How to Do the Sir food Diet

If you are thinking of losing a large amount of weight, 20 or more kilos, and you cannot find a way to do it, you may be interested in trying the sir food diet, a weight loss diet that will allow you to overcome overweight problems, making you feel fuller of vitality and with more energy.

This diet became very popular because it was the method used to lose weight by the well-known singer Adele, who managed to lose 50 kilos of weight. It is a healthy diet that offers a variety of menus, where you can even consume wine and chocolate. Its effectiveness is based on achieving caloric deficit. In any case, if you are interested in knowing how to do the sir food diet, we are going to explain everything you must take into account to achieve it.

What is the sir food diet

The sir food diet is a diet designed by nutritionists Aiden Joggings and Glen Mitten, who carried out this method to make the singer Adele lose 50 kilograms.

It is a diet that is based on studies on sit-in, some types of enzymes and hormones that work with the body’s metabolism. This diet is made up of foods that promote the action of sit-in, which protect cells from inflammation and stress. This improves metabolism and synthesizes fats. The result of all this is to achieve weight loss.

Sort food

The foods that make up the diet are sort, since sit-in is in the body and regulates different functions of inflammation, metabolism and life expectancy. There are vegetables that help increase the level of protein, especially sit-in. The foods that should be included in your diet are, among others:

  • dates
  • Chili
  • Black coffee
  • Red wine (not to exceed)
  • Match tea or green tea
  • Dark chocolate with 85% cocoa
  • Walnuts
  • Parsley
  • Alfalfa
  • arugula
  • Turmeric
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Soy
  • Strawberries
  • Onion
  • capers
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • blueberries

Instructions for the sir food diet

If you are interested in knowing how to do the sifted diet, you should follow the steps that we are going to detail below. It is important that you know that it is based on natural products used in a caloric deficit plan, in order to consume fat reserves.

This is a method that is made up of three phases, which are distributed by weeks and each of them is based on consuming different elements, which are increasingly varied. We explain each of the phases:

Phase 1

To achieve success in the sir food diet, it is important to follow the instructions for it, especially in the first phase, about which you should know the following:

  • It is a phase that lasts 1 week and in which you must consume 1000 calories a day.
  • In this phase, the consumption of green juice should be included, as well as sort foods.
  • The first week of the diet cannot be extended, so it must be followed as indicated.
  • During this Phase 1 you can lose between 3 and 7 kilos.

To follow it, in this first faze you must consume a strong meal that includes sit-in 1 foods as food; and eat 3 green smoothies throughout the day.

Phase 2

In Phase 2, you enjoy greater freedom, thus being able to include other foods and greater amounts, in addition to increasing the number of meals. In this phase you must take into account the following:

  • You can eat three times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • You should drink 2 green juices during the day.
  • The menu you prepare cannot exceed 1,500 calories per day.
  • Vegetables are very important, so they should be very present in your diet. You can add potatoes, rice and pasta.

Phase 2 lasts until the person reaches the desired weight. This phase is characterized by containing turmeric and Asian foods, as well as salads. In any case, it is important to know that the amount of food that is eaten in each of the meals must be respected.

Phase 3

Once the desired weight is reached, it is when Phase 2 can be abandoned and Phase 3 can begin. It is the stage of adapting and converting it into habits to avoid the rebound effect. In addition, it will help you to make your body adapt to its new weight, and to lose lipids. About this phase you should know:

  • Meals up to a maximum of 1800 calories should be consumed.
  • The portions to eat should be the size of a semi-open fist, approximately.
  • The percentage of food will be higher and recommended by a nutritionist in order to continue providing the body with sit-in 1 protein.

By continuing to consume foods that contain sit-in, the person manages to enjoy a greater feeling of satiety and that it lasts longer. This allows you to maintain the weight that has been lost without having to increase the kilos.

If you are thinking of losing a large amount of weight, 20 or more kilos, and you cannot find a way to do it, you may be interested in trying the sir food diet, a weight loss diet that will allow you to overcome overweight problems, making you feel fuller of vitality and with more energy.

This diet became very popular because it was the method used to lose weight by the well-known singer Adele, who managed to lose 50 kilos of weight. It is a healthy diet that offers a variety of menus, where you can even consume wine and chocolate. Its effectiveness is based on achieving caloric deficit. In any case, if you are interested in knowing how to do the sir food diet, we are going to explain everything you must take into account to achieve it.

What is the sir food diet

The sir food diet is a diet designed by nutritionists Aiden Joggings and Glen Mitten, who carried out this method to make the singer Adele lose 50 kilograms.

It is a diet that is based on studies on sit-in, some types of enzymes and hormones that work with the body’s metabolism. This diet is made up of foods that promote the action of sit-in, which protect cells from inflammation and stress. This improves metabolism and synthesizes fats. The result of all this is to achieve weight loss.

Sort food

The foods that make up the diet are sort, since sit-in is in the body and regulates different functions of inflammation, metabolism and life expectancy. There are vegetables that help increase the level of protein, especially sit-in. The foods that should be included in your diet are, among others:

  • dates
  • Chili
  • Black coffee
  • Red wine (not to exceed)
  • Match tea or green tea
  • Dark chocolate with 85% cocoa
  • Walnuts
  • Parsley
  • Alfalfa
  • arugula
  • Turmeric
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Soy
  • Strawberries
  • Onion
  • capers
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • blueberries

Instructions for the sir food diet

If you are interested in knowing how to do the sifted diet, you should follow the steps that we are going to detail below. It is important that you know that it is based on natural products used in a caloric deficit plan, in order to consume fat reserves.

This is a method that is made up of three phases, which are distributed by weeks and each of them is based on consuming different elements, which are increasingly varied. We explain each of the phases:

Phase 1

To achieve success in the sir food diet, it is important to follow the instructions for it, especially in the first phase, about which you should know the following:

  • It is a phase that lasts 1 week and in which you must consume 1000 calories a day.
  • In this phase, the consumption of green juice should be included, as well as sort foods.
  • The first week of the diet cannot be extended, so it must be followed as indicated.
  • During this Phase 1 you can lose between 3 and 7 kilos.

To follow it, in this first faze you must consume a strong meal that includes sit-in 1 foods as food; and eat 3 green smoothies throughout the day.

Phase 2

In Phase 2, you enjoy greater freedom, thus being able to include other foods and greater amounts, in addition to increasing the number of meals. In this phase you must take into account the following:

  • You can eat three times a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • You should drink 2 green juices during the day.
  • The menu you prepare cannot exceed 1,500 calories per day.
  • Vegetables are very important, so they should be very present in your diet. You can add potatoes, rice and pasta.

Phase 2 lasts until the person reaches the desired weight. This phase is characterized by containing turmeric and Asian foods, as well as salads. In any case, it is important to know that the amount of food that is eaten in each of the meals must be respected.

Phase 3

Once the desired weight is reached, it is when Phase 2 can be abandoned and Phase 3 can begin. It is the stage of adapting and converting it into habits to avoid the rebound effect. In addition, it will help you to make your body adapt to its new weight, and to lose lipids. About this phase you should know:

  • Meals up to a maximum of 1800 calories should be consumed.
  • The portions to eat should be the size of a semi-open fist, approximately.
  • The percentage of food will be higher and recommended by a nutritionist in order to continue providing the body with sit-in 1 protein.

By continuing to consume foods that contain sit-in, the person manages to enjoy a greater feeling of satiety and that it lasts longer. This allows you to maintain the weight that has been lost without having to increase the kilos.

WeightNotes Staff
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