerve endings.
  • Sunlight is necessary to metabolize cholesterol, which lowers its levels in the blood.
  • Moderate sunbathing helps improve the appearance of skin with diseases such as psoriasis and acne.
  •  It stimulates the production of serotonin and endorphins, substances that are considered antidepressants and relaxants. In addition, they regulate aspects such as body temperature and sexual activity. In view of its effects on melatonin, it helps you sleep better.

How to sunbathe to lose weight?

In order for you to obtain the benefits mentioned above, including losing weight, it is important that you follow these recommendations:

  • Sunbathe before 12 noon and after 4 in the afternoon.
  • Do not expose yourself too long; a half hour will be enough to achieve the aforementioned benefits.
  •  Continually hydrate. Get up from time to time so that the skin can be oxygenated.
  • No problem if you sweat a little. In fact, remember that sweat helps cleanse your body and promotes fat loss naturally.
  • It doesn’t matter if the day is cloudy. You can continue with your routine even if there are gray days too.

The best thing you can do is go to an endocrinologist to assign you a personalized diet and you can lose weight using the sun as your ally. Now, you have to keep in mind that all extremes are bad. Not because the sun is good for you, does it mean that you should expose yourself too much. Let’s look at some negative effects of the sun.


Some consider themselves addicted to the sun and to showing off an extraordinary tan. Therefore, in addition to exposing themselves to it directly, they pay for expensive sessions in tanning beds. However, excessive exposure to the sun’s rays can have negative effects on our skin and other parts of the body. For example:

  • It stimulates the appearance of skin cancer: experts indicate that overexposure to the sun produces different forms of cancer, such as melanomas, basal cell or skin cysts and squamous cell or tumors that appear as nodules and red spots.
  • Produces premature aging: wrinkles the dermis prematurely.
  • Causes eye injuries: recent studies have shown that the radiation emitted by the sun increases the possibility of suffering from cataracts.
  • Too much sun causes the opposite effect on our immune system, weakening it and leaving us without defenses, just as it happens with the defenses of the skin.
  • Produces burns: when exposed to the sun for more than 30 minutes, directly, the skin burns, which produce redness, itching and even swelling of the dermis, one of the layers of the skin.

In conclusion, we could say that all extremes are bad. Given that we are in confinement due to Covid-19, we must establish a routine for sunbathing, since it brings many benefits. However, you should not overdo it so that you do not suffer some of the consequences that we have mentioned.

In their quest to lose weight, many people make mistakes that are sometimes irreversible, since they permanently threaten their health. It is true that we all want to look good. However, it is not rational to follow all the advice given to us on this subject.

When choosing a diet, it is important to take into account the opinion of professionals in the field. They will take into account factors that we may overlook. For example, our height, weight, age, among others. In addition, some organisms are more resistant to strict diets, while others are more vulnerable and bear less pressure.

On the other hand, you have to be very careful with the so-called “miracle diets”. That is, those that promises that you will lose a large amount of weight in record time. In general, these diets tend to starve those who practice them and cause major eating disorders.

Some diets are related to lifestyles or the spirituality of people, their relationship with the environment, the cosmos, the universe and other similar forces. In this regard, in recent decades hundreds of philosophies have emerged that encourage a diet out of the ordinary.

One such new trend is the Sunshine Diet. Some might confuse it with the diet that promotes the intake of foods rich in beta-carotene, antioxidants and fibers, which allow you to lose kilos, at the same time that the tan color of the skin is enhanced. However, it is a very different diet.

Have you heard of the sun diet? What is its foundation? What are the benefits highlighted by your followers? What risks does it have for health? Is it scientifically recommended? In this short article we will be answering these questions.


It is part of a philosophy that is based on the observance of the sun. He affirms that looking at the sun the body receives energy from the star king and that this energy is capable of curing different types of diseases, providing a feeling of well-being and even feeding the body. Therefore, they refrain from consuming any other food.

Hire Rattan Mane is one of the representatives and followers of this movement. He claims that sunlight enters the brain and that, in this way, the whole body is recharged. Then there is no longer any hunger or desire to eat, since the body has the ability to receive solar energy and transform it into any other type that we need.

In fact, he assures that he has been living for about 21 years without eating anything at all. According to him, she only feeds on solar energy and liquids. Although, in reality, there is no way to confirm that his claims are true. But is this diet beneficial? Does it really work? We’ll be looking at it right now.

The reality of the sun diet

Although this philosophy has gained strength quickly, several alarms have been raised after the death of a 50-year-old woman in Switzerland. She had been feeding only from the sun for 4 weeks. But, upon doing the autopsy, she revealed that she had starved to death. However, this is not an isolated case. Similar reports have been filed in Germany, Australia and the UK.

It is interesting to mention the fact that every day at least 100,000 people die from lack of food. A year would be about 36 million and a half. Detractors of this diet maintain that, if this system were true, there should not be deaths from starvation, since the source of energy from the sun is inexhaustible and available to everyone.

This is a subject on which there is not much scientific research. What we do know is that for sunlight to be transformed into food, it is necessary for chlorophyll to intervene, a green substance that is present in plants. But, the human being does not possess it, so we cannot transform sunlight into energy. However, the sun does bring great benefits. Let’s see what they are.

 What do you need?

The sun favors the production of vitamin D, which is naturally present in few foods and helps with the calcification of bones and teeth, because it allows the body to absorb the calcium it needs. For this production to be achieved, it will be enough for you to expose yourself to the sun for about 10 or 15 minutes, directly, about 3 days a week.

  • Regulates the functioning of the metabolism in a natural way. That is, it does help you lose weight.
  • The sun increases the immune response of our body by increasing the number of white blood cells and lymphocytes in the blood, which reduces the chances of contracting infections. It also improves muscle tone, increases overall stamina, and stimulates nerve endings.
  • Sunlight is necessary to metabolize cholesterol, which lowers its levels in the blood.
  • Moderate sunbathing helps improve the appearance of skin with diseases such as psoriasis and acne.
  •  It stimulates the production of serotonin and endorphins, substances that are considered antidepressants and relaxants. In addition, they regulate aspects such as body temperature and sexual activity. In view of its effects on melatonin, it helps you sleep better.

How to sunbathe to lose weight?

In order for you to obtain the benefits mentioned above, including losing weight, it is important that you follow these recommendations:

  • Sunbathe before 12 noon and after 4 in the afternoon.
  • Do not expose yourself too long; a half hour will be enough to achieve the aforementioned benefits.
  •  Continually hydrate. Get up from time to time so that the skin can be oxygenated.
  • No problem if you sweat a little. In fact, remember that sweat helps cleanse your body and promotes fat loss naturally.
  • It doesn’t matter if the day is cloudy. You can continue with your routine even if there are gray days too.

The best thing you can do is go to an endocrinologist to assign you a personalized diet and you can lose weight using the sun as your ally. Now, you have to keep in mind that all extremes are bad. Not because the sun is good for you, does it mean that you should expose yourself too much. Let’s look at some negative effects of the sun.


Some consider themselves addicted to the sun and to showing off an extraordinary tan. Therefore, in addition to exposing themselves to it directly, they pay for expensive sessions in tanning beds. However, excessive exposure to the sun’s rays can have negative effects on our skin and other parts of the body. For example:

  • It stimulates the appearance of skin cancer: experts indicate that overexposure to the sun produces different forms of cancer, such as melanomas, basal cell or skin cysts and squamous cell or tumors that appear as nodules and red spots.
  • Produces premature aging: wrinkles the dermis prematurely.
  • Causes eye injuries: recent studies have shown that the radiation emitted by the sun increases the possibility of suffering from cataracts.
  • Too much sun causes the opposite effect on our immune system, weakening it and leaving us without defenses, just as it happens with the defenses of the skin.
  • Produces burns: when exposed to the sun for more than 30 minutes, directly, the skin burns, which produce redness, itching and even swelling of the dermis, one of the layers of the skin.

In conclusion, we could say that all extremes are bad. Given that we are in confinement due to Covid-19, we must establish a routine for sunbathing, since it brings many benefits. However, you should not overdo it so that you do not suffer some of the consequences that we have mentioned.

WeightNotes Staff
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