How to Do the Cornish Diet

The world has taken it upon itself to standardize beauty at a very high level. Almost no one enjoys the measures that are considered “perfect”. Those who are less graceful, feel disadvantaged and relegated to the background by society.

We live in a world where whoever has a pretty face and a statuesque physique gets the best jobs, despite not being the smartest or most qualified. We have been led to believe that beautiful people are the ones who succeed in life and, for this reason, many feel dissatisfied and even frustrated by the way they look.

In a desperate act, they resort to all kinds of diets and food regimens. Many of which are not recommended, since they threaten health, causing permanent damage.

The truth is that there are so many diets available that it is very difficult to choose the best one. However, a nutritionist has the knowledge and experience necessary to determine which diet is best for you to follow to achieve your goals without compromising your health.

It is likely that he will recommend diets whose names you have never heard before. Such is the case of the Cornish diet, which was created by Dean Cornish, a cardiologist who was concerned about the increasing rate of heart disease in the population. The diet emerged as a prevention strategy, but also as a treatment for these diseases.

If you have heart problems, you may feel its okay to start implementing it in your life. But, in view of the seriousness of the matter, it is recommended that, before making any decision, you know a little more about this diet, how to do it and what are the benefits and risks involved. Let’s see it.


This diet is very famous, as it is considered good for losing weight. It is of the vegetarian style, specifically ovolactovegetarian. In addition to that, it is low in fat.

It does not focus on caloric reduction, but rather on the type of food we eat. Which means that it is considered a very restrictive diet and, therefore, difficult to do if you do not have the necessary willpower.

In addition to a very strict diet, the Cornish diet guidelines include regular moderate exercise, the elimination of tobacco, the reduction of situations that trigger stress and the practice of Yoga, as well as other habits that have the purpose of making the patient enjoy a much healthier life.

On the other hand, since it considers people as social beings, it handles the proposal that the treatment should be carried out with the person’s participation in therapies or support groups, in order to get the stimulus and motivation they need to continue ahead.

If you base yourself on the fundamentals of this diet, you can lose up to 5 kilos a month. This is due to the restriction of fat and the increase in fiber. However, it should be noted that weight loss may be affected if cereal intake is included in all meals.

Instead, the recommendation is to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to achieve the 75% estimated carbohydrates.

To do the Cornish diet, you must base yourself on a list of foods that are allowed, which you can include at will. That is, it does not set limits on the quantity, which guarantees that, after each meal, you will feel satiated.

He proposes to make about 5 meals a day, where the presence of fruits and vegetables should predominate in the dishes. But, to be able to make a daily menu based on the Cornish diet, you need to know which foods are allowed and which ones you should avoid at all costs, according to their nutritional criteria.

What do you need

As I have mentioned before, among the foods allowed by the Cornish diet are those that are a source of fiber and have limited amounts of fat. Among them are the following:

  •  Fruits: tangerine, orange, grapefruit, lemon, banana, melon, pears, peach, kiwi, figs, etc.
  •  Vegetables: Swiss chard, celery, eggplant, watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, fennel, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, onion, beetroot, carrot, potato, among others.
  •  Legumes: lentils, chickpeas, soybeans and their derivatives, such as milk, tofu, seaman and vegetable meat.
  •  Whole grains: that is, whole grains of wheat, barley, rye, oats, rice, corn and their derivatives.
  •  Proteins: egg whites.
  •  Dairy products: skimmed products, such as milk, yogurts and low-fat cheeses.

Among the prohibited foods are those that are rich in fat, regardless of whether they are of animal or vegetable origin. For example:

  •  Red and white meat from any type of animal.
  •  All sources of vegetable oils, as well as their derivatives, such as avocado, nuts, etc. It is only allowed to use a tablespoon of oil to season food.
  •  Infusions, such as coffee, tea and mate.
  •  Processed foods.
  •  Sugar and sweets. Only a little honey is allowed to sweeten some drinks.

But apart from the above, what else do you need to know in or related to the Cornish diet and the correct way to do it?


It is important that you are aware of the advantages offered by the Cornish diet, perhaps this is an incentive to start doing it:

  • By sweeping fat from your arteries, it improves blood circulation.
  • It reduces the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as obesity and its complications, cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes.
  • When producing a contribution of fiber, the control of your glycaemia values ​​is optimized.
  • Being a low-fat diet, it is also low in calories, which favors rapid weight loss.
  • It prevents the development of different types of cancer, such as prostate and colon cancer, since it has a significant contribution of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables.
  • Thanks to the fact that it encourages the practice of meditation and Yoga, it helps reduce stress levels, which are considered the main generators of heart disease and cancer.

However, to decide whether or not to start a diet, it is not enough to know only the advantages it offers. You also need to know the other side of the coin to be aware of what possible risks exist. They stand out among them:

  • Iron and protein deficiencies can occur, as well as complications such as anemia, which can be avoided if the diet is balanced with plant foods rich in these nutrients.
  • By not including vegetable oils, fats or omega 3, it leads to deficiencies of essential fats and vitamin E. Although it is true that legumes provide small amounts of healthy fats, they are not enough.
  • Due to the low consumption of healthy fats and the high intake of carbohydrates, you end up lowering your good cholesterol and increasing your triglycerides.
  • Produces constipation. This might seem paradoxical, since it has a great contribution of fiber and water. However, the lack of fat makes daily bowel movements difficult.

Although you already have enough information to determine if the Cornish diet is good or not, the recommendation is always to consult a nutritionist before taking the step of starting a diet.

Remember that what benefits one person may end up harming another, since each one has unique and totally different characteristics, which are conditioned by genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, ask your doctor if the Cornish diet is the solution you are looking for.

The world has taken it upon itself to standardize beauty at a very high level. Almost no one enjoys the measures that are considered “perfect”. Those who are less graceful, feel disadvantaged and relegated to the background by society.

We live in a world where whoever has a pretty face and a statuesque physique gets the best jobs, despite not being the smartest or most qualified. We have been led to believe that beautiful people are the ones who succeed in life and, for this reason, many feel dissatisfied and even frustrated by the way they look.

In a desperate act, they resort to all kinds of diets and food regimens. Many of which are not recommended, since they threaten health, causing permanent damage.

The truth is that there are so many diets available that it is very difficult to choose the best one. However, a nutritionist has the knowledge and experience necessary to determine which diet is best for you to follow to achieve your goals without compromising your health.

It is likely that he will recommend diets whose names you have never heard before. Such is the case of the Cornish diet, which was created by Dean Cornish, a cardiologist who was concerned about the increasing rate of heart disease in the population. The diet emerged as a prevention strategy, but also as a treatment for these diseases.

If you have heart problems, you may feel its okay to start implementing it in your life. But, in view of the seriousness of the matter, it is recommended that, before making any decision, you know a little more about this diet, how to do it and what are the benefits and risks involved. Let’s see it.


This diet is very famous, as it is considered good for losing weight. It is of the vegetarian style, specifically ovolactovegetarian. In addition to that, it is low in fat.

It does not focus on caloric reduction, but rather on the type of food we eat. Which means that it is considered a very restrictive diet and, therefore, difficult to do if you do not have the necessary willpower.

In addition to a very strict diet, the Cornish diet guidelines include regular moderate exercise, the elimination of tobacco, the reduction of situations that trigger stress and the practice of Yoga, as well as other habits that have the purpose of making the patient enjoy a much healthier life.

On the other hand, since it considers people as social beings, it handles the proposal that the treatment should be carried out with the person’s participation in therapies or support groups, in order to get the stimulus and motivation they need to continue ahead.

If you base yourself on the fundamentals of this diet, you can lose up to 5 kilos a month. This is due to the restriction of fat and the increase in fiber. However, it should be noted that weight loss may be affected if cereal intake is included in all meals.

Instead, the recommendation is to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables to achieve the 75% estimated carbohydrates.

To do the Cornish diet, you must base yourself on a list of foods that are allowed, which you can include at will. That is, it does not set limits on the quantity, which guarantees that, after each meal, you will feel satiated.

He proposes to make about 5 meals a day, where the presence of fruits and vegetables should predominate in the dishes. But, to be able to make a daily menu based on the Cornish diet, you need to know which foods are allowed and which ones you should avoid at all costs, according to their nutritional criteria.

What do you need

As I have mentioned before, among the foods allowed by the Cornish diet are those that are a source of fiber and have limited amounts of fat. Among them are the following:

  •  Fruits: tangerine, orange, grapefruit, lemon, banana, melon, pears, peach, kiwi, figs, etc.
  •  Vegetables: Swiss chard, celery, eggplant, watercress, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, fennel, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, onion, beetroot, carrot, potato, among others.
  •  Legumes: lentils, chickpeas, soybeans and their derivatives, such as milk, tofu, seaman and vegetable meat.
  •  Whole grains: that is, whole grains of wheat, barley, rye, oats, rice, corn and their derivatives.
  •  Proteins: egg whites.
  •  Dairy products: skimmed products, such as milk, yogurts and low-fat cheeses.

Among the prohibited foods are those that are rich in fat, regardless of whether they are of animal or vegetable origin. For example:

  •  Red and white meat from any type of animal.
  •  All sources of vegetable oils, as well as their derivatives, such as avocado, nuts, etc. It is only allowed to use a tablespoon of oil to season food.
  •  Infusions, such as coffee, tea and mate.
  •  Processed foods.
  •  Sugar and sweets. Only a little honey is allowed to sweeten some drinks.

But apart from the above, what else do you need to know in or related to the Cornish diet and the correct way to do it?


It is important that you are aware of the advantages offered by the Cornish diet, perhaps this is an incentive to start doing it:

  • By sweeping fat from your arteries, it improves blood circulation.
  • It reduces the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as well as obesity and its complications, cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes.
  • When producing a contribution of fiber, the control of your glycaemia values ​​is optimized.
  • Being a low-fat diet, it is also low in calories, which favors rapid weight loss.
  • It prevents the development of different types of cancer, such as prostate and colon cancer, since it has a significant contribution of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables.
  • Thanks to the fact that it encourages the practice of meditation and Yoga, it helps reduce stress levels, which are considered the main generators of heart disease and cancer.

However, to decide whether or not to start a diet, it is not enough to know only the advantages it offers. You also need to know the other side of the coin to be aware of what possible risks exist. They stand out among them:

  • Iron and protein deficiencies can occur, as well as complications such as anemia, which can be avoided if the diet is balanced with plant foods rich in these nutrients.
  • By not including vegetable oils, fats or omega 3, it leads to deficiencies of essential fats and vitamin E. Although it is true that legumes provide small amounts of healthy fats, they are not enough.
  • Due to the low consumption of healthy fats and the high intake of carbohydrates, you end up lowering your good cholesterol and increasing your triglycerides.
  • Produces constipation. This might seem paradoxical, since it has a great contribution of fiber and water. However, the lack of fat makes daily bowel movements difficult.

Although you already have enough information to determine if the Cornish diet is good or not, the recommendation is always to consult a nutritionist before taking the step of starting a diet.

Remember that what benefits one person may end up harming another, since each one has unique and totally different characteristics, which are conditioned by genetic and environmental factors. Therefore, ask your doctor if the Cornish diet is the solution you are looking for.

WeightNotes Staff
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