How to Get Fat Legs Fast

Getting fat in the legs is a concern for many people, especially when trying to redefine the body for the summer months. Gaining muscle in the buttocks and legs is something that many pursue, but for this you have to know how to gain weight healthily and also, if you wish, know how to reaffirm the buttocks to look in the best possible way.

Foods to fatten the legs and buttocks

The ideal to achieve this is to exercise, accompanied by a complete one in which there is the appropriate amounts of fats, carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients that the body needs.

If you need to gain weight quickly, we are going to give you a series of tips so that both your legs and buttocks look good, avoiding flaccidity and dealing with cellulite and orange peel skin. This is all achieved through the consumption of different foods that help us when it comes to gaining muscle mass in the buttocks and legs, such as the following:

Lean meats

Lean meats are those that have at least 10% fat. They are meats that are characterized by having high protein content, as well as a low amount of fat. They can be white or red meat, and can come from birds, fish or mammals. This gives the consumer choice and preferences, although it is important that they are included in your diet if you are interested in growing the muscle mass of your legs quickly.


Fish in general and some of them, such as tuna, in particular, are fish that are also recommended to be part of your diet to know how to get fat legs quickly. Salmon is also a great choice because it has significant levels of omega-3 fatty acids, essential minerals, and B vitamins.

If you are pursuing the goal of increasing muscle mass in these areas of the body, you cannot ignore the consumption of fish, as they will help you greatly when it comes to achieving your muscle growth goals.

Skim or low-fat dairy

Skim or low-fat dairy products are obtained, for the most part, from totally or partially skimmed milk; and in some cases, with additional ingredients. Its consumption is highly recommended in a diet that seeks to fatten the legs quickly.


Eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein and have a high biological value. It is not for that reason that they are included in many diets that seek to increase muscle mass. In the event that you are looking for how to gain weight quickly, you should also make them part of your diet.

Whole grains

Whole grains should also be part of your diet. For this, it is important to keep in mind that if you consume cereals, pasta or bread, it must be whole grain. They are naturally rich in fiber, which also makes them feel full, which makes it easier to achieve a healthy body weight; and at the same time that it favors the muscular growth of the legs.


Legumes are another of the foods that should be part of a food plan that seeks to increase muscle mass in the legs. For this you can use beans, lentils, chickpeas…. In general, they stand out for having a high content of protein, B vitamins, magnesium, slow-absorbing carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, fiber and iron.


Many people like cheese but do not include it in their diets because they mistakenly believe that it is not recommended. In the event that you want to increase muscle mass in your legs quickly you will have to consume them. However, it is important that you choose those that provide more protein and calcium and less fat.

Make a good selection when choosing cheeses, as this will be key to being able to pursue your goals and achieve the best results faster.


Vegetables are key to getting your legs fat quickly, so they cannot be missing from any of your meals. Despite the fact that you bet on increasing protein intake, you should not forget about some vegetables that should always be present in this type of diet for all their benefits for our body


The last food that we must mention that should be part of this type of diet is fruit, giving priority to the consumption of pears, oranges, kiwis, apples and strawberries.

Foods to avoid

In addition to the above, which should be part of your diet to gain weight quickly (although it will also be necessary to do physical exercise); it is important that you keep in mind that you should avoid highly processed foods, alcohol consumption and fast food.

Getting fat in the legs is a concern for many people, especially when trying to redefine the body for the summer months. Gaining muscle in the buttocks and legs is something that many pursue, but for this you have to know how to gain weight healthily and also, if you wish, know how to reaffirm the buttocks to look in the best possible way.

Foods to fatten the legs and buttocks

The ideal to achieve this is to exercise, accompanied by a complete one in which there is the appropriate amounts of fats, carbohydrates, fats and other nutrients that the body needs.

If you need to gain weight quickly, we are going to give you a series of tips so that both your legs and buttocks look good, avoiding flaccidity and dealing with cellulite and orange peel skin. This is all achieved through the consumption of different foods that help us when it comes to gaining muscle mass in the buttocks and legs, such as the following:

Lean meats

Lean meats are those that have at least 10% fat. They are meats that are characterized by having high protein content, as well as a low amount of fat. They can be white or red meat, and can come from birds, fish or mammals. This gives the consumer choice and preferences, although it is important that they are included in your diet if you are interested in growing the muscle mass of your legs quickly.


Fish in general and some of them, such as tuna, in particular, are fish that are also recommended to be part of your diet to know how to get fat legs quickly. Salmon is also a great choice because it has significant levels of omega-3 fatty acids, essential minerals, and B vitamins.

If you are pursuing the goal of increasing muscle mass in these areas of the body, you cannot ignore the consumption of fish, as they will help you greatly when it comes to achieving your muscle growth goals.

Skim or low-fat dairy

Skim or low-fat dairy products are obtained, for the most part, from totally or partially skimmed milk; and in some cases, with additional ingredients. Its consumption is highly recommended in a diet that seeks to fatten the legs quickly.


Eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein and have a high biological value. It is not for that reason that they are included in many diets that seek to increase muscle mass. In the event that you are looking for how to gain weight quickly, you should also make them part of your diet.

Whole grains

Whole grains should also be part of your diet. For this, it is important to keep in mind that if you consume cereals, pasta or bread, it must be whole grain. They are naturally rich in fiber, which also makes them feel full, which makes it easier to achieve a healthy body weight; and at the same time that it favors the muscular growth of the legs.


Legumes are another of the foods that should be part of a food plan that seeks to increase muscle mass in the legs. For this you can use beans, lentils, chickpeas…. In general, they stand out for having a high content of protein, B vitamins, magnesium, slow-absorbing carbohydrates, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, fiber and iron.


Many people like cheese but do not include it in their diets because they mistakenly believe that it is not recommended. In the event that you want to increase muscle mass in your legs quickly you will have to consume them. However, it is important that you choose those that provide more protein and calcium and less fat.

Make a good selection when choosing cheeses, as this will be key to being able to pursue your goals and achieve the best results faster.


Vegetables are key to getting your legs fat quickly, so they cannot be missing from any of your meals. Despite the fact that you bet on increasing protein intake, you should not forget about some vegetables that should always be present in this type of diet for all their benefits for our body


The last food that we must mention that should be part of this type of diet is fruit, giving priority to the consumption of pears, oranges, kiwis, apples and strawberries.

Foods to avoid

In addition to the above, which should be part of your diet to gain weight quickly (although it will also be necessary to do physical exercise); it is important that you keep in mind that you should avoid highly processed foods, alcohol consumption and fast food.

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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