How to Make a Correct Diet

The term correct diet is very relative and generates some confusion among some people, who do not know what they really should eat to be healthy. In today’s world full of diets, such as the dissociated diet or the well-known Duran diet, the question often arises as to what characteristics a diet should have that can be considered correct.

Experts in the world of nutrition state that a correct diet should be moderate and varied. That is, you can include any type of food but always in the proportion that is appropriate. The amount varies depending on different factors, such as a person’s age, sex or level of physical activity.

In general, it can be noted that a good eating plan should include fruits, whole grain cereals and vegetables in at least 2/3 of the food plate. The missing third can be completed with those foods that can provide protein and unsaturated fats, such as fish, dairy products and meats that are low in fat. In addition, the diet must always be accompanied by the two liters of water that must be ingested daily.

In a correct diet, the consumption of saturated fats, sugar or salt in excess should be avoided. In any case, it is possible to occasionally enjoy a dessert. This is because it has been shown that if there is too much food restriction, it may be the case that, later, there is an excess consumption of this type of food.

The advantages of a correct diet

Carrying out a correct eating plan has innumerable health advantages, some of the most outstanding being the following:

  • Maintains body weight: Thanks to the type of food that is eaten in an adequate diet, it is possible to maintain body weight. This is due to a lower intake of calories to the body at each meal.
  • Prevention and control of diabetes: Being a diet rich in fiber, greater control over blood sugar is achieved, helping its levels to be within the limits recommended for good health.
  • Prevention of hypertension: A good diet must have foods rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium and fiber, all of which are essential to prevent health problems related to hypertension.
  • Reduces the possibility of suffering from cancer: The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in some of the foods consumed in this type of diet, such as vegetables or fruits, reduce the possibility of suffering from cancer.

How to prepare a correct diet

There are a number of aspects that are of great importance in order to create a correct, balanced and healthy diet.

In general, with regard to the nutrients that should be part of the diet, it should be borne in mind that it is essential to understand that proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats are essential in the body for to survive, and that are necessary for a healthy and strong body.

  • Proteins: The consumption of meat or fish is important to have the proteins that are needed, or bet on a combination of cereals, legumes, seeds and nuts. 10-15% protein should be consumed.
  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and should be the nutrient that is found in the greatest quantity in a correct diet. They can be obtained from legumes and cereals, as well as some nuts, vegetables, seeds and greens. They should be consumed around 55-65% per day.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Fresh, raw fruit and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals for the body.
  • Fatty acids: Those that provide the most benefits to the body are the unsaturated ones that can be found in some vegetable oils, in seeds, fish and nuts. Total fat should be 25-30% per day. Keep in mind that meat fats are saturated and many other processed products have Tran’s fats, which are the most harmful and harmful.

All these nutrients can be incorporated throughout the main meals, while to snack between meals, the best are fruits or nuts.

In a correct diet there is no food that can have a miraculous effect by itself, taking into account that any defect or excess of food can cause different types of imbalances.

Each of the aforementioned nutrients requires different factors to carry out the metabolism process, so you should try to include few foods in each of the meals. It is preferable to vary foods throughout the week.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that foods that are processed, canned… lose the vast majority of their nutrients, so it is always preferable to consume fresh foods.

In any case, you should know that there is no generic correct diet for all people, but each person must find the one that best suits them, both in terms of tastes and preferences as well as lifestyle and other particularities.

Essential foods in a good diet

In order to carry out a proper diet, there are a number of foods that are essential and must be included regularly in meals:

  • Raw vegetables: In any diet considered balanced, it is essential that there are raw vegetables. Some of them are broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, escarole, celery, etc.
  • Cooked Vegetables: Steamed and undercooked vegetables provide many nutrients and also aid in digestion. They can be used as a first course both at dinner and at lunch.
  • Cereals: Among the cereals, the most popular and used is brown rice, key to enjoying a balanced and healthy diet. Cereals, which can be combined with legumes, should be part of a diet at least 4 days a week.

Instructions for a correct diet

  1. To carry out a correct diet, it is best to choose a Mediterranean diet. Within it you should eat fish, fruits, vegetables and cereals, having great advantages for the prevention of accidents and cardiovascular problems, among others.
  2. It is important that you avoid fats and alcohol. Both are highly harmful and also increase the risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
  3. You must control your weight, trying to avoid being overweight or obese at all times, problems that increase the risk of suffering from hypertension and diabetes.
  4. It is recommended to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
  5. You should avoid industrial pastries and processed products, since they have fats that are highly harmful to health.
  6. It is advisable to take a dairy product every day, since thanks to this, bone formation is improved in the case of children and adolescents and it serves to prevent osteoporosis in the case of adults.
  7. Eat blue fish. Some fish such as sardines, tuna, etc. have omega 3 acids that are very beneficial for preventing and controlling cholesterol.
  8. Do not consume meat in excess: It is advisable to eat three or four servings per week, being able to replace it with fish.
  9. Opt for grilled cooking with little oil, preferably olive oil.
  10. Drink two liters of water daily and avoid the consumption of carbonated drinks and soft drinks.

Tips for a correct diet

  • It is important to eat healthily with a balanced diet, although if what you want is to lose weight, as well as maintain it, it is important to accompany it with regular physical exercise.
  • It is important that you leave aside both tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

The term correct diet is very relative and generates some confusion among some people, who do not know what they really should eat to be healthy. In today’s world full of diets, such as the dissociated diet or the well-known Duran diet, the question often arises as to what characteristics a diet should have that can be considered correct.

Experts in the world of nutrition state that a correct diet should be moderate and varied. That is, you can include any type of food but always in the proportion that is appropriate. The amount varies depending on different factors, such as a person’s age, sex or level of physical activity.

In general, it can be noted that a good eating plan should include fruits, whole grain cereals and vegetables in at least 2/3 of the food plate. The missing third can be completed with those foods that can provide protein and unsaturated fats, such as fish, dairy products and meats that are low in fat. In addition, the diet must always be accompanied by the two liters of water that must be ingested daily.

In a correct diet, the consumption of saturated fats, sugar or salt in excess should be avoided. In any case, it is possible to occasionally enjoy a dessert. This is because it has been shown that if there is too much food restriction, it may be the case that, later, there is an excess consumption of this type of food.

The advantages of a correct diet

Carrying out a correct eating plan has innumerable health advantages, some of the most outstanding being the following:

  • Maintains body weight: Thanks to the type of food that is eaten in an adequate diet, it is possible to maintain body weight. This is due to a lower intake of calories to the body at each meal.
  • Prevention and control of diabetes: Being a diet rich in fiber, greater control over blood sugar is achieved, helping its levels to be within the limits recommended for good health.
  • Prevention of hypertension: A good diet must have foods rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium and fiber, all of which are essential to prevent health problems related to hypertension.
  • Reduces the possibility of suffering from cancer: The antioxidants and phytochemicals found in some of the foods consumed in this type of diet, such as vegetables or fruits, reduce the possibility of suffering from cancer.

How to prepare a correct diet

There are a number of aspects that are of great importance in order to create a correct, balanced and healthy diet.

In general, with regard to the nutrients that should be part of the diet, it should be borne in mind that it is essential to understand that proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats are essential in the body for to survive, and that are necessary for a healthy and strong body.

  • Proteins: The consumption of meat or fish is important to have the proteins that are needed, or bet on a combination of cereals, legumes, seeds and nuts. 10-15% protein should be consumed.
  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and should be the nutrient that is found in the greatest quantity in a correct diet. They can be obtained from legumes and cereals, as well as some nuts, vegetables, seeds and greens. They should be consumed around 55-65% per day.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Fresh, raw fruit and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals for the body.
  • Fatty acids: Those that provide the most benefits to the body are the unsaturated ones that can be found in some vegetable oils, in seeds, fish and nuts. Total fat should be 25-30% per day. Keep in mind that meat fats are saturated and many other processed products have Tran’s fats, which are the most harmful and harmful.

All these nutrients can be incorporated throughout the main meals, while to snack between meals, the best are fruits or nuts.

In a correct diet there is no food that can have a miraculous effect by itself, taking into account that any defect or excess of food can cause different types of imbalances.

Each of the aforementioned nutrients requires different factors to carry out the metabolism process, so you should try to include few foods in each of the meals. It is preferable to vary foods throughout the week.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that foods that are processed, canned… lose the vast majority of their nutrients, so it is always preferable to consume fresh foods.

In any case, you should know that there is no generic correct diet for all people, but each person must find the one that best suits them, both in terms of tastes and preferences as well as lifestyle and other particularities.

Essential foods in a good diet

In order to carry out a proper diet, there are a number of foods that are essential and must be included regularly in meals:

  • Raw vegetables: In any diet considered balanced, it is essential that there are raw vegetables. Some of them are broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, escarole, celery, etc.
  • Cooked Vegetables: Steamed and undercooked vegetables provide many nutrients and also aid in digestion. They can be used as a first course both at dinner and at lunch.
  • Cereals: Among the cereals, the most popular and used is brown rice, key to enjoying a balanced and healthy diet. Cereals, which can be combined with legumes, should be part of a diet at least 4 days a week.

Instructions for a correct diet

  1. To carry out a correct diet, it is best to choose a Mediterranean diet. Within it you should eat fish, fruits, vegetables and cereals, having great advantages for the prevention of accidents and cardiovascular problems, among others.
  2. It is important that you avoid fats and alcohol. Both are highly harmful and also increase the risk of having a stroke or heart attack.
  3. You must control your weight, trying to avoid being overweight or obese at all times, problems that increase the risk of suffering from hypertension and diabetes.
  4. It is recommended to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
  5. You should avoid industrial pastries and processed products, since they have fats that are highly harmful to health.
  6. It is advisable to take a dairy product every day, since thanks to this, bone formation is improved in the case of children and adolescents and it serves to prevent osteoporosis in the case of adults.
  7. Eat blue fish. Some fish such as sardines, tuna, etc. have omega 3 acids that are very beneficial for preventing and controlling cholesterol.
  8. Do not consume meat in excess: It is advisable to eat three or four servings per week, being able to replace it with fish.
  9. Opt for grilled cooking with little oil, preferably olive oil.
  10. Drink two liters of water daily and avoid the consumption of carbonated drinks and soft drinks.

Tips for a correct diet

  • It is important to eat healthily with a balanced diet, although if what you want is to lose weight, as well as maintain it, it is important to accompany it with regular physical exercise.
  • It is important that you leave aside both tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
WeightNotes Staff
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