Natural Protein Shake with Milk.

If what we want is to increase our muscle volume. We must take into account what is the key to the growth and development of muscle. And no, we are not referring to spending hours and hours in the gym training hard, but to the diet that you maintain at home. Well, it’s no use training hard, if you don’t eat well afterwards, or at least supply the muscle with the amounts of protein it requires to grow. That is why today we want to dedicate ourselves to sharing with our audience a powerful, simple and economical protein shake with ingredients that you surely have at home.

If you think that only proteins belonging to fitness brands are the only ones that have an effect, then just give this shake a try. Not only will it provide you with the amounts of protein you require, but it will also leave you with a full stomach. Almost as much as if it were a snack or breakfast.

But hey, enough talk with the protein shake; let’s get to know what the ingredients are for its preparation.


To begin with, we must make sure we have all the necessary ingredients for this smoothie. It must be said that it is a “super bottle” loaded with many ingredients. Each one in order to provide energy, carbohydrates, fiber, but above all, protein. In addition, we are going to comment on some substitute ingredients, which it is good to take into consideration.

  • 85g skim milk powder (whole milk is also feasible; however skim milk contains less fat).
  • 85g of Oatmeal in flakes.
  • A plantain, banana or camber (Depending on how you know it in your country).
  • 2 spinach leaves.
  • A raw egg, or if possible, just the white of it.

Those are the necessary ingredients to prepare this protein shake, but as we said at the beginning of this post. Some of its ingredients can be replaced by others, with the same or greater effect. To begin with, powdered milk can be replaced by vitamin-enhanced milk, which contains less protein, but has a higher supply of minerals and vitamins. If you choose this option, it is recommended to add a little soy protein powder to the protein shake.

Another ingredient that can be substituted is the banana for the sour soup. Since both are fruits rich in potassium, which means that they will provide energy to the body. However, any other fruit could also work as a substitute, perhaps not providing energy, but other benefits.

Preparation of the protein shake.

The process of preparing this milkshake is nothing special; it is practically the same as making a meringue.

  1. Pour a glass and a half of water into the blender.
  2. Proceed to add the ingredients such as milk, oatmeal, raw egg.
  3. Remember to wash the spinach leaves before adding them to the smoothie, and as for the banana, remove the shell and chop it into slices.
  4. Blend everything until you have a smooth protein shake.

In case you prefer it more liquid, add more water. The only thing you can’t do is add sugar. Enough with the sweetness of the milk and the fruit you add. This protein shake is great as a snack or as a post workout shake. It is not recommended pre training because of how heavy it is. What could cause you to vomit during your training?

If what we want is to increase our muscle volume. We must take into account what is the key to the growth and development of muscle. And no, we are not referring to spending hours and hours in the gym training hard, but to the diet that you maintain at home. Well, it’s no use training hard, if you don’t eat well afterwards, or at least supply the muscle with the amounts of protein it requires to grow. That is why today we want to dedicate ourselves to sharing with our audience a powerful, simple and economical protein shake with ingredients that you surely have at home.

If you think that only proteins belonging to fitness brands are the only ones that have an effect, then just give this shake a try. Not only will it provide you with the amounts of protein you require, but it will also leave you with a full stomach. Almost as much as if it were a snack or breakfast.

But hey, enough talk with the protein shake; let’s get to know what the ingredients are for its preparation.


To begin with, we must make sure we have all the necessary ingredients for this smoothie. It must be said that it is a “super bottle” loaded with many ingredients. Each one in order to provide energy, carbohydrates, fiber, but above all, protein. In addition, we are going to comment on some substitute ingredients, which it is good to take into consideration.

  • 85g skim milk powder (whole milk is also feasible; however skim milk contains less fat).
  • 85g of Oatmeal in flakes.
  • A plantain, banana or camber (Depending on how you know it in your country).
  • 2 spinach leaves.
  • A raw egg, or if possible, just the white of it.

Those are the necessary ingredients to prepare this protein shake, but as we said at the beginning of this post. Some of its ingredients can be replaced by others, with the same or greater effect. To begin with, powdered milk can be replaced by vitamin-enhanced milk, which contains less protein, but has a higher supply of minerals and vitamins. If you choose this option, it is recommended to add a little soy protein powder to the protein shake.

Another ingredient that can be substituted is the banana for the sour soup. Since both are fruits rich in potassium, which means that they will provide energy to the body. However, any other fruit could also work as a substitute, perhaps not providing energy, but other benefits.

Preparation of the protein shake.

The process of preparing this milkshake is nothing special; it is practically the same as making a meringue.

  1. Pour a glass and a half of water into the blender.
  2. Proceed to add the ingredients such as milk, oatmeal, raw egg.
  3. Remember to wash the spinach leaves before adding them to the smoothie, and as for the banana, remove the shell and chop it into slices.
  4. Blend everything until you have a smooth protein shake.

In case you prefer it more liquid, add more water. The only thing you can’t do is add sugar. Enough with the sweetness of the milk and the fruit you add. This protein shake is great as a snack or as a post workout shake. It is not recommended pre training because of how heavy it is. What could cause you to vomit during your training?

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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