How to Gain Weight Healthily

Although we are used to seeing countless diets to lose weight, lose volume, how to lose kilos quickly, exercises to be thinner, etc. It is also just the opposite case. Many and many are the people who need and want to gain a few kilos, Gain weight. In an absurd way, you could think that it is a bargain. Nonsense… because you can believe that just by eating what you want, the amounts you want… you gain weight and that’s it. Well no. Mistake.

Getting fat is not eating everything and fat everywhere. You have to gain kilos, but doing it in a healthy way, so as not to spoil your health or gain weight by being fat and full of fat.

Instructions to lose weight healthy

  1. The first thing to keep in mind is that you have to gain weight in a healthy, balanced way, combining a healthy and good diet and food and exercise. But everything, with head. It’s not about eating without stopping, eating sweets, buns, things full of fat… that’s not the point.
  2. You have to discard foods that do not contribute anything, those that are known as empty calories. That is to say, these foods will certainly make you fat, but beyond this… little else, except for problems. You will not gain weight in a healthy and balanced way or will you increase muscle mass. You will simply gain weight, you will increase fat, you will have a belly… and simply, you will be fat. But not better.
  3. Think about eating from breakfast. Therefore, emphasize choosing foods well and do not forget to make breakfast every day. That they are foods rich in healthy fats, sourdough bread, avocado, olive oil, ham, proteins, etc.
  4. Increase meat consumption. Above all, because meat is a source of protein. Proteins are essential for metabolism. It is responsible for providing vitamins such as iron, which is essential. The fats that you put in the body will be healthy, they are not empty calories and you will be able to increase muscle mass.
  5. Of course, dairy products, cheese, yogurts… are suitable and even beneficial. Do not forget the many vitamins they provide and if something is also needed to gain weight in a healthy way, it is that you do not lack any vitamin (among other things that we will be counting).
  6. Do not forget or avoid legumes. All types. They are essential to provide the body with iron, carbohydrates and protein. A ticking time bomb for the body (in a good way). In addition, they fill the stomach and of course, they make you gain weight.
  7. Surely, you do know that carbohydrates are a staple. They give you the strength and energy necessary for your day, to be able to exercise with more strength and energy, with desire. Of course, not everything goes. It is not a matter of eating them without sense or exaggerated portions. It’s doing it meaningfully. Eat rice, pasta, you can eat bread (but better if it is of quality and not of poor quality that fills them with sugar). Think that you are looking to gain weight, but not fat.
  8. You will have to make a change in meals. And not only in what you eat, but also in the amounts and the times you do it. It is important that you eat more quantity (it does not mean less healthy) and more times.
  9. Eating more often is a good idea, although it may seem a bit heavy, because you make your metabolism work harder and the body’s muscles are fed. In conclusion, the body gradually increases its size.
  10. Of course, apart from a good diet that benefits you in gaining weight and having more kilos, physical exercise is essential. Not just any exercise, nor eating anything. Keep in mind that exercising and wanting to gain weight correctly is not just exercising, for example, arms, or legs, buttocks… that are a very common mistake. You have to perform exercises that compensate and work the whole body. An overall job.
  11. If you don’t know very well what kind of exercises to do, the best thing to do is to go to a gym and put yourself in the hands of an expert. You will ensure that you do not injure yourself or that you are doing exercises that are not the most suitable for your purpose. In general, in a much summarized way, the exercises that are most recommended are machines. Exercises that require strength, dumbbells, repetitions with a lot of weight, etc. Exercises that are definitely indicated to increase your body mass.
  12. Keep in mind that mathematics does not fail in this. It is the investment of what must be done to lose weight. In this case, for more body, more volume and more kilos, you have to consume more calories than you can spend. But of course, this does not mean that you can or should eat without stopping buns, chips, pizza, sweets and insane things of this type.
  13. Water is essential. And surely you are thinking that it is the same as in diets to lose weight. Yes. But in both cases, it is not only great for health; they are two different cases for one case and the other. In this, gaining weight serves and helps because the muscles are hydrated. By drinking a lot of water, the muscles “drink”, they are hydrated. And if they are hydrated, they absorb the exercises better.
  14. If it is a bit difficult for you to eat so many times or so often, or even, it is difficult for you to take the prepared food with you, I think of those “snacks” that, although they are healthy, are more caloric than the others. Some of them and that will be very useful to you, will be: olives. Be careful with the olives because a quantity of about ten, they have a lot of calories. Dates, also a handful, are very caloric. Nuts like walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc. You can prepare it as it is and take it with you (which will be more comfortable) or use it as you like and/or suit. For example, nuts to accompany it in smoothies, in salads, with milk, as a snack, in homemade bars, make homemade breads, with dairy products, yogurts, etc.

What do you need to lose weight healthily?

  • Do not forget that proteins must always be present in every meal you are going to make.
  • Fats considered good should be present daily.
  • Perform exercise that helps you increase your muscle mass and therefore, gain volume and muscle.

Tips to gain weight healthily

It is very important to be aware that, just as it is not an easy task to lose weight, neither is it easy to gain weight in a healthy way. It is not about eating and eating… everything you want. It is about combining adequate exercises, perseverance and all this, accompanied by an adequate diet. Because that is the key. Although you eat much more, much more often, every three or four hours, eat high-calorie foods, don’t forget good hydration, include protein in all the meals you eat and, of course, let your body breathe. You also need a rest day. Everything takes time and if you are constant, you will achieve it. But don’t force the machine more than it can.

If you don’t stop with the exercises, you can end up suffering an injury and end up throwing away everything you’ve already achieved. Do it logically and let yourself be advised by an expert who knows the subject.

Although we are used to seeing countless diets to lose weight, lose volume, how to lose kilos quickly, exercises to be thinner, etc. It is also just the opposite case. Many and many are the people who need and want to gain a few kilos, Gain weight. In an absurd way, you could think that it is a bargain. Nonsense… because you can believe that just by eating what you want, the amounts you want… you gain weight and that’s it. Well no. Mistake.

Getting fat is not eating everything and fat everywhere. You have to gain kilos, but doing it in a healthy way, so as not to spoil your health or gain weight by being fat and full of fat.

Instructions to lose weight healthy

  1. The first thing to keep in mind is that you have to gain weight in a healthy, balanced way, combining a healthy and good diet and food and exercise. But everything, with head. It’s not about eating without stopping, eating sweets, buns, things full of fat… that’s not the point.
  2. You have to discard foods that do not contribute anything, those that are known as empty calories. That is to say, these foods will certainly make you fat, but beyond this… little else, except for problems. You will not gain weight in a healthy and balanced way or will you increase muscle mass. You will simply gain weight, you will increase fat, you will have a belly… and simply, you will be fat. But not better.
  3. Think about eating from breakfast. Therefore, emphasize choosing foods well and do not forget to make breakfast every day. That they are foods rich in healthy fats, sourdough bread, avocado, olive oil, ham, proteins, etc.
  4. Increase meat consumption. Above all, because meat is a source of protein. Proteins are essential for metabolism. It is responsible for providing vitamins such as iron, which is essential. The fats that you put in the body will be healthy, they are not empty calories and you will be able to increase muscle mass.
  5. Of course, dairy products, cheese, yogurts… are suitable and even beneficial. Do not forget the many vitamins they provide and if something is also needed to gain weight in a healthy way, it is that you do not lack any vitamin (among other things that we will be counting).
  6. Do not forget or avoid legumes. All types. They are essential to provide the body with iron, carbohydrates and protein. A ticking time bomb for the body (in a good way). In addition, they fill the stomach and of course, they make you gain weight.
  7. Surely, you do know that carbohydrates are a staple. They give you the strength and energy necessary for your day, to be able to exercise with more strength and energy, with desire. Of course, not everything goes. It is not a matter of eating them without sense or exaggerated portions. It’s doing it meaningfully. Eat rice, pasta, you can eat bread (but better if it is of quality and not of poor quality that fills them with sugar). Think that you are looking to gain weight, but not fat.
  8. You will have to make a change in meals. And not only in what you eat, but also in the amounts and the times you do it. It is important that you eat more quantity (it does not mean less healthy) and more times.
  9. Eating more often is a good idea, although it may seem a bit heavy, because you make your metabolism work harder and the body’s muscles are fed. In conclusion, the body gradually increases its size.
  10. Of course, apart from a good diet that benefits you in gaining weight and having more kilos, physical exercise is essential. Not just any exercise, nor eating anything. Keep in mind that exercising and wanting to gain weight correctly is not just exercising, for example, arms, or legs, buttocks… that are a very common mistake. You have to perform exercises that compensate and work the whole body. An overall job.
  11. If you don’t know very well what kind of exercises to do, the best thing to do is to go to a gym and put yourself in the hands of an expert. You will ensure that you do not injure yourself or that you are doing exercises that are not the most suitable for your purpose. In general, in a much summarized way, the exercises that are most recommended are machines. Exercises that require strength, dumbbells, repetitions with a lot of weight, etc. Exercises that are definitely indicated to increase your body mass.
  12. Keep in mind that mathematics does not fail in this. It is the investment of what must be done to lose weight. In this case, for more body, more volume and more kilos, you have to consume more calories than you can spend. But of course, this does not mean that you can or should eat without stopping buns, chips, pizza, sweets and insane things of this type.
  13. Water is essential. And surely you are thinking that it is the same as in diets to lose weight. Yes. But in both cases, it is not only great for health; they are two different cases for one case and the other. In this, gaining weight serves and helps because the muscles are hydrated. By drinking a lot of water, the muscles “drink”, they are hydrated. And if they are hydrated, they absorb the exercises better.
  14. If it is a bit difficult for you to eat so many times or so often, or even, it is difficult for you to take the prepared food with you, I think of those “snacks” that, although they are healthy, are more caloric than the others. Some of them and that will be very useful to you, will be: olives. Be careful with the olives because a quantity of about ten, they have a lot of calories. Dates, also a handful, are very caloric. Nuts like walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc. You can prepare it as it is and take it with you (which will be more comfortable) or use it as you like and/or suit. For example, nuts to accompany it in smoothies, in salads, with milk, as a snack, in homemade bars, make homemade breads, with dairy products, yogurts, etc.

What do you need to lose weight healthily?

  • Do not forget that proteins must always be present in every meal you are going to make.
  • Fats considered good should be present daily.
  • Perform exercise that helps you increase your muscle mass and therefore, gain volume and muscle.

Tips to gain weight healthily

It is very important to be aware that, just as it is not an easy task to lose weight, neither is it easy to gain weight in a healthy way. It is not about eating and eating… everything you want. It is about combining adequate exercises, perseverance and all this, accompanied by an adequate diet. Because that is the key. Although you eat much more, much more often, every three or four hours, eat high-calorie foods, don’t forget good hydration, include protein in all the meals you eat and, of course, let your body breathe. You also need a rest day. Everything takes time and if you are constant, you will achieve it. But don’t force the machine more than it can.

If you don’t stop with the exercises, you can end up suffering an injury and end up throwing away everything you’ve already achieved. Do it logically and let yourself be advised by an expert who knows the subject.

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