How to Fatten Up Your Ass

With the arrival of summer or in September, after its excesses, there are many women who go to the gym not only to lose the extra kilos they have put on, but also to ask for things such as: fatten up their asses, have more volume, increase the buttock, etc. You have to be realistic… requests like these… they don’t exist. Or not, with nuances.

If you go to a gym or go to a nutritionist and he promises or confirm that you will be able to fatten up your ass with just food and eating… run away from him. He is lying to you. Miracles don’t exist.

There are things that do not exist, and miracles unfortunately do not exist. Don’t waste time eating this or that ingredient because you won’t achieve anything by doing just that (except wasting time). The same as doing some exercises. No, you won’t get anything. To begin with, it is very important to fall into good hands. A good professional who should always do a review first. After seeing how your physique is, you should be honest. There are bodies that no matter how hard you try… it is complicated, due to genetics, to change it. Not impossible, but complicated. And it’s never, from one day to the next. It requires a lot of sacrifice, time, proper nutrition and concrete exercise. Nothing more and nothing less (which is not easy).

Instructions to fatten the ass

  1. The only thing that really works (despite what can be said) is the combination of good nutrition(always based on your needs and body) and specific physical exercise. Neither any diet nor any exercise is valid.
  2. You have to keep in mind that not all exercises work and that you shouldn’t believe exercises such as promising that doing “this and/or that…” will only serve to have more asses. Lie. Don’t be fooled, that really doesn’t exist. It’s like wanting to lose weight only belly and / or leg. If you lose weight, you lose weight in general… more or less the same. To just fatten up ass, you have to do very specific exercises and with a lot of perseverance.
  3. The most indicated (and really effective) exercises to increase muscle mass and increase your ass are: squats, quadrupeds, strides, etc. In the gym, there is more variety of exercises, always with machines and weights, which will help more to gain volume and shape to that part of the anatomy.
  4. Of course, although in the gym you will always achieve greater results, it is also possible to do it at home. Even with very few materials. It is enough with your own weight and the tax (for example), with weights, elastic bands, etc.
  5. The important thing is to perform very specific exercises, with weight, not to settle for always performing the same routine so that the muscles do not get used to them and of course, it will do little or nothing to do the exercises perfectly and be very constant, yes. Then in the feeding you falter. It is a combination and a binomial. In fact, they go hand in hand.
  6. When we talk about food, of course, there are foods that you should banishNo, to alcohol, do not drink carbonated or sugary drinks. Forget about sugar in general, about industrial pastries that will not give you anything except accumulate fat in the butt area and it will cost you much more to achieve your goal. Junk food, fried foods… get rid of and change the way you cook. For example, make small habits to start changing the shape of your buttocks. Banishes fritting preparations and frying.
  7. Instead, opt for the oven, the roasts, the iron, the steamer, the grill, the microwave… there are many options and much healthier ones.
  8. Eat carbohydrates. Nothing to banish them, because the ass and leg exercises in general, generate significant wear and it is not necessary to starve or die of fatigue. Carbohydrates (as long as they are healthy) provide energy and are the combustion so that the body is on fire.

What do you need to fatten up your ass?

  • Change the food. Leave the fried food, batter, fat, industrial pastries, sugar, junk food, etc.
  • He abuses the water.
  • Move more. Perform specific exercises if possible in the gym. But you can also make some at home with some material and weight.
  • Don’t just focus on the gluteal part. Get moving daily, perform full-body exercises, and let your muscles rest. Do not kill yourself daily because you will not get more results or sooner.

Tips to fatten up your ass

To increase ass it is seen that there is a lot of story and a lot of history. There are no miracles, nor is it impossible for you to change the shape of your ass or make it bigger or pert.

It just takes time. Time, motivation and a lot of perseverance. It is not true that by killing hours of cardio every day you are going to make your ass grow. In fact, on the contrary… cardio (practicing it with your head) is good for losing fat, but you won’t get more volume. For this, concrete exercises and weight are needed.

Repetitions, series with weight and evaluate each case. A buttock with a lot of fat is not the same as one without and flat. They are totally different cases and therefore, different methods are needed to achieve it. And no matter how much exercise is done, if the diet is not adequate… results will not be seen either.

With the arrival of summer or in September, after its excesses, there are many women who go to the gym not only to lose the extra kilos they have put on, but also to ask for things such as: fatten up their asses, have more volume, increase the buttock, etc. You have to be realistic… requests like these… they don’t exist. Or not, with nuances.

If you go to a gym or go to a nutritionist and he promises or confirm that you will be able to fatten up your ass with just food and eating… run away from him. He is lying to you. Miracles don’t exist.

There are things that do not exist, and miracles unfortunately do not exist. Don’t waste time eating this or that ingredient because you won’t achieve anything by doing just that (except wasting time). The same as doing some exercises. No, you won’t get anything. To begin with, it is very important to fall into good hands. A good professional who should always do a review first. After seeing how your physique is, you should be honest. There are bodies that no matter how hard you try… it is complicated, due to genetics, to change it. Not impossible, but complicated. And it’s never, from one day to the next. It requires a lot of sacrifice, time, proper nutrition and concrete exercise. Nothing more and nothing less (which is not easy).

Instructions to fatten the ass

  1. The only thing that really works (despite what can be said) is the combination of good nutrition(always based on your needs and body) and specific physical exercise. Neither any diet nor any exercise is valid.
  2. You have to keep in mind that not all exercises work and that you shouldn’t believe exercises such as promising that doing “this and/or that…” will only serve to have more asses. Lie. Don’t be fooled, that really doesn’t exist. It’s like wanting to lose weight only belly and / or leg. If you lose weight, you lose weight in general… more or less the same. To just fatten up ass, you have to do very specific exercises and with a lot of perseverance.
  3. The most indicated (and really effective) exercises to increase muscle mass and increase your ass are: squats, quadrupeds, strides, etc. In the gym, there is more variety of exercises, always with machines and weights, which will help more to gain volume and shape to that part of the anatomy.
  4. Of course, although in the gym you will always achieve greater results, it is also possible to do it at home. Even with very few materials. It is enough with your own weight and the tax (for example), with weights, elastic bands, etc.
  5. The important thing is to perform very specific exercises, with weight, not to settle for always performing the same routine so that the muscles do not get used to them and of course, it will do little or nothing to do the exercises perfectly and be very constant, yes. Then in the feeding you falter. It is a combination and a binomial. In fact, they go hand in hand.
  6. When we talk about food, of course, there are foods that you should banishNo, to alcohol, do not drink carbonated or sugary drinks. Forget about sugar in general, about industrial pastries that will not give you anything except accumulate fat in the butt area and it will cost you much more to achieve your goal. Junk food, fried foods… get rid of and change the way you cook. For example, make small habits to start changing the shape of your buttocks. Banishes fritting preparations and frying.
  7. Instead, opt for the oven, the roasts, the iron, the steamer, the grill, the microwave… there are many options and much healthier ones.
  8. Eat carbohydrates. Nothing to banish them, because the ass and leg exercises in general, generate significant wear and it is not necessary to starve or die of fatigue. Carbohydrates (as long as they are healthy) provide energy and are the combustion so that the body is on fire.

What do you need to fatten up your ass?

  • Change the food. Leave the fried food, batter, fat, industrial pastries, sugar, junk food, etc.
  • He abuses the water.
  • Move more. Perform specific exercises if possible in the gym. But you can also make some at home with some material and weight.
  • Don’t just focus on the gluteal part. Get moving daily, perform full-body exercises, and let your muscles rest. Do not kill yourself daily because you will not get more results or sooner.

Tips to fatten up your ass

To increase ass it is seen that there is a lot of story and a lot of history. There are no miracles, nor is it impossible for you to change the shape of your ass or make it bigger or pert.

It just takes time. Time, motivation and a lot of perseverance. It is not true that by killing hours of cardio every day you are going to make your ass grow. In fact, on the contrary… cardio (practicing it with your head) is good for losing fat, but you won’t get more volume. For this, concrete exercises and weight are needed.

Repetitions, series with weight and evaluate each case. A buttock with a lot of fat is not the same as one without and flat. They are totally different cases and therefore, different methods are needed to achieve it. And no matter how much exercise is done, if the diet is not adequate… results will not be seen either.

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