How to Get Fat Legs

Many people seek to lose weight with diet and exercise due to weight problems, but there are also those with a slim constitution and fast metabolism who are looking to fatten up some parts of their body. Hence, there are many of them looking for how to increase buttocks or how to fatten legs, among others.

Those looking to lose weight tend to eat fewer calories than they burn; being the key to being able to lose weight, while in the event that you try to gain volume you will have to do precisely the opposite. This means that it will be necessary to create a calorie surplus; and it is that in this way the body will be able to gain volume; but always without overdoing it and having to take into account that there are different points to take into account.

Important aspects to fatten the legs

In order to gain weight in your legs, you must follow a series of recommendations, in addition to knowing the correct way to exercise a muscle to achieve your goal. In order to make the volume of these grow, something that can become more complicated than it may seem, you need to value four key aspects, which are the following:

Increase calorie intake

The first thing you should be clear about, as we have mentioned, is that it will be necessary to add additional calories to your diet, so that you can transform them into weight for your legs. The amount of additional calories to create the surplus will depend on different factors, such as genetics, age, and gender and body composition.

To know this data, it is recommended that a calculation of the daily calories ingested be made, and that between 250 and 500 additional calories be added to them. If you’re gaining weight too quickly and gaining too much weight, cut back on excess calories until you’re gaining 500 grams per week. In the opposite case, if you do not gain weight, you will have to increase the number of calories until you manage to increase between 250 and 500 grams per week.

Increase your protein intake

When you find yourself adding weight to get bigger legs, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough protein. The amino acids that make up proteins are also responsible for building muscle tissue, so it will be key to fattening your legs.

In this sense, it is important that you know that protein should account for between 10 and 30% of calories during weight gain. The possibilities to be able to make this increase in protein are numerous, betting on ingredients such as eggs, turkey breasts, salmon, etc.

Make changes to your diet

In addition to what is indicated above, you must take into account that you have to add different changes to your diet; such as the inclusion of chicken breast, grilled turkey, sole, eggs, legumes, nuts and lean cuts of beef, among others.

However, you can also increase your protein intake through protein powder supplements. However, it really is not necessary, since you can get that contribution through different foods. Supplements are a good way to be able to make that contribution if you do not consume foods that can give you that contribution you need.

In any case, you have many different options when it comes to receiving that protein intake. As you get used to following a volume diet, you may be able to eat larger meals and meet your calorie and protein goals more easily.

Do physical exercise

In addition to the importance of the food field, it is also necessary to know how to develop muscles in order to get fat legs. For this you need a strength training program to cause muscle growth, otherwise, if you just eat more calories and protein, you will find that what you eat will be stored as fat.

For this reason it is important to do a strength training of each muscle group, at least two or three times a week. To increase the size of the legs, you must focus on those exercises that are focused on the lower body; with exercises like lunges, squats, and deadlifts, making use of weights.

These exercises will allow you to access a large number of variations, such as lateral lunges or globe squats, thanks to which you can work the leg muscles from different angles. Choose about two or three exercises for the legs; and focus on performing two or three sets of between four and eight repetitions of each of them.

If you follow the indicated steps, and even receive the advice of a professional to carry out the best exercises for it, you will be able to see how fattening your legs is not something as complicated as you might think; and so you can reach your goal.

Many people seek to lose weight with diet and exercise due to weight problems, but there are also those with a slim constitution and fast metabolism who are looking to fatten up some parts of their body. Hence, there are many of them looking for how to increase buttocks or how to fatten legs, among others.

Those looking to lose weight tend to eat fewer calories than they burn; being the key to being able to lose weight, while in the event that you try to gain volume you will have to do precisely the opposite. This means that it will be necessary to create a calorie surplus; and it is that in this way the body will be able to gain volume; but always without overdoing it and having to take into account that there are different points to take into account.

Important aspects to fatten the legs

In order to gain weight in your legs, you must follow a series of recommendations, in addition to knowing the correct way to exercise a muscle to achieve your goal. In order to make the volume of these grow, something that can become more complicated than it may seem, you need to value four key aspects, which are the following:

Increase calorie intake

The first thing you should be clear about, as we have mentioned, is that it will be necessary to add additional calories to your diet, so that you can transform them into weight for your legs. The amount of additional calories to create the surplus will depend on different factors, such as genetics, age, and gender and body composition.

To know this data, it is recommended that a calculation of the daily calories ingested be made, and that between 250 and 500 additional calories be added to them. If you’re gaining weight too quickly and gaining too much weight, cut back on excess calories until you’re gaining 500 grams per week. In the opposite case, if you do not gain weight, you will have to increase the number of calories until you manage to increase between 250 and 500 grams per week.

Increase your protein intake

When you find yourself adding weight to get bigger legs, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough protein. The amino acids that make up proteins are also responsible for building muscle tissue, so it will be key to fattening your legs.

In this sense, it is important that you know that protein should account for between 10 and 30% of calories during weight gain. The possibilities to be able to make this increase in protein are numerous, betting on ingredients such as eggs, turkey breasts, salmon, etc.

Make changes to your diet

In addition to what is indicated above, you must take into account that you have to add different changes to your diet; such as the inclusion of chicken breast, grilled turkey, sole, eggs, legumes, nuts and lean cuts of beef, among others.

However, you can also increase your protein intake through protein powder supplements. However, it really is not necessary, since you can get that contribution through different foods. Supplements are a good way to be able to make that contribution if you do not consume foods that can give you that contribution you need.

In any case, you have many different options when it comes to receiving that protein intake. As you get used to following a volume diet, you may be able to eat larger meals and meet your calorie and protein goals more easily.

Do physical exercise

In addition to the importance of the food field, it is also necessary to know how to develop muscles in order to get fat legs. For this you need a strength training program to cause muscle growth, otherwise, if you just eat more calories and protein, you will find that what you eat will be stored as fat.

For this reason it is important to do a strength training of each muscle group, at least two or three times a week. To increase the size of the legs, you must focus on those exercises that are focused on the lower body; with exercises like lunges, squats, and deadlifts, making use of weights.

These exercises will allow you to access a large number of variations, such as lateral lunges or globe squats, thanks to which you can work the leg muscles from different angles. Choose about two or three exercises for the legs; and focus on performing two or three sets of between four and eight repetitions of each of them.

If you follow the indicated steps, and even receive the advice of a professional to carry out the best exercises for it, you will be able to see how fattening your legs is not something as complicated as you might think; and so you can reach your goal.

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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