How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism

People who suffer from hypothyroidism find it additionally difficult to lose weight, but despite the fact that it is more difficult for them to lose weight, it is possible to do so.

The thyroid gland, which is located in the lower part of the neck, is a very important organ within the endocrine system, since it is responsible for the production of hormones that the body uses for energy. Those who suffer from hypothyroidism encounter a decrease in their metabolism, causing their functions to slow down and, therefore, they tend to gain weight, even if their habits have not changed.

Although in some cases hypothyroidism is seasonal, as in pregnancy, in other cases it becomes a chronic disease, which requires changes in lifestyle. For these people it is essential to carry out a balanced and healthy diet, accompanied by physical exercise.

Hypothyroidism occurs most often in people over 40 years of age, although it can also affect people of other ages. Along with the diet, it will be necessary to treat with levothyroxine, which will be prescribed by the endocrine, who you should visit before carrying out any type of diet.

Healthy habits for a person who wants to lose weight with hypothyroidism

  • If you have weight problems and hypothyroidism, you may want to follow a diet low in calories, fat, and simple sugars. Try to find a diet that reduces the consumption of foods rich in sugar and saturated fat. Food cooked in olive oil should prevail, as well as the intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes and oily fish.
  • When there is a thyroid problem, there is an iodine deficiency. For this reason, the diet should include foods rich in it such as fish, shellfish, and spinach, skimmed dairy or iodized salt.
  • To lose weight with hypothyroidism, physical exercise is essential. In any diet it is necessary to accompany it with a good exercise, but in this case even more, since it contributes to burning calories and accelerating metabolism.

Diet to lose weight with hypothyroidism

Next we are going to give you a diet that can help you if you suffer from hypothyroidism and want to lose weight, being necessary that you follow the plan for at least a month. Although you may think that you are barely losing weight during the first 7-10 days, the reality is that you can obtain very good results if you continue with the diet and stick to the established dietary guidelines.

Recommended hyperthyroid foods

  • Fruits and nuts: apple, apricot, apple, coconut, dates, pineapple, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts.
  • Algae: shellfish focus vesiculosus and iodized salt.
  • Vegetables: tomato, spinach, beans, garlic, peas.
  • Herbs and spices: cinnamon, ginseng, basil, ivy, fennel, hyssop.
  • Cereals and legumes: lentils, corn, sunflower, oats.

Similarly, the diet should include tyrosine, which is obtained from phenylalanine found in almonds, meat, fish, and sesame and pumpkin seeds. You should also look for foods that provide vitamins A, B2, B3, and B6. This is the case of almonds, bananas, cucumbers, peas, herbs or eggs.

You should drink a glass of warm water with 2-3 drops of lemon on an empty stomach. This will help you to balance the pH, in addition to having an alkalizing character and, as with any other diet, it is necessary to consume a minimum of two liters of water daily.


You must make five meals a day, of which three are main and two other snacks. You should eat breakfast within an hour of waking up and don’t let more than 4 hours pass between meals.


For breakfast you should eat protein (egg, smoked salmon or lean cold cuts), avoiding the consumption of juice, since by removing the pulp what is achieved is that insulin production is stimulated and fat is stored.

Mid-morning snack and afternoon snack

To take both at snack time and mid-morning there are two options:

  • A piece of seasonal fruit along with three hazelnuts and a slice of lean cold cuts.
  • Lean luncheon meat or salmon sandwich.


As a first course you can choose between:

  • Broth, soup or vegetable cream.
  • Beans, vegetables, gazpacho, salmorejo, ratatouille…
  • Bitter leaf salad (canons, arugula…) together with raw vegetables (lettuce, cucumber, mushrooms, peppers, spinach…)

As a second course the options are:

  • 100 grams of potatoes.
  • 50 grams of raw quinoa, rice or whole-grain couscous. They must be cooked “al dente”.
  • Deep plate of cooked vegetables.


For dinner you can eat between 200 and 250 grams of protein, from fish, meat, eggs, preserves, lean cold cuts…, avoiding bread, salad, rice or vegetables.

What do you need to lose weight with hypothyroidism?

  • Willpower to follow the indications of the diets strictly.
  • Go to the endocrinologist, so that he can assess your situation and make a tailored diet that you can follow to achieve your goals without affecting your health.

Tips to lose weight with hypothyroidism

  • Maintain a balanced and healthy diet and accompany it with regular physical exercise.
  • When making a diet, it is advisable not to be too restrictive with food. In many cases, these are not healthy at all and can cause the appearance of eating disorders.

People who suffer from hypothyroidism find it additionally difficult to lose weight, but despite the fact that it is more difficult for them to lose weight, it is possible to do so.

The thyroid gland, which is located in the lower part of the neck, is a very important organ within the endocrine system, since it is responsible for the production of hormones that the body uses for energy. Those who suffer from hypothyroidism encounter a decrease in their metabolism, causing their functions to slow down and, therefore, they tend to gain weight, even if their habits have not changed.

Although in some cases hypothyroidism is seasonal, as in pregnancy, in other cases it becomes a chronic disease, which requires changes in lifestyle. For these people it is essential to carry out a balanced and healthy diet, accompanied by physical exercise.

Hypothyroidism occurs most often in people over 40 years of age, although it can also affect people of other ages. Along with the diet, it will be necessary to treat with levothyroxine, which will be prescribed by the endocrine, who you should visit before carrying out any type of diet.

Healthy habits for a person who wants to lose weight with hypothyroidism

  • If you have weight problems and hypothyroidism, you may want to follow a diet low in calories, fat, and simple sugars. Try to find a diet that reduces the consumption of foods rich in sugar and saturated fat. Food cooked in olive oil should prevail, as well as the intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes and oily fish.
  • When there is a thyroid problem, there is an iodine deficiency. For this reason, the diet should include foods rich in it such as fish, shellfish, and spinach, skimmed dairy or iodized salt.
  • To lose weight with hypothyroidism, physical exercise is essential. In any diet it is necessary to accompany it with a good exercise, but in this case even more, since it contributes to burning calories and accelerating metabolism.

Diet to lose weight with hypothyroidism

Next we are going to give you a diet that can help you if you suffer from hypothyroidism and want to lose weight, being necessary that you follow the plan for at least a month. Although you may think that you are barely losing weight during the first 7-10 days, the reality is that you can obtain very good results if you continue with the diet and stick to the established dietary guidelines.

Recommended hyperthyroid foods

  • Fruits and nuts: apple, apricot, apple, coconut, dates, pineapple, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts.
  • Algae: shellfish focus vesiculosus and iodized salt.
  • Vegetables: tomato, spinach, beans, garlic, peas.
  • Herbs and spices: cinnamon, ginseng, basil, ivy, fennel, hyssop.
  • Cereals and legumes: lentils, corn, sunflower, oats.

Similarly, the diet should include tyrosine, which is obtained from phenylalanine found in almonds, meat, fish, and sesame and pumpkin seeds. You should also look for foods that provide vitamins A, B2, B3, and B6. This is the case of almonds, bananas, cucumbers, peas, herbs or eggs.

You should drink a glass of warm water with 2-3 drops of lemon on an empty stomach. This will help you to balance the pH, in addition to having an alkalizing character and, as with any other diet, it is necessary to consume a minimum of two liters of water daily.


You must make five meals a day, of which three are main and two other snacks. You should eat breakfast within an hour of waking up and don’t let more than 4 hours pass between meals.


For breakfast you should eat protein (egg, smoked salmon or lean cold cuts), avoiding the consumption of juice, since by removing the pulp what is achieved is that insulin production is stimulated and fat is stored.

Mid-morning snack and afternoon snack

To take both at snack time and mid-morning there are two options:

  • A piece of seasonal fruit along with three hazelnuts and a slice of lean cold cuts.
  • Lean luncheon meat or salmon sandwich.


As a first course you can choose between:

  • Broth, soup or vegetable cream.
  • Beans, vegetables, gazpacho, salmorejo, ratatouille…
  • Bitter leaf salad (canons, arugula…) together with raw vegetables (lettuce, cucumber, mushrooms, peppers, spinach…)

As a second course the options are:

  • 100 grams of potatoes.
  • 50 grams of raw quinoa, rice or whole-grain couscous. They must be cooked “al dente”.
  • Deep plate of cooked vegetables.


For dinner you can eat between 200 and 250 grams of protein, from fish, meat, eggs, preserves, lean cold cuts…, avoiding bread, salad, rice or vegetables.

What do you need to lose weight with hypothyroidism?

  • Willpower to follow the indications of the diets strictly.
  • Go to the endocrinologist, so that he can assess your situation and make a tailored diet that you can follow to achieve your goals without affecting your health.

Tips to lose weight with hypothyroidism

  • Maintain a balanced and healthy diet and accompany it with regular physical exercise.
  • When making a diet, it is advisable not to be too restrictive with food. In many cases, these are not healthy at all and can cause the appearance of eating disorders.
WeightNotes Staff
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