How to Gain Weight in 2021?

Obviously you are reading this article because you want to gain weight. I can guess that you have been feeling somewhat light in the last few days, or that your friends or family have noticed that you are thinner than usual. This may be somewhat surprising, since with the announcement of the pandemic. All the people of the world have to be at home, to prevent people from going out and the streets from beginning to be full of people, further facilitating the contagion and spread of covid-19. And maybe you are wondering, to what point do I want to get with what you just read previously? It is simple.

Being at home for a long time makes your days boring. And for wanting to kill time, you do different things. Like crafts, watching TV or playing inside your house either in a board game or video games. And of course, doing activities makes your body need food to replenish the energy already spent doing those activities. Perhaps the amount of food you consume is too few or too many. So do not worry, because in this article you are going to know about how to gain weight.

Why gain weight?

Gaining weight is something normal in people, since they eat like any normal person on earth. And it is evident that the food is too delicious. Making that when you finish eating, they start to make you want to eat even more, or change the dish and have a dessert or drink. And if you give in to your craving to eat more, it makes your weight go up too much, to the point where the amount of weight you’ll be carrying is unhealthy for your age and height.

Believe it or not, it exists. There are pages that tell you what your ideal weight should be just by saying (sincerely) what your height and age are. And just by placing those 2 data, the page itself will give you a result, which will be how much you have to weigh. And once you have it, you only have to dedicate yourself to being able to have that ideal weight and maintain it so that your cravings do not get out of control and make you want to eat too much, making your weight increase even more.

Tips and foods that help you gain weight

In this list you will learn about tips and food (as you read in the title) although there will be more food than tips. Since it would not hurt to know which foods are necessary to gain weight, while the tips are going to be the most important.

  • Consume milk: Consuming milk is an incredible option, since it is a great source of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Drinking milk after doing some exercise is more than enough to gain some muscle mass.
  • Not drinking cold water: What happens if you consume too much cold water? It’s simple, it makes your metabolism work faster. In addition, it helps burn too much fat, causing you to lose weight. Or that all the effort to eat too much is in vain because you will remain the same. Drinking natural water is more recommended, it is also healthier.
  • Eat rice: The good thing about this food is that it is common in lunch dishes. With just one cup of rice, you can gain 200 calories. And if you consume it after exercising, your muscle mass or weight will increase more effectively.
  • Protein shakes: You may be wondering why people have a glass of protein shake. And it is evident that they do it to take advantage of the fact that the body begins to need nutrients. And with the help of the protein shake, it comes in handy for the body to take full advantage of the nutrients and start gaining muscle mass.
  • Eat whole meal bread: Everyone knows that bread contains a large amount of carbohydrates. And if you can eat them with the seeds included, it makes your weight go up, not too much, but with some difference if you eat it without the seeds.


There are people who are born with a better metabolism. This means that by eating too much, your metabolism works so efficiently that it can keep you at the same weight. And I can reinforce what you just read, since I am one of those people, many say that I am skinny and that I eat little, but it is a lie. Since I eat in large quantities and still my body remains the same as always. Although sometimes my weight increases in a very rare way, and if it happens it is that I gain 1 kilo. But at least I’m making progress.

Obviously you are reading this article because you want to gain weight. I can guess that you have been feeling somewhat light in the last few days, or that your friends or family have noticed that you are thinner than usual. This may be somewhat surprising, since with the announcement of the pandemic. All the people of the world have to be at home, to prevent people from going out and the streets from beginning to be full of people, further facilitating the contagion and spread of covid-19. And maybe you are wondering, to what point do I want to get with what you just read previously? It is simple.

Being at home for a long time makes your days boring. And for wanting to kill time, you do different things. Like crafts, watching TV or playing inside your house either in a board game or video games. And of course, doing activities makes your body need food to replenish the energy already spent doing those activities. Perhaps the amount of food you consume is too few or too many. So do not worry, because in this article you are going to know about how to gain weight.

Why gain weight?

Gaining weight is something normal in people, since they eat like any normal person on earth. And it is evident that the food is too delicious. Making that when you finish eating, they start to make you want to eat even more, or change the dish and have a dessert or drink. And if you give in to your craving to eat more, it makes your weight go up too much, to the point where the amount of weight you’ll be carrying is unhealthy for your age and height.

Believe it or not, it exists. There are pages that tell you what your ideal weight should be just by saying (sincerely) what your height and age are. And just by placing those 2 data, the page itself will give you a result, which will be how much you have to weigh. And once you have it, you only have to dedicate yourself to being able to have that ideal weight and maintain it so that your cravings do not get out of control and make you want to eat too much, making your weight increase even more.

Tips and foods that help you gain weight

In this list you will learn about tips and food (as you read in the title) although there will be more food than tips. Since it would not hurt to know which foods are necessary to gain weight, while the tips are going to be the most important.

  • Consume milk: Consuming milk is an incredible option, since it is a great source of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Drinking milk after doing some exercise is more than enough to gain some muscle mass.
  • Not drinking cold water: What happens if you consume too much cold water? It’s simple, it makes your metabolism work faster. In addition, it helps burn too much fat, causing you to lose weight. Or that all the effort to eat too much is in vain because you will remain the same. Drinking natural water is more recommended, it is also healthier.
  • Eat rice: The good thing about this food is that it is common in lunch dishes. With just one cup of rice, you can gain 200 calories. And if you consume it after exercising, your muscle mass or weight will increase more effectively.
  • Protein shakes: You may be wondering why people have a glass of protein shake. And it is evident that they do it to take advantage of the fact that the body begins to need nutrients. And with the help of the protein shake, it comes in handy for the body to take full advantage of the nutrients and start gaining muscle mass.
  • Eat whole meal bread: Everyone knows that bread contains a large amount of carbohydrates. And if you can eat them with the seeds included, it makes your weight go up, not too much, but with some difference if you eat it without the seeds.


There are people who are born with a better metabolism. This means that by eating too much, your metabolism works so efficiently that it can keep you at the same weight. And I can reinforce what you just read, since I am one of those people, many say that I am skinny and that I eat little, but it is a lie. Since I eat in large quantities and still my body remains the same as always. Although sometimes my weight increases in a very rare way, and if it happens it is that I gain 1 kilo. But at least I’m making progress.

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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