How to Measure Weight

If you are worried about your weight, you may want to know how to ask for weight to know if it is healthy or you have to take action about it. To know if your weight is the most appropriate for you, you must take into account different aspects, which we are going to talk about next.

Body mass index (BMI)

To know if you have a healthy weight for you, you must calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI), an indicator that for the vast majority of people is reliable in relation to body fat and that is measured taking into account both weight and the height.

There are tables and calculators that, based on your values, tell you if you have a healthy weight or not, so that:

  • If the BMI is less than 18.5: That person is considered to have a step too low.
  • BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9: They are considered normal values ​​or healthy weight.
  • If the BMI is between 18.5 and 29.9: In this case, the person is overweight.
  • If the BMI is above 30.0: It is considered obese.

In this way, these terms refer to the ranges related to body weight, with obesity and overweight being those that exceed what is considered appropriate and healthy for a height. The same happens with low weight, which indicates a weight below what is considered healthy.

In the event that you have a BMI that is out of the ordinary, in either case, see a doctor. This way you can tell you how to proceed to achieve a healthy weight. Keep in mind that being overweight or obese increases the chances of suffering from health problems.

In the same way, you can take the BMI as a way to know your fitness and know your progress according to weight loss if you are doing some training or following a diet to try to lose weight because you are overweight or obese.

In addition to the BMI, it is important to know the amount and distribution of body mass, for which body composition analysis scales are usually used. It is highly advisable to monitor the fat that accumulates in the abdomen area, since it is the most dangerous at the cardiac level. In this way you will avoid being able to suffer from heart problems or at least reduce the chances of suffering from some type of disease.

Instructions for measuring weight

To weigh yourself in the most appropriate way you must follow the following steps:

  1. Always use the same scale, it is recommended that it be one from your home and that it is always placed on a completely flat surface.
  2. Check the accuracy of the scale. For this you can weigh sugar, rice or any other product. Compare the weight with what is indicated on the package.
  3. Always weigh yourself in the morning, fasting and after going to the bathroom. If possible, also do it at the same time.
  4. Weigh yourself without clothes. If it is not possible, always do it with the same clothes.
  5. If you are a woman, do not weigh yourself with the ruler. On those days you will retain fluids so you will have a higher weight. In the two days before and the two days after, you will not be able to see a result that is really accurate.
  6. Do not weigh yourself after exercising: If you have asked for liquids, the result will be lower. Therefore, by hydrating you will recover it. Similarly, if you drink a lot of water while you exercise, it can make you appear heavier due to fluid buildup.
  7. Don’t weigh yourself every day. To have a control it is enough that you weigh yourself once a week.
  8. To know the ideal weight you can use the following formula: Weight in KG times the height in meters (kg/m2). So you can know your BMI. In the same way, there are calculators that by entering your weight and height you can immediately know your BMI, without having to do any calculations.

What do you need to measure weight?

  • A scale. It can be of any type, but you must make sure that the values ​​it offers are real

Tips for measuring weight

  • If you weigh yourself at home, you shouldn’t be obsessed with your weight or constantly checking to see if you’ve gained or lost weight.
  • Be patient and keep in mind that if you have started doing physical exercise you may weigh a little more because you have gained muscle mass and this weighs more than fat.
  • Always use the same scale.
  • Follow a regularity to weigh yourself as to time and conditions. It is advisable that you do it without clothes and without shoes, as soon as you get up and after going to the bathroom.
  • To have a healthy weight it is advisable: not to smoke, not to drink alcohol, follow a balanced and healthy diet and do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

If you are worried about your weight, you may want to know how to ask for weight to know if it is healthy or you have to take action about it. To know if your weight is the most appropriate for you, you must take into account different aspects, which we are going to talk about next.

Body mass index (BMI)

To know if you have a healthy weight for you, you must calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI), an indicator that for the vast majority of people is reliable in relation to body fat and that is measured taking into account both weight and the height.

There are tables and calculators that, based on your values, tell you if you have a healthy weight or not, so that:

  • If the BMI is less than 18.5: That person is considered to have a step too low.
  • BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9: They are considered normal values ​​or healthy weight.
  • If the BMI is between 18.5 and 29.9: In this case, the person is overweight.
  • If the BMI is above 30.0: It is considered obese.

In this way, these terms refer to the ranges related to body weight, with obesity and overweight being those that exceed what is considered appropriate and healthy for a height. The same happens with low weight, which indicates a weight below what is considered healthy.

In the event that you have a BMI that is out of the ordinary, in either case, see a doctor. This way you can tell you how to proceed to achieve a healthy weight. Keep in mind that being overweight or obese increases the chances of suffering from health problems.

In the same way, you can take the BMI as a way to know your fitness and know your progress according to weight loss if you are doing some training or following a diet to try to lose weight because you are overweight or obese.

In addition to the BMI, it is important to know the amount and distribution of body mass, for which body composition analysis scales are usually used. It is highly advisable to monitor the fat that accumulates in the abdomen area, since it is the most dangerous at the cardiac level. In this way you will avoid being able to suffer from heart problems or at least reduce the chances of suffering from some type of disease.

Instructions for measuring weight

To weigh yourself in the most appropriate way you must follow the following steps:

  1. Always use the same scale, it is recommended that it be one from your home and that it is always placed on a completely flat surface.
  2. Check the accuracy of the scale. For this you can weigh sugar, rice or any other product. Compare the weight with what is indicated on the package.
  3. Always weigh yourself in the morning, fasting and after going to the bathroom. If possible, also do it at the same time.
  4. Weigh yourself without clothes. If it is not possible, always do it with the same clothes.
  5. If you are a woman, do not weigh yourself with the ruler. On those days you will retain fluids so you will have a higher weight. In the two days before and the two days after, you will not be able to see a result that is really accurate.
  6. Do not weigh yourself after exercising: If you have asked for liquids, the result will be lower. Therefore, by hydrating you will recover it. Similarly, if you drink a lot of water while you exercise, it can make you appear heavier due to fluid buildup.
  7. Don’t weigh yourself every day. To have a control it is enough that you weigh yourself once a week.
  8. To know the ideal weight you can use the following formula: Weight in KG times the height in meters (kg/m2). So you can know your BMI. In the same way, there are calculators that by entering your weight and height you can immediately know your BMI, without having to do any calculations.

What do you need to measure weight?

  • A scale. It can be of any type, but you must make sure that the values ​​it offers are real

Tips for measuring weight

  • If you weigh yourself at home, you shouldn’t be obsessed with your weight or constantly checking to see if you’ve gained or lost weight.
  • Be patient and keep in mind that if you have started doing physical exercise you may weigh a little more because you have gained muscle mass and this weighs more than fat.
  • Always use the same scale.
  • Follow a regularity to weigh yourself as to time and conditions. It is advisable that you do it without clothes and without shoes, as soon as you get up and after going to the bathroom.
  • To have a healthy weight it is advisable: not to smoke, not to drink alcohol, follow a balanced and healthy diet and do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.
WeightNotes Staff
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