How to Gain Weight and Gain Muscle Mass

There are many people who want to know how to gain weight fast, and even how to do it in just a month. For this it is not enough to know shakes to gain weight, but there are different points to take into account to achieve this goal.

In a diet to gain weight it is necessary to consume more calories than the body spends; and this can be achieved by eating every three hours, avoiding skipping meals and adding nutritious, caloric and healthy foods to the diet. Among the latter we can mention nuts, avocado, oatmeal or fruit smoothies.

However, it is important to keep in mind that even if it is a diet that aims to gain weight, the intake of processed foods such as soft drinks, chips or sauces should not be increased; and it is that these are foods rich in saturated fats and sugars that what they will do is favor the increase in body fat. This, in turn, makes you more predisposed to health problems.

The ideal, therefore, is to ensure that weight gain is related to an increase in muscle mass; and to achieve this it is necessary to combine a balanced diet with appropriate physical activity.

Tips to gain weight and gain muscle mass in a healthy way

In order to achieve your goal of knowing how to gain weight and gain muscle mass in a healthy way, there are different tips that you should take into account; and that thanks to them you will be able to reach your goal. Among these tips we should highlight the following:

Eat every three hours

Eating every three hours is essential to be able to increase your calorie intake throughout the day; and this will favor weight gain, because a greater number of calories must be ingested than the body spends.

In the same way, it is important to maintain a daily balance; both of the calories that come from carbohydrates and from fat and protein; and this also helps to increase muscle mass.

It is very important, therefore, not to skip meals, so that the supply of nutrients to the body is not impaired and adequate levels of glucose and amino acids in the blood can be maintained. This will promote recovery and muscle growth.

Include protein in all your meals

Including protein in all meals of the day means that the levels of amino acids in the blood can remain constant throughout the day; and this helps in promoting adequate recovery after training.

Proteins can be found in different foods such as chicken, fish, eggs, yogurt and cheese. To do this, you can choose to make efficient food combinations with which to gain weight and muscle mass.

Eat three fruits a day

It is recommended to consume at least three fruits a day and eating salad at lunch and dinner helps increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet. These are essential to be able to achieve a good functioning of the metabolism, favoring weight gain and muscle mass.

The fruits can be consumed both fresh and in the form of smoothies or juices, or dried fruits. They can be included in snacks, lunches or dinners.

Consumption of good fats

Foods that are a source of good fats, such as nuts, avocado, coconut, olive oil, almonds, flaxseed oil and seeds in general, are very good options to increase calories of the low-volume food diet. In addition, these fats help to gain muscle mass.

Drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily

Drinking enough water and maintaining good hydration is essential when it comes to gaining muscle mass. This is because hypertrophy, which is the increase in the size of muscle cells, only occurs if the cells are properly hydrated.

It is recommended to always be vigilant and consume at least 2.5 liters of water a day, bearing in mind that both pasteurized juices and soft drinks do not count as liquids for the body. In addition, it is important that this consumption of water is made between meals, since if it is with meals it can interfere with meal intake.

Doing physical activity

If you want to increase muscle mass and get the additional calories to become muscle and not fat, it is important to perform physical activity three to five times a week, with special emphasis on muscle and non-aerobic exercises.

The ideal in this sense is to consult a physical trainer or a personal trainer to carry out an exercise routine that suits your needs.

There are many people who want to know how to gain weight fast, and even how to do it in just a month. For this it is not enough to know shakes to gain weight, but there are different points to take into account to achieve this goal.

In a diet to gain weight it is necessary to consume more calories than the body spends; and this can be achieved by eating every three hours, avoiding skipping meals and adding nutritious, caloric and healthy foods to the diet. Among the latter we can mention nuts, avocado, oatmeal or fruit smoothies.

However, it is important to keep in mind that even if it is a diet that aims to gain weight, the intake of processed foods such as soft drinks, chips or sauces should not be increased; and it is that these are foods rich in saturated fats and sugars that what they will do is favor the increase in body fat. This, in turn, makes you more predisposed to health problems.

The ideal, therefore, is to ensure that weight gain is related to an increase in muscle mass; and to achieve this it is necessary to combine a balanced diet with appropriate physical activity.

Tips to gain weight and gain muscle mass in a healthy way

In order to achieve your goal of knowing how to gain weight and gain muscle mass in a healthy way, there are different tips that you should take into account; and that thanks to them you will be able to reach your goal. Among these tips we should highlight the following:

Eat every three hours

Eating every three hours is essential to be able to increase your calorie intake throughout the day; and this will favor weight gain, because a greater number of calories must be ingested than the body spends.

In the same way, it is important to maintain a daily balance; both of the calories that come from carbohydrates and from fat and protein; and this also helps to increase muscle mass.

It is very important, therefore, not to skip meals, so that the supply of nutrients to the body is not impaired and adequate levels of glucose and amino acids in the blood can be maintained. This will promote recovery and muscle growth.

Include protein in all your meals

Including protein in all meals of the day means that the levels of amino acids in the blood can remain constant throughout the day; and this helps in promoting adequate recovery after training.

Proteins can be found in different foods such as chicken, fish, eggs, yogurt and cheese. To do this, you can choose to make efficient food combinations with which to gain weight and muscle mass.

Eat three fruits a day

It is recommended to consume at least three fruits a day and eating salad at lunch and dinner helps increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet. These are essential to be able to achieve a good functioning of the metabolism, favoring weight gain and muscle mass.

The fruits can be consumed both fresh and in the form of smoothies or juices, or dried fruits. They can be included in snacks, lunches or dinners.

Consumption of good fats

Foods that are a source of good fats, such as nuts, avocado, coconut, olive oil, almonds, flaxseed oil and seeds in general, are very good options to increase calories of the low-volume food diet. In addition, these fats help to gain muscle mass.

Drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily

Drinking enough water and maintaining good hydration is essential when it comes to gaining muscle mass. This is because hypertrophy, which is the increase in the size of muscle cells, only occurs if the cells are properly hydrated.

It is recommended to always be vigilant and consume at least 2.5 liters of water a day, bearing in mind that both pasteurized juices and soft drinks do not count as liquids for the body. In addition, it is important that this consumption of water is made between meals, since if it is with meals it can interfere with meal intake.

Doing physical activity

If you want to increase muscle mass and get the additional calories to become muscle and not fat, it is important to perform physical activity three to five times a week, with special emphasis on muscle and non-aerobic exercises.

The ideal in this sense is to consult a physical trainer or a personal trainer to carry out an exercise routine that suits your needs.

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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