How to Do a Flexitarian Diet

Today, there are many people who, for one reason or another, have decided to change their eating habits. This is how vegetarians, vegans, raw foists, among others, arise.


Among the most popular are vegetarian. These people refuse to eat meat, but they do accept foods derived from animals, such as milk, honey, cheese, eggs, and butter. On the other hand, they also have no problem dressing or wearing material derived from animals, such as wool, leather and silk.

As for vegans, like vegetarians, they do not eat animal meat either. However, they go even further, since they do not eat or dress with products derived from  animals, since they consider that the human being is not above any other animal species.

Although there are marked differences between these two types of diets and lifestyles, they have in common that they abstain from animal meat. Since most people eat meat, those who don’t are often seen as weird. It is also considered that they are depriving themselves of the great pleasures of life, that they are not eating properly and that they are too extreme.

Given this general opinion, a new food trend has emerged: the flexitarian diet. Have you heard about her? Maybe not. But it is interesting to note that this proposal is considered one of the most balanced diet options that there may be.

Would you like to know more about this new trend? What does it consist of? What do flexitarians eat? What are the benefits it brings to health? If you want to know these and other questions related to the flexitarian diet, you cannot stop reading this interesting post. Maybe you will be encouraged and change your eating habits today. Let’s see it.

Instructions for doing a flexitarian diet

The term flexitarian comes from the combination of the words flexible and vegetarian. This gives us an idea of ​​what this diet consists of. It is a flexible vegetarian diet, since it does not completely restrict animal products. However, those that are consumed are from organic farming, sustainable fishing and in small quantities.

This is a trend that is becoming more and more fashionable, given that there is more and more awareness regarding massive animal exploitation and the environmental impact generated by the consumption of animals.

Due to this, the flexitarian diet has become an excellent option for those who want to reduce the consumption of animal meat. However, a ban as such is not imposed on them.

It can also be considered as a first step for those who wish to adopt a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, but progressively, in order to adapt more comfortably.

It should be noted that there are no set calorie or macronutrient goals on this diet. In addition, it is estimated that this diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. That, without taking into account the fact that it helps control weight.

The calories in this diet come mainly from foods such as fruits, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables. When it comes to protein, plant-based foods such as soybeans, legumes, nuts, and seeds are considered the main source.

However, they are also obtained from eggs and other dairy products. As well as smaller amounts of red and processed meats. It also encourages the consumption of saturated fats, added sugars and sodium.

If this slightly more flexible lifestyle appeals to you, you’ll want to be aware of a few other things on the subject.

What do you need to do a flexitarian diet?

In order to carry out this diet successfully, you need to be aware of what foods are allowed and how they should be eaten.

In general, the base of their menu is vegetables and greens, which are combined with different types of legumes, sprouts, nuts, whole grains, tubers, algae and seeds.

On a regular basis, accept the intake of eggs and dairy, such as fish, shellfish and red meat. However, when eaten, it is made as a complement to vegetables and not the other way around, as most people tend to do. That is, meat is not the main dish.

The flexitarian eats meat for social reasons, something neither vegetarians nor vegans would ever do. This is not a transgression in his life. But, when it comes to doing it, he does it in small amounts for a health-related issue.

However, the fact of admitting the moderate consumption of meat does not mean that you do not pay attention to the origin of these foods. Choose vegetables that have been grown under the criteria of organic farming. Choose sustainable fishing products and meat of organic origin and with an animal welfare certificate.

Simply put, you care about what you eat and strive to eat healthy. For this reason, he also rejects refined or precooked flours, as well as ultra-processed foods.

If you don’t know how to combine foods to create a flexitarian menu, you need a couple of options to consider. For example:

  •  For breakfast: rye bread toast with chickpea pâté. A glass of orange juice and two whole grain biscuits with no added sugar.
  •  In the morning snack: two plums.
  •  At lunch: arugula salad with raisins and dried tomato, a plant-based burger and kiwi.
  •  In the afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt with 4 nuts.
  •  For dinner: baked sea bass with zucchini and potatoes. Accompanied by an infusion.

second option could be this:

  •  At breakfast: oatmeal with non-dairy milk, a turkey sandwich and two tangerines.
  •  In the morning snack: an apple.
  •  For lunch: whole wheat pasta salad with broccoli, a handful of hazelnuts and a basil sauce with plain yogurt.
  •  For the afternoon snack: two brown rice tortillas with green tea.
  • At dinner: vegetables with chia seeds and a poached egg. You can complement with a handful of cherries.

Since every diet implies certain restrictions when it comes to eating, what will help you make the decision to become a flexitarian?

Tips for doing a flexitarian diet

Without a doubt, knowing the benefits of the flexitarian diet can be the motivation you need to start changing your eating habits today. Some of these benefits are:

  • Since it is a diet rich in plant-based foods, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • It is associated with significantly lower levels of glucose and insulin, which means that the risk of developing diabetes is lower.
  • Decreases the possibility of developing different types of cancer, including colon cancer.
  • It helps to have a more controlled and balanced weight, which means that it acts against obesity.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Prevents eye diseases.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the body, including those of the heart.
  • Acts against premature aging.
  • Reduces the risk of having a stroke.
  • Promotes the health of patients suffering from high blood pressure.
  • Promotes proper digestion and proper absorption of nutrients.

Therefore, if you want to start your flexitarian diet today, some of the things you can do are these:

  • At every meal you have, prepare a plate that contains fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and natural fats.
  • When selecting a protein, make sure that your first choice is always plant-based products, such as soy, legumes, seeds, dairy or eggs.
  • When incorporating meat, keep in mind how often you do it, as well as the amount of it.
  • It includes, mostly, foods that are whole and rich in nutrients. So that you reduce the intake of products with a high caloric content, saturated fats, added sugars and sodium.

Today, there are many people who, for one reason or another, have decided to change their eating habits. This is how vegetarians, vegans, raw foists, among others, arise.


Among the most popular are vegetarian. These people refuse to eat meat, but they do accept foods derived from animals, such as milk, honey, cheese, eggs, and butter. On the other hand, they also have no problem dressing or wearing material derived from animals, such as wool, leather and silk.

As for vegans, like vegetarians, they do not eat animal meat either. However, they go even further, since they do not eat or dress with products derived from  animals, since they consider that the human being is not above any other animal species.

Although there are marked differences between these two types of diets and lifestyles, they have in common that they abstain from animal meat. Since most people eat meat, those who don’t are often seen as weird. It is also considered that they are depriving themselves of the great pleasures of life, that they are not eating properly and that they are too extreme.

Given this general opinion, a new food trend has emerged: the flexitarian diet. Have you heard about her? Maybe not. But it is interesting to note that this proposal is considered one of the most balanced diet options that there may be.

Would you like to know more about this new trend? What does it consist of? What do flexitarians eat? What are the benefits it brings to health? If you want to know these and other questions related to the flexitarian diet, you cannot stop reading this interesting post. Maybe you will be encouraged and change your eating habits today. Let’s see it.

Instructions for doing a flexitarian diet

The term flexitarian comes from the combination of the words flexible and vegetarian. This gives us an idea of ​​what this diet consists of. It is a flexible vegetarian diet, since it does not completely restrict animal products. However, those that are consumed are from organic farming, sustainable fishing and in small quantities.

This is a trend that is becoming more and more fashionable, given that there is more and more awareness regarding massive animal exploitation and the environmental impact generated by the consumption of animals.

Due to this, the flexitarian diet has become an excellent option for those who want to reduce the consumption of animal meat. However, a ban as such is not imposed on them.

It can also be considered as a first step for those who wish to adopt a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, but progressively, in order to adapt more comfortably.

It should be noted that there are no set calorie or macronutrient goals on this diet. In addition, it is estimated that this diet can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. That, without taking into account the fact that it helps control weight.

The calories in this diet come mainly from foods such as fruits, legumes, whole grains, and vegetables. When it comes to protein, plant-based foods such as soybeans, legumes, nuts, and seeds are considered the main source.

However, they are also obtained from eggs and other dairy products. As well as smaller amounts of red and processed meats. It also encourages the consumption of saturated fats, added sugars and sodium.

If this slightly more flexible lifestyle appeals to you, you’ll want to be aware of a few other things on the subject.

What do you need to do a flexitarian diet?

In order to carry out this diet successfully, you need to be aware of what foods are allowed and how they should be eaten.

In general, the base of their menu is vegetables and greens, which are combined with different types of legumes, sprouts, nuts, whole grains, tubers, algae and seeds.

On a regular basis, accept the intake of eggs and dairy, such as fish, shellfish and red meat. However, when eaten, it is made as a complement to vegetables and not the other way around, as most people tend to do. That is, meat is not the main dish.

The flexitarian eats meat for social reasons, something neither vegetarians nor vegans would ever do. This is not a transgression in his life. But, when it comes to doing it, he does it in small amounts for a health-related issue.

However, the fact of admitting the moderate consumption of meat does not mean that you do not pay attention to the origin of these foods. Choose vegetables that have been grown under the criteria of organic farming. Choose sustainable fishing products and meat of organic origin and with an animal welfare certificate.

Simply put, you care about what you eat and strive to eat healthy. For this reason, he also rejects refined or precooked flours, as well as ultra-processed foods.

If you don’t know how to combine foods to create a flexitarian menu, you need a couple of options to consider. For example:

  •  For breakfast: rye bread toast with chickpea pâté. A glass of orange juice and two whole grain biscuits with no added sugar.
  •  In the morning snack: two plums.
  •  At lunch: arugula salad with raisins and dried tomato, a plant-based burger and kiwi.
  •  In the afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt with 4 nuts.
  •  For dinner: baked sea bass with zucchini and potatoes. Accompanied by an infusion.

second option could be this:

  •  At breakfast: oatmeal with non-dairy milk, a turkey sandwich and two tangerines.
  •  In the morning snack: an apple.
  •  For lunch: whole wheat pasta salad with broccoli, a handful of hazelnuts and a basil sauce with plain yogurt.
  •  For the afternoon snack: two brown rice tortillas with green tea.
  • At dinner: vegetables with chia seeds and a poached egg. You can complement with a handful of cherries.

Since every diet implies certain restrictions when it comes to eating, what will help you make the decision to become a flexitarian?

Tips for doing a flexitarian diet

Without a doubt, knowing the benefits of the flexitarian diet can be the motivation you need to start changing your eating habits today. Some of these benefits are:

  • Since it is a diet rich in plant-based foods, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • It is associated with significantly lower levels of glucose and insulin, which means that the risk of developing diabetes is lower.
  • Decreases the possibility of developing different types of cancer, including colon cancer.
  • It helps to have a more controlled and balanced weight, which means that it acts against obesity.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Prevents eye diseases.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the body, including those of the heart.
  • Acts against premature aging.
  • Reduces the risk of having a stroke.
  • Promotes the health of patients suffering from high blood pressure.
  • Promotes proper digestion and proper absorption of nutrients.

Therefore, if you want to start your flexitarian diet today, some of the things you can do are these:

  • At every meal you have, prepare a plate that contains fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and natural fats.
  • When selecting a protein, make sure that your first choice is always plant-based products, such as soy, legumes, seeds, dairy or eggs.
  • When incorporating meat, keep in mind how often you do it, as well as the amount of it.
  • It includes, mostly, foods that are whole and rich in nutrients. So that you reduce the intake of products with a high caloric content, saturated fats, added sugars and sodium.
WeightNotes Staff
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