How to Diet For a Flat Stomach

It is undeniable that physical fitness has been gaining in importance over time among men and women. More and more people are concerned about maintaining good shape and looking their best, so it is not surprising that numerous physical activities are carried out to try to achieve the goal.

However, in order to enjoy a stylized body according to current canons, and above all, for it to be healthy, it is essential to pay special attention to food. Although it is often not given the importance it deserves, what we eat is even more important than physical exercise when it comes to losing weight and getting rid of the fat that is in our body.

For this reason, below, we are going to explain how to follow a diet for a flat stomach, so if what you are looking for is to enjoy a better physical appearance in this part of your body, it is recommended that you follow all the recommendations and guidelines that we are going to detail.

Flat stomach diet

To know how to do a diet for a flat stomach you must bear in mind that there are two key aspects that you must take into consideration in order to achieve the best possible result and these are: diet and physical exercise.

For this, it is important that the diet is good and balanced, taking into account that it must have all the necessary nutrients. In the event that this is not the case, we will find that the belly will end up being swollen. In addition, if you combine it with specific sports to eliminate fat from the abdominal area, you will achieve success.

How to get a flat stomach

If you are looking for how to do a diet for a flat stomach, you should consider the above, as it will be key to achieving the best results. So that you have the information you need to have that belly you want, we are going to give you a series of tips that you should keep in mind, in addition to mentioning different foods that can help you when it comes to achieving your goal.


Nuts are high-calorie foods that make many people avoid them when starting a diet. However, it must be taken into account that they have protein and fiber, they provide energy; and in addition, they have a satiating effect.

For this reason, its intake is recommended to achieve a flat stomach, as long as it is consumed in small quantities. In this way you will be able to see how your appetite is reduced at the same time that you incorporate healthy fat into your body, which you can use to build muscle.


Vegetables are essential to carry out a diet that helps you get a flat stomach. Vegetables of different colors provide you with vitamin A, C, minerals and folic acid. Thanks to them you will be able to eliminate liquids at the same time that you provide fiber to your body.

They are ideal to be able to deal with free radicals, so they will help you greatly when it comes to achieving the desired abdomen.

Vegetal protein

Legumes are a rich source of vegetable protein, making them ideal for a complete meal. They help to improve intestinal transit, while regulating digestion, reducing appetite, burning fat and helping to build muscle.

Monounsaturated fats

Fats cannot be eliminated in a diet that is focused on achieving a flat stomach, since they are still an important element. However, it can be obtained from healthier routes. For starters, you can use extra virgin olive oil, which is a healthy monounsaturated fatty acid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can also resort to avocado, which although it has many calories, contributes to achieving a loss of fat in the abdomen.


Fruits are a staple in practically any diet, and it is also if you are looking to know how to do a diet for a flat stomach. They are antioxidants, rich in vitamin C, a source of fiber, diuretics, etc. They have excellent properties that make this fresh food the perfect one to consume, and it is recommended to eat them whole, not in juices, as a snack between meals.


Oatmeal is one of our greatest allies in trying to get a flat stomach. Its high fiber content helps to satiate and eliminate what is left over from the body. In addition to contributing to fat burning, it keeps you energized for longer, keeping blood sugar levels constant.


Tea is a perfect drink to be able to achieve a flat stomach. It helps when it comes to burning fat, in addition to having antioxidants and cell protectors. In this sense, there are different types of teas that you can consume, being red tea and green tea, the perfect ones for a flat stomach diet.

Avoid soft drinks

One of the great recommendations that you should have if your goal is to get a flat stomach is to avoid soft drinks. Its high amount of sugar will make you gain fat, while its gas will make your belly swell. Therefore, it is better that you opt for water or other alternative drinks such as green tea, coconut water or infusions, which are much healthier.

Be careful with meals before bed

A fundamental advice to achieve a flat stomach is to avoid eating for at least 2 hours before going to sleep, since it is a time of low activity. Therefore, everything you eat will be calories that you are not going to burn and that, therefore, will be stored.

It is undeniable that physical fitness has been gaining in importance over time among men and women. More and more people are concerned about maintaining good shape and looking their best, so it is not surprising that numerous physical activities are carried out to try to achieve the goal.

However, in order to enjoy a stylized body according to current canons, and above all, for it to be healthy, it is essential to pay special attention to food. Although it is often not given the importance it deserves, what we eat is even more important than physical exercise when it comes to losing weight and getting rid of the fat that is in our body.

For this reason, below, we are going to explain how to follow a diet for a flat stomach, so if what you are looking for is to enjoy a better physical appearance in this part of your body, it is recommended that you follow all the recommendations and guidelines that we are going to detail.

Flat stomach diet

To know how to do a diet for a flat stomach you must bear in mind that there are two key aspects that you must take into consideration in order to achieve the best possible result and these are: diet and physical exercise.

For this, it is important that the diet is good and balanced, taking into account that it must have all the necessary nutrients. In the event that this is not the case, we will find that the belly will end up being swollen. In addition, if you combine it with specific sports to eliminate fat from the abdominal area, you will achieve success.

How to get a flat stomach

If you are looking for how to do a diet for a flat stomach, you should consider the above, as it will be key to achieving the best results. So that you have the information you need to have that belly you want, we are going to give you a series of tips that you should keep in mind, in addition to mentioning different foods that can help you when it comes to achieving your goal.


Nuts are high-calorie foods that make many people avoid them when starting a diet. However, it must be taken into account that they have protein and fiber, they provide energy; and in addition, they have a satiating effect.

For this reason, its intake is recommended to achieve a flat stomach, as long as it is consumed in small quantities. In this way you will be able to see how your appetite is reduced at the same time that you incorporate healthy fat into your body, which you can use to build muscle.


Vegetables are essential to carry out a diet that helps you get a flat stomach. Vegetables of different colors provide you with vitamin A, C, minerals and folic acid. Thanks to them you will be able to eliminate liquids at the same time that you provide fiber to your body.

They are ideal to be able to deal with free radicals, so they will help you greatly when it comes to achieving the desired abdomen.

Vegetal protein

Legumes are a rich source of vegetable protein, making them ideal for a complete meal. They help to improve intestinal transit, while regulating digestion, reducing appetite, burning fat and helping to build muscle.

Monounsaturated fats

Fats cannot be eliminated in a diet that is focused on achieving a flat stomach, since they are still an important element. However, it can be obtained from healthier routes. For starters, you can use extra virgin olive oil, which is a healthy monounsaturated fatty acid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

You can also resort to avocado, which although it has many calories, contributes to achieving a loss of fat in the abdomen.


Fruits are a staple in practically any diet, and it is also if you are looking to know how to do a diet for a flat stomach. They are antioxidants, rich in vitamin C, a source of fiber, diuretics, etc. They have excellent properties that make this fresh food the perfect one to consume, and it is recommended to eat them whole, not in juices, as a snack between meals.


Oatmeal is one of our greatest allies in trying to get a flat stomach. Its high fiber content helps to satiate and eliminate what is left over from the body. In addition to contributing to fat burning, it keeps you energized for longer, keeping blood sugar levels constant.


Tea is a perfect drink to be able to achieve a flat stomach. It helps when it comes to burning fat, in addition to having antioxidants and cell protectors. In this sense, there are different types of teas that you can consume, being red tea and green tea, the perfect ones for a flat stomach diet.

Avoid soft drinks

One of the great recommendations that you should have if your goal is to get a flat stomach is to avoid soft drinks. Its high amount of sugar will make you gain fat, while its gas will make your belly swell. Therefore, it is better that you opt for water or other alternative drinks such as green tea, coconut water or infusions, which are much healthier.

Be careful with meals before bed

A fundamental advice to achieve a flat stomach is to avoid eating for at least 2 hours before going to sleep, since it is a time of low activity. Therefore, everything you eat will be calories that you are not going to burn and that, therefore, will be stored.

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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