How Much Should It Weigh

One of the things that most worries parents (especially first-timers due to lack of experience), although it is logical and normal for all parents to worry about it, is the weight of their baby.

When they are born and when the months go by, it is normal for them to be worried if their baby weighs little or they see him as skinny (asking a multitude of questions in case something is not going well) and also the same, if they see or notice him with some overweight. Thinking that such, it is not normal for him to be so plump and sick or something happens to him. In advance, calm down. Something that must always be done is not to lose your peace of mind.

If you have doubts, you are worried or suddenly, you begin to notice that your baby is losing weight or is regaining it too quickly; the most logical thing is that you go to the pediatrician. What you should never do is ask friends, relatives, acquaintances… because obviously, each baby is different. That your baby, for example, weighs little or is tiny, does not have to mean that nothing bad happens to him. And if, on the contrary, you see that the baby is plump and chubby, he does not have to be a symptom of something bad either. Only the doctor will tell you if he is or not.


  1. Each case is particular; it is unique, like your baby. The fact that two babies were born at the same time, on the same day, does not have to mean that they should weigh the same , grow in the same way and gain weight at the same speed. Do not be startled, especially new parents who, being novices, tend to get overwhelmed more and more quickly. Do not take it to heart and let each baby go at her own pace (as long as she follows the pediatrician’s instructions). And if your baby was born before nine months, it is logical that it costs a little more to keep up the first few months. But you will see that later, she is taking the grams quickly.
  2. To begin with, genetics does a lot and also has a lot to do with it.
  3. A clear example. If the parents are big and thick-boned, it is more than safe (or not) but if the baby is already born big, after a few months, it is logical that it continues with the same rhythm. Therefore, the baby will be big and will weigh more or even double in weight than a baby who was already born tiny and whose parents are normal or small.
  4. Something that cannot be left out either and that, above all, in the first months of the child’s life will have a lot to do with it, is when they are born. A baby born after nine months is not the same as one whom, for X reasons had to be born months earlier.
  5. If the baby is born at nine months, he will have been born fully formed, with his corresponding weight. But if, for whatever reason, he had to be born months before, he will still need to reach the minimum weight, he will have to develop, and train… therefore, it will take a little longer to be at his ideal weight.
  6. Another reason that may cause the baby to not be at its optimal weight is if during its gestation, in the mother’s pregnancy, she suffered from diabetes. It is common that, in cases of gestational diabetes, the baby is not in her weight.
  7. Now, broadly speaking… the baby was born and let’s says that it was a normal pregnancy(without frights or frights of any kind) that there are no diseases of any kind and that she was born at nine months. If all is well, the baby should weigh five pounds. Let’s see… there is no need to be alarmed.
  8. The doctors will be the ones who will evaluate your baby. But what they usually take into account as a standard and correct weight at birth is two kilos five hundred grams. If the baby is born below that weight, she will be considered to be in a low step.
  9. But there’s also the other possibility… that babies are huge. How do they calculate it? A large baby is considered when it weighs four kilos or more.
  10. Something that you will have to leave in the hands of pediatricians and not be obsessed with will be both centimeters (and knowing if it grows more or less) and the issue of weight. In fact, every time you take your baby to a pediatric visit, he/she will be in charge of evaluating him/her: both measuring and weighing him/her. And they will be the ones who will tell you if everything is fine or you should increase the weight.
  11. When babies are so small and during the first months of life it is amazing how they gain weight and how they grow. So much so, that as something generalized (not an exact science), we could say that each month they can gain weight between half a kilo and a kilo. That will go like these month after month in broad strokes…
  12. When the little one has reached his trimester, he is already three months old; the weight gain is going a little slower. In fact, it is usually like this (something normal) from three to half a year (six months) which, as we said, is usually normal for each month to gain half a kilo.
  13. Then when the baby is six months old, and up to nine months, with gaining half a kilo, it would be fine.
  14. Having said that, which are the normal values ​​and those that are usually taken into account, they are not weights that should be carried out to the letter. As we said, it will depend a lot on the health of your baby, the conditions, and the genetics, how they are developing, how big or not they are, etc. Therefore, what is always important is that the pediatrician is the one who tells you what to do if the baby is underweight, if she should gain weight, how to do it, if she is overweight for her age, etc. Always let the doctor advice you (not because of what you are reading or what other nearby babies have experienced).
  15. In the case of gender, in babies it is also taken into account if it is a boy and/or a girl.
    Not when they are born. At birth, as we said at the beginning, the same weight should be taken into account (generally). From there, as the months go by… six months are reached and here there is a table with a minimum weight for a girl and a boy. But that is not everything and it depends a lot on each little person.
  16. In children, for example, if we take into account the six months, we could count on eight kilos. On the other hand, girls, from seven kilos.
  17. This is how they continue to evaluate them, especially taking into account the first three months to avoid problems and keep perfect control: minimum children should weigh six kilos. And in girls, at least five kilos or five and a half kilos.
  18. The six months, we have already mentioned, would then pass at nine months: with a minimum weight of nine kilos for boys and eight and a half kilos for girls.
  19. At a year old, with the first year of life, children at least, should already have reached a weight of nine and a half kilos or ten kilos.
  20. It also tends to influence (it is a controversial issue) but it has always been said that a baby who feeds on breast milk tends to gain weight and be larger.
  21. Babies who are good eaters, who eat and are not fussy, always tend to be at a more correct weight. On the other hand, those who, for example, are slower, the parents have a hard time feeding them; they hardly like baby food or vegetables, purees, etc. It costs more to gain weight.

What do you need

  • Take proper control of the baby at the pediatrician.
  • Have the pediatrician take the baby’s measurements and weight.


Above all, if they tell you that your baby is beautiful but that he is very plump, that habit that many have of grabbing his cheeks, but they let you know that he is very fat, no matter. As long as the visits to the pediatrician have the approval and it is not this one, whoever tells you that it is true or not, do not pay attention to what they will say. Because there are many who have the habit or that babies should be very plump (bad) or vice versa if the baby is plump.

Take into account how you are. The baby’s father and mother. Think about how you were little and ask what you were like when you were babies. You have to consider this. If you have always been big, wide-boned, if that has anything to do with it. Because it is genetic. Your creature will also be great. So there is no need to worry. And the same, in reverse. If you are little, it does not have to be a huge baby.

Take into account the genetics of the parents. If the parents are big, there is a better chance that their baby will be too. And if they are small, the baby has the ballots to be too. No need to worry.

One of the things that most worries parents (especially first-timers due to lack of experience), although it is logical and normal for all parents to worry about it, is the weight of their baby.

When they are born and when the months go by, it is normal for them to be worried if their baby weighs little or they see him as skinny (asking a multitude of questions in case something is not going well) and also the same, if they see or notice him with some overweight. Thinking that such, it is not normal for him to be so plump and sick or something happens to him. In advance, calm down. Something that must always be done is not to lose your peace of mind.

If you have doubts, you are worried or suddenly, you begin to notice that your baby is losing weight or is regaining it too quickly; the most logical thing is that you go to the pediatrician. What you should never do is ask friends, relatives, acquaintances… because obviously, each baby is different. That your baby, for example, weighs little or is tiny, does not have to mean that nothing bad happens to him. And if, on the contrary, you see that the baby is plump and chubby, he does not have to be a symptom of something bad either. Only the doctor will tell you if he is or not.


  1. Each case is particular; it is unique, like your baby. The fact that two babies were born at the same time, on the same day, does not have to mean that they should weigh the same , grow in the same way and gain weight at the same speed. Do not be startled, especially new parents who, being novices, tend to get overwhelmed more and more quickly. Do not take it to heart and let each baby go at her own pace (as long as she follows the pediatrician’s instructions). And if your baby was born before nine months, it is logical that it costs a little more to keep up the first few months. But you will see that later, she is taking the grams quickly.
  2. To begin with, genetics does a lot and also has a lot to do with it.
  3. A clear example. If the parents are big and thick-boned, it is more than safe (or not) but if the baby is already born big, after a few months, it is logical that it continues with the same rhythm. Therefore, the baby will be big and will weigh more or even double in weight than a baby who was already born tiny and whose parents are normal or small.
  4. Something that cannot be left out either and that, above all, in the first months of the child’s life will have a lot to do with it, is when they are born. A baby born after nine months is not the same as one whom, for X reasons had to be born months earlier.
  5. If the baby is born at nine months, he will have been born fully formed, with his corresponding weight. But if, for whatever reason, he had to be born months before, he will still need to reach the minimum weight, he will have to develop, and train… therefore, it will take a little longer to be at his ideal weight.
  6. Another reason that may cause the baby to not be at its optimal weight is if during its gestation, in the mother’s pregnancy, she suffered from diabetes. It is common that, in cases of gestational diabetes, the baby is not in her weight.
  7. Now, broadly speaking… the baby was born and let’s says that it was a normal pregnancy(without frights or frights of any kind) that there are no diseases of any kind and that she was born at nine months. If all is well, the baby should weigh five pounds. Let’s see… there is no need to be alarmed.
  8. The doctors will be the ones who will evaluate your baby. But what they usually take into account as a standard and correct weight at birth is two kilos five hundred grams. If the baby is born below that weight, she will be considered to be in a low step.
  9. But there’s also the other possibility… that babies are huge. How do they calculate it? A large baby is considered when it weighs four kilos or more.
  10. Something that you will have to leave in the hands of pediatricians and not be obsessed with will be both centimeters (and knowing if it grows more or less) and the issue of weight. In fact, every time you take your baby to a pediatric visit, he/she will be in charge of evaluating him/her: both measuring and weighing him/her. And they will be the ones who will tell you if everything is fine or you should increase the weight.
  11. When babies are so small and during the first months of life it is amazing how they gain weight and how they grow. So much so, that as something generalized (not an exact science), we could say that each month they can gain weight between half a kilo and a kilo. That will go like these month after month in broad strokes…
  12. When the little one has reached his trimester, he is already three months old; the weight gain is going a little slower. In fact, it is usually like this (something normal) from three to half a year (six months) which, as we said, is usually normal for each month to gain half a kilo.
  13. Then when the baby is six months old, and up to nine months, with gaining half a kilo, it would be fine.
  14. Having said that, which are the normal values ​​and those that are usually taken into account, they are not weights that should be carried out to the letter. As we said, it will depend a lot on the health of your baby, the conditions, and the genetics, how they are developing, how big or not they are, etc. Therefore, what is always important is that the pediatrician is the one who tells you what to do if the baby is underweight, if she should gain weight, how to do it, if she is overweight for her age, etc. Always let the doctor advice you (not because of what you are reading or what other nearby babies have experienced).
  15. In the case of gender, in babies it is also taken into account if it is a boy and/or a girl.
    Not when they are born. At birth, as we said at the beginning, the same weight should be taken into account (generally). From there, as the months go by… six months are reached and here there is a table with a minimum weight for a girl and a boy. But that is not everything and it depends a lot on each little person.
  16. In children, for example, if we take into account the six months, we could count on eight kilos. On the other hand, girls, from seven kilos.
  17. This is how they continue to evaluate them, especially taking into account the first three months to avoid problems and keep perfect control: minimum children should weigh six kilos. And in girls, at least five kilos or five and a half kilos.
  18. The six months, we have already mentioned, would then pass at nine months: with a minimum weight of nine kilos for boys and eight and a half kilos for girls.
  19. At a year old, with the first year of life, children at least, should already have reached a weight of nine and a half kilos or ten kilos.
  20. It also tends to influence (it is a controversial issue) but it has always been said that a baby who feeds on breast milk tends to gain weight and be larger.
  21. Babies who are good eaters, who eat and are not fussy, always tend to be at a more correct weight. On the other hand, those who, for example, are slower, the parents have a hard time feeding them; they hardly like baby food or vegetables, purees, etc. It costs more to gain weight.

What do you need

  • Take proper control of the baby at the pediatrician.
  • Have the pediatrician take the baby’s measurements and weight.


Above all, if they tell you that your baby is beautiful but that he is very plump, that habit that many have of grabbing his cheeks, but they let you know that he is very fat, no matter. As long as the visits to the pediatrician have the approval and it is not this one, whoever tells you that it is true or not, do not pay attention to what they will say. Because there are many who have the habit or that babies should be very plump (bad) or vice versa if the baby is plump.

Take into account how you are. The baby’s father and mother. Think about how you were little and ask what you were like when you were babies. You have to consider this. If you have always been big, wide-boned, if that has anything to do with it. Because it is genetic. Your creature will also be great. So there is no need to worry. And the same, in reverse. If you are little, it does not have to be a huge baby.

Take into account the genetics of the parents. If the parents are big, there is a better chance that their baby will be too. And if they are small, the baby has the ballots to be too. No need to worry.

WeightNotes Staff
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