How to Do the Dissociated Diet Step By Step

There are many people who are willing to lose weight every day, which means that different diets are contemplated that can be carried out with the aim of losing weight. Since there are a large number of options to choose from, it is common for doubts to arise about which one to follow. In any case, the dissociated diet is one of the most popular in recent times.

If you want to know how to do the dissociated diet step by step, throughout this article we are going to explain everything you need to know about it, as well as how to follow it and all its benefits compared to other types of diets.

What is dissociated diet

The dissociated diet is one of the best known today, being the option chosen by a large number of people to try to bring changes to their lives and thus achieve weight loss. This diet is based on the digestive laws, which are responsible for dividing food into three types:

  • Carbohydrates: potato, sweet potato, rice, sugar, bread, carrot, wheat, chocolate, candy, carrot, bread, cassava, flour and pasta.
  • Protein: Chicken, meat, fish, light dairy products, nuts and game.
  • Neutral: Milk, cheese with more than 45% fat, vegetables, butter, vegetable oils, raw or smoked fish and meat.

Taking into account the types of foods that are part of this diet, the goal is to avoid mixing these foods on the same plate. This is because, according to the theory behind the dissociated diet, by mixing different types of food, the digestive system collapses. These causes sugar to be stored in the body and then converted to fat. The objective of this diet is to regulate food with a different style.

Benefits of the dissociated diet

The dissociated diet is associated with multiple benefits for the body and weight, and can mean a big change in the lifestyle you lead, and make it possible for you to better choose the foods you eat and the way you do it. Among its main advantages are the following:

  • It is a simple diet to follow. You only have to take into account the foods that provide you with protein and which carbohydrates.
  • It is a diet in which you do not have to count calories or food, without having many restrictions. This helps to make you feel less anxiety in the body.
  • It is a varied diet that allows you to eat many foods, without restrictions and encourages the proper distribution of them. So you can consume the food you have at home.
  • The body’s digestion is a process that can be made easier or more difficult depending on the food consumed. It is preferable to opt for vegetables and legumes, which are more easily digested.
  • It allows you to plan five meals composed of the different food groups, thus being able to enjoy the necessary energy.
  • It is a nutritious diet, since there are a large number of foods that are part of it and that allow you to have all the nutrients you need for your well-being.

How to do the dissociated diet

Once you know what the dissociated diet is and some of its many advantages, you should take into account the following steps and recommendations that we are going to indicate so that you can carry out this feeding method. Thanks to it you will be able to lose weight at the same time that you will improve your health, since it is a diet that will provide you with everything you need in your body.

The dissociated diet allows you to find foods that can be combined, without having problems eating the quantities you want, since, as we have said, this diet does not limit quantities.

To do it you only have to eat foods with others from compatible groups. To avoid possible errors, it is best to create a food table and review the dissociated diet menu. On the internet you can find a large number of dissociated diet tables so that you can follow your favorite, although all of them will indicate those foods and the way in which they fit together.

In any case, in general, you will be able to find how in the permitted food groups you will find:

  • Carbohydrates:  Rice, legumes, potato, wheat and derivatives, broad bean, sweet potato and soy.
  • Fats: Sunflower oil, olive oil, pine nuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, avocado, walnuts, chocolate, dates and raisins.
  • Proteins: Fish, meat, milk and dairy products, shellfish and eggs.
  • Fruits: Lemon, orange, kiwi, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, watermelon, tangerine, banana, tomato, apple, peach, cherry and pear.
  • Vegetables and vegetables: escarole, lettuce, celery, leek, broccoli, chard, aborigines, mushrooms, mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, beets, cucumber, pumpkin, pepper and zucchini.

When following the diet, you must always follow these guidelines:

  • Fruits can be eaten in the morning or mid-morning.
  • The natural fats of nuts and others can be eaten for snacks and mid-morning.
  • Carbohydrates are eaten at lunch or mid-morning.
  • Proteins are eaten at night.

There are many people who are willing to lose weight every day, which means that different diets are contemplated that can be carried out with the aim of losing weight. Since there are a large number of options to choose from, it is common for doubts to arise about which one to follow. In any case, the dissociated diet is one of the most popular in recent times.

If you want to know how to do the dissociated diet step by step, throughout this article we are going to explain everything you need to know about it, as well as how to follow it and all its benefits compared to other types of diets.

What is dissociated diet

The dissociated diet is one of the best known today, being the option chosen by a large number of people to try to bring changes to their lives and thus achieve weight loss. This diet is based on the digestive laws, which are responsible for dividing food into three types:

  • Carbohydrates: potato, sweet potato, rice, sugar, bread, carrot, wheat, chocolate, candy, carrot, bread, cassava, flour and pasta.
  • Protein: Chicken, meat, fish, light dairy products, nuts and game.
  • Neutral: Milk, cheese with more than 45% fat, vegetables, butter, vegetable oils, raw or smoked fish and meat.

Taking into account the types of foods that are part of this diet, the goal is to avoid mixing these foods on the same plate. This is because, according to the theory behind the dissociated diet, by mixing different types of food, the digestive system collapses. These causes sugar to be stored in the body and then converted to fat. The objective of this diet is to regulate food with a different style.

Benefits of the dissociated diet

The dissociated diet is associated with multiple benefits for the body and weight, and can mean a big change in the lifestyle you lead, and make it possible for you to better choose the foods you eat and the way you do it. Among its main advantages are the following:

  • It is a simple diet to follow. You only have to take into account the foods that provide you with protein and which carbohydrates.
  • It is a diet in which you do not have to count calories or food, without having many restrictions. This helps to make you feel less anxiety in the body.
  • It is a varied diet that allows you to eat many foods, without restrictions and encourages the proper distribution of them. So you can consume the food you have at home.
  • The body’s digestion is a process that can be made easier or more difficult depending on the food consumed. It is preferable to opt for vegetables and legumes, which are more easily digested.
  • It allows you to plan five meals composed of the different food groups, thus being able to enjoy the necessary energy.
  • It is a nutritious diet, since there are a large number of foods that are part of it and that allow you to have all the nutrients you need for your well-being.

How to do the dissociated diet

Once you know what the dissociated diet is and some of its many advantages, you should take into account the following steps and recommendations that we are going to indicate so that you can carry out this feeding method. Thanks to it you will be able to lose weight at the same time that you will improve your health, since it is a diet that will provide you with everything you need in your body.

The dissociated diet allows you to find foods that can be combined, without having problems eating the quantities you want, since, as we have said, this diet does not limit quantities.

To do it you only have to eat foods with others from compatible groups. To avoid possible errors, it is best to create a food table and review the dissociated diet menu. On the internet you can find a large number of dissociated diet tables so that you can follow your favorite, although all of them will indicate those foods and the way in which they fit together.

In any case, in general, you will be able to find how in the permitted food groups you will find:

  • Carbohydrates:  Rice, legumes, potato, wheat and derivatives, broad bean, sweet potato and soy.
  • Fats: Sunflower oil, olive oil, pine nuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, avocado, walnuts, chocolate, dates and raisins.
  • Proteins: Fish, meat, milk and dairy products, shellfish and eggs.
  • Fruits: Lemon, orange, kiwi, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, watermelon, tangerine, banana, tomato, apple, peach, cherry and pear.
  • Vegetables and vegetables: escarole, lettuce, celery, leek, broccoli, chard, aborigines, mushrooms, mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, beets, cucumber, pumpkin, pepper and zucchini.

When following the diet, you must always follow these guidelines:

  • Fruits can be eaten in the morning or mid-morning.
  • The natural fats of nuts and others can be eaten for snacks and mid-morning.
  • Carbohydrates are eaten at lunch or mid-morning.
  • Proteins are eaten at night.
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