IMEO Recommendations for Weight Loss

By not having a good physical activity and eating in an unbalanced way, it is very easy to gain weight. The truth is that this system pushes us more and more to lead a sedentary life. However, the current world conditions also contribute their grain of sand.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, hundreds of people have had to replace their usual workplaces with the comfort of their homes. It is true that they have a work schedule with which they must comply. However, they now have more freedoms. For example, they can rest more or calm anxiety, caused by work and their current situation, with food.

Of course, eating uncontrollably, it will soon become apparent that there are a few extra pounds, what to do in that case? A diet would be the solution. However, we cannot choose just anyone. It is important that we make sure that the one you select does not affect our health in a negative way.

Many people follow their own theory about what they should and shouldn’t eat. However, you must remember that health comes first. You do not want the diet you follow to affect your body and leave you without defenses to fight different viruses and infections.

For this reason, the best option available to you is the one offered by the European Medical Institute of Obesity. As they are professionals in the field, they offer you diets that will have a positive impact on your life. But where can you find them? You don’t have to read other articles! Here we have them at your disposal!

Knowing these diets offers you the possibility of selecting the one that best suits your tastes and needs. That way you will be able to lose weight in a healthy way, which is the goal we pursue while we are in confinement.


When selecting a diet, whether for weight loss or weight gain, the most important thing is that it be safe and effective. The IMEO (European Medical Institute on Obesity) recommends diets that, in addition to helping you lose 6 kilos a month, also allow you to enjoy a healthy life.

They are supported by the professional opinion of endocrinologists, bariatric surgeons, clinical and sports nutritionists, among many other specialists in the field and associated with it.

Now, what diet can you choose? Which one fits more and better to your current confinement needs? We’ll be looking at it right now. Therefore, pay close attention so that you can recover your figure and weight.

Vegan diet

In this diet, animal meat and all its derivatives are completely excluded. In addition, since it is a lifestyle, it encourages rooting in nature and a good relationship with the environment.

This culture has gained strength in recent decades, making it a significant group of people today, despite being a strict lifestyle. However, the benefits are wonderful for the body.

Some confuse vegans with vegetarians. However, the latter do eat products derived from animals such as honey, eggs and milk. While vegans abstain from all of them.

To these some you may wonder what they can eat. Some of the allowed foods are: legumes, vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals, nuts, vegetable milk, olive oil, sugar, among others.

What are the benefits of the vegan diet? Among them we could mention the following: enjoy good physical and spiritual health, keep cholesterol levels controlled, have controlled blood pressure, less chance of heart disease, have controlled weight, etc.

But, if you think that this diet is very strict, we have other options that may seem more attractive to you. Let’s see them.

The volumetric diet

This is an excellent option for those who prefer to feel satisfied when they finish eating. However, it is important to keep the amount of calories you consume at each meal in check.

If on other occasions you have started a diet without success, you will be interested in knowing what the volumetric diet consists of, since it is one of those that we are capable of complying with.

It consists of consuming as many low-calorie foods as possible. In this way, you will be able to feel full without running the risk of gaining weight. This way you will eliminate the feeling of hunger that diets commonly leave.

Now, what foods can fill us up and at the same time help we lose weight? They are the ones with a high water and protein content. Some of the most important are the following: green leafy vegetables, lean meat, grapefruit, oily fish, apple, cucumber, among other foods.

Among its main benefits we find that you can eat more, you can design your own dish, since there is no specific menu and it is very healthy, although you will not be able to lose weight as quickly as you might want. However, it is worth a try.

Intermittent fasting diet

As its name indicates, it consists of fasting sporadically that is, stopping eating for a set period of time.

By interspersing periods of food consumption and energy storage with periods of fasting, the body will burn more fat than when in a constant state of food consumption. Since there are different types of fasts, you must decide which one you prefer to follow, according to your willpower.

Not recommended diets

Some of the diets least recommended by nutritionists are dissociated diets, that is, those that are based on not consuming carbohydrates with proteins together. This diet can become very dangerous, since it is not balanced and encourages bad eating habits.

The grapefruit diet consists of adding grapefruit to all meals for three weeks. On the other hand, it requires incorporating proteins and reducing carbohydrates. This diet favors fluid loss. Also, as calories are reduced, it leads to nutritional deficiencies and a feeling of perennial tiredness.

Another bad option is diets rich in fat and low in carbohydrates, since they increase blood cholesterol and uric acid levels. In addition, it produces a great rebound effect. That is, the weight is regained as soon as carbohydrates are consumed again.

Finally, there are the so-called miracle diets, which claim that you can lose a lot of weight in a few days, by limiting yourself to a single food. Among them are the apple cider vinegar diet and the pineapple diet. Similarly, in addition to not being healthy, it produces a great rebound effect with weight.

What do you need

  • Constancy and perseverance.
  • Positive attitude. The mental state is fundamental to be able to regulate the metabolism. Therefore, meditation and breathing exercises are great for oxygenating the blood and filling you with energy. We recommend doing breathing exercises twice a day, before going to bed and when you wake up.
  • Balanced diet. Depending on the diet you decide to do, it is important that you do not fall into excesses do not go to extremes. The balance in health comes from the hand of a balance in the food you eat.
  • Do some physical activity or exercise daily or at least three times a week. You can run, walk, jog, ride a bike, go up and down steps, do dance therapy. Also, practice a sport such as swimming, running marathons, mountain climbing and similar activities.
  • Get plenty of rest. Sleeping well is necessary for health, for the mental and spiritual balance of the human being. It is recommended to sleep at least eight hours in a row; however, depending on your physical condition and age, it may be recommended that you sleep for ten hours.
  • Eat as many organic foods as possible and avoid processed foods. Try swapping refined sugar for less processed sugar or honey. Lower your salt intake as much as you can or replace it with celery salt which is healthier.


Some basic recommendations to maintain a good diet during the period of confinement are the following:

  1. It is important to stay well hydrated. To do this, you should drink about 2 liters of water daily. You should do this even if you don’t feel thirsty or have little physical activity.
  2. Give priority to the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The ideal would be to consume 5 daily pieces between both products. That is, 3 fruits and 2 vegetables or vice versa.
  3. Consume milk and yogurt that are skimmed. To reduce the amount of sugar you consume, always choose the most natural versions.
  4. As for foods of animal origin, the recommendation is to include those 3 or 4 times a week. Among the best options are chicken, rabbit and lean meat that are not derived from pork. In addition to the fish and the egg.
  5. Consume nuts, seeds and olive oil. Of course, nuts that are fried, salted or sweetened are excluded, since they are not considered a good nutritional option.
  6. Avoid ultra-processed foods and fast food, as they increase the possibility of weight gain and obesity. In addition, we may be in a sedentary period, the consumption of these foods increases the possibility of suffering from chronic diseases.

By not having a good physical activity and eating in an unbalanced way, it is very easy to gain weight. The truth is that this system pushes us more and more to lead a sedentary life. However, the current world conditions also contribute their grain of sand.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, hundreds of people have had to replace their usual workplaces with the comfort of their homes. It is true that they have a work schedule with which they must comply. However, they now have more freedoms. For example, they can rest more or calm anxiety, caused by work and their current situation, with food.

Of course, eating uncontrollably, it will soon become apparent that there are a few extra pounds, what to do in that case? A diet would be the solution. However, we cannot choose just anyone. It is important that we make sure that the one you select does not affect our health in a negative way.

Many people follow their own theory about what they should and shouldn’t eat. However, you must remember that health comes first. You do not want the diet you follow to affect your body and leave you without defenses to fight different viruses and infections.

For this reason, the best option available to you is the one offered by the European Medical Institute of Obesity. As they are professionals in the field, they offer you diets that will have a positive impact on your life. But where can you find them? You don’t have to read other articles! Here we have them at your disposal!

Knowing these diets offers you the possibility of selecting the one that best suits your tastes and needs. That way you will be able to lose weight in a healthy way, which is the goal we pursue while we are in confinement.


When selecting a diet, whether for weight loss or weight gain, the most important thing is that it be safe and effective. The IMEO (European Medical Institute on Obesity) recommends diets that, in addition to helping you lose 6 kilos a month, also allow you to enjoy a healthy life.

They are supported by the professional opinion of endocrinologists, bariatric surgeons, clinical and sports nutritionists, among many other specialists in the field and associated with it.

Now, what diet can you choose? Which one fits more and better to your current confinement needs? We’ll be looking at it right now. Therefore, pay close attention so that you can recover your figure and weight.

Vegan diet

In this diet, animal meat and all its derivatives are completely excluded. In addition, since it is a lifestyle, it encourages rooting in nature and a good relationship with the environment.

This culture has gained strength in recent decades, making it a significant group of people today, despite being a strict lifestyle. However, the benefits are wonderful for the body.

Some confuse vegans with vegetarians. However, the latter do eat products derived from animals such as honey, eggs and milk. While vegans abstain from all of them.

To these some you may wonder what they can eat. Some of the allowed foods are: legumes, vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals, nuts, vegetable milk, olive oil, sugar, among others.

What are the benefits of the vegan diet? Among them we could mention the following: enjoy good physical and spiritual health, keep cholesterol levels controlled, have controlled blood pressure, less chance of heart disease, have controlled weight, etc.

But, if you think that this diet is very strict, we have other options that may seem more attractive to you. Let’s see them.

The volumetric diet

This is an excellent option for those who prefer to feel satisfied when they finish eating. However, it is important to keep the amount of calories you consume at each meal in check.

If on other occasions you have started a diet without success, you will be interested in knowing what the volumetric diet consists of, since it is one of those that we are capable of complying with.

It consists of consuming as many low-calorie foods as possible. In this way, you will be able to feel full without running the risk of gaining weight. This way you will eliminate the feeling of hunger that diets commonly leave.

Now, what foods can fill us up and at the same time help we lose weight? They are the ones with a high water and protein content. Some of the most important are the following: green leafy vegetables, lean meat, grapefruit, oily fish, apple, cucumber, among other foods.

Among its main benefits we find that you can eat more, you can design your own dish, since there is no specific menu and it is very healthy, although you will not be able to lose weight as quickly as you might want. However, it is worth a try.

Intermittent fasting diet

As its name indicates, it consists of fasting sporadically that is, stopping eating for a set period of time.

By interspersing periods of food consumption and energy storage with periods of fasting, the body will burn more fat than when in a constant state of food consumption. Since there are different types of fasts, you must decide which one you prefer to follow, according to your willpower.

Not recommended diets

Some of the diets least recommended by nutritionists are dissociated diets, that is, those that are based on not consuming carbohydrates with proteins together. This diet can become very dangerous, since it is not balanced and encourages bad eating habits.

The grapefruit diet consists of adding grapefruit to all meals for three weeks. On the other hand, it requires incorporating proteins and reducing carbohydrates. This diet favors fluid loss. Also, as calories are reduced, it leads to nutritional deficiencies and a feeling of perennial tiredness.

Another bad option is diets rich in fat and low in carbohydrates, since they increase blood cholesterol and uric acid levels. In addition, it produces a great rebound effect. That is, the weight is regained as soon as carbohydrates are consumed again.

Finally, there are the so-called miracle diets, which claim that you can lose a lot of weight in a few days, by limiting yourself to a single food. Among them are the apple cider vinegar diet and the pineapple diet. Similarly, in addition to not being healthy, it produces a great rebound effect with weight.

What do you need

  • Constancy and perseverance.
  • Positive attitude. The mental state is fundamental to be able to regulate the metabolism. Therefore, meditation and breathing exercises are great for oxygenating the blood and filling you with energy. We recommend doing breathing exercises twice a day, before going to bed and when you wake up.
  • Balanced diet. Depending on the diet you decide to do, it is important that you do not fall into excesses do not go to extremes. The balance in health comes from the hand of a balance in the food you eat.
  • Do some physical activity or exercise daily or at least three times a week. You can run, walk, jog, ride a bike, go up and down steps, do dance therapy. Also, practice a sport such as swimming, running marathons, mountain climbing and similar activities.
  • Get plenty of rest. Sleeping well is necessary for health, for the mental and spiritual balance of the human being. It is recommended to sleep at least eight hours in a row; however, depending on your physical condition and age, it may be recommended that you sleep for ten hours.
  • Eat as many organic foods as possible and avoid processed foods. Try swapping refined sugar for less processed sugar or honey. Lower your salt intake as much as you can or replace it with celery salt which is healthier.


Some basic recommendations to maintain a good diet during the period of confinement are the following:

  1. It is important to stay well hydrated. To do this, you should drink about 2 liters of water daily. You should do this even if you don’t feel thirsty or have little physical activity.
  2. Give priority to the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The ideal would be to consume 5 daily pieces between both products. That is, 3 fruits and 2 vegetables or vice versa.
  3. Consume milk and yogurt that are skimmed. To reduce the amount of sugar you consume, always choose the most natural versions.
  4. As for foods of animal origin, the recommendation is to include those 3 or 4 times a week. Among the best options are chicken, rabbit and lean meat that are not derived from pork. In addition to the fish and the egg.
  5. Consume nuts, seeds and olive oil. Of course, nuts that are fried, salted or sweetened are excluded, since they are not considered a good nutritional option.
  6. Avoid ultra-processed foods and fast food, as they increase the possibility of weight gain and obesity. In addition, we may be in a sedentary period, the consumption of these foods increases the possibility of suffering from chronic diseases.
WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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