How Much Should A 2 Month Old Weigh?

The first months of the baby’s life, his health is looked at with a magnifying glass. Naturally, one of the things that most worries parents is that the baby is gaining weight properly and that it is growing as planned.

But this is when many parents (especially first-timers) begin to have doubts. What is the weight that your baby should have when he is two months old?, Is he the correct weight is he chubby, is he very skinny…? The answer is simple and clear: relax. The first months of life and up to six months (half a year of the baby) you will have to take the baby to the pediatrician every month. So it will be this one, who will tell you whether or not you should worry.

The pediatrician will take your baby’s measurements monthly, measure him and weigh him. He will always write everything down, in this way you can compare and see if he / she is gaining weight or if she is not and if she is growing as expected (or not).


  1. As we have already mentioned, something that is totally basic and that you must take into account is that once your baby is born, it will be controlled by your doctor. That is, when they are babies (until adolescence) it will be the pediatrician. That is the doctor, of the smallest.
  2. Visits to the pediatrician will also depend on the needs of each baby. Of course, you must have all the confidence in the doctor because, after all, it will be the doctor who will be aware that your baby will be without problems and healthy.
  3. Not only will he be the one who measures and weighs you at each visit (also) but he will be in charge of having to administer the vaccines, do the examinations, check-ups, etc.
  4. As for the issue of the weight and growth of the little boy or girl, it is fundamental. Not for aesthetics, of course, but for your health. So much so, that it is taken into account to be able to assess that the baby is growing and developing correctly, without health problems, without congenital, mental, physical, psychomotor problems…
  5. It is for this same reason that it will be essential that on a regular basis (usually once a month) you have to go to the pediatrician and he/she takes the baby’s measurements.
  6. As for weight, which is what we are dealing with in this post, it is no less important… in fact it is just as or more important. For the same reasons and because it is vital that the pediatrician can evaluate it and even detect any anomaly in the baby. If the little one did not gain weight properly, was very skinny or, on the contrary, too obese, he would have to ask you questions about whether he eats a lot or not, does he have a problem, etc. and of course, carry out the relevant tests.
  7. Since the baby is only two months old, of course, the only thing he can eat is breast milk. But that does not imply that he is a baby or very gluttonous or that, on the contrary, he has a hard time eating and does not want to. Hence, it is very important, the questions of the pediatrician type: “How often do you eat, if you eat well, if you eat a lot, if you are very hungry, etc.”
  8. One of the concerns also of many mothers is the issue of milk intake. Some mothers prefer and want to breastfeed, but others are either not convinced by that idea, they cannot breastfeed them, or they have to work and cannot breastfeed In all these cases, the options are different, but just as valid for the baby. The little one to begin with, will grow just as well and feed. You just have to follow some or other guidelines. But always, it will depend on the creature itself and it is not an exact science.
  9. When it is said that the baby feeds on breast milk or is breastfed, it is referring to the fact that he only eats the milk from his mother’s breast. Not in a bottle and not an artificial milk. If not, directly from her mother’s breast.
  10. On the contrary, when it is said that the baby is fed with artificial milk, it is because it refers to the fact that the baby drinks prepared milk and it is not from his mother’s breast.
  11. This, on the one hand, but then there are the shots. This is what the “meals” that the baby makes are called. And we assure you that they are not few… yes, this is not an exact science. As each baby is a world, they are different. And if a baby does, for example, an average of seven feedings a day, it does not mean that another cannot do five daily feedings. Because it will depend on whether one is hungrier, is more of an eater, in one shot they eat more than the other, etc. Therefore, the baby is also the one who takes the lead and if she is hungry, she will let you know.
  12. As they are babies, if you are lucky that they are eaters, as we told you, they will let you know because they will cry. But there are also those who are “bad eaters” for example. That it costs them a little more, so therefore, you cannot trust them and you still have to have a control of the hours that pass between taking and taking, the amount they eat and how many times.
  13. Broadly speaking, when in doubt, you should always consult your pediatrician. Assessing the age, weight, size and how the baby is, he will advise you one thing or another.
  14. In any case, from here we will tell you (in broad strokes) what is usual in babies. But as we say, always follow the doctor’s guidelines.
  15. If all goes well, the baby will want to eat every X hours. Generally, there will be no more than three or four hours between each meal.
  16. Then there’s how many times do you eat? Well, it will also depend on each baby. But the normal thing is that you want and/or have to do it between five and seven times. Be careful, it is not exact, we emphasize that it depends a lot on the amount the baby eats. If you eat a lot and are gluttonous, obviously, you won’t need to eat as many times or repeatedly. That is why we warn that it is only gross mood.
  17. The amount of milk you should drink, which is not an exact science either, is advised not to be less than 150 milliliters and at most, for each feeding, not more than 180 milliliters.
  18. All of the above being said, babies generally tend to eat every four to six hours if they are a good eater or a normal eater. If you are lucky enough that they are gluttonous or drink the whole bottle, they will not need to eat as often (which will be lucky for the mother who will be exhausted, the poor thing).
  19. Now we move on to the million dollar question… (Or one of many questions), how much does or should the baby weigh at two months? Well, an exact weight, there is not. Because each baby is a world. A baby that is big is not the same as a baby that is smaller. Even so, both can vary in weight and be just as healthy. But if, as general measures, it could be said that she would have a correct weight if she is at least four kilos and with a maximum weight of six and a half kilos. Therefore, weighing between that minimum and maximum is considered a very adequate weight.
  20. Be careful, as we never get tired of repeating, this depends on many different factors. For example: it will vary between sex (if it is a girl or a boy), it will vary if it is of constitution and large bones, the centimeters it has, etc.
  21. It is also highly valued and greatly influenced (apart from what has already been mentioned) how the baby was born. And we explain it very briefly. It will not be the same, a baby that was born after a perfect pregnancy, at the correct weeks and with nine months of gestation, than, for example, and a baby that was born premature. Premature babies, for more than obvious reasons, need time to develop perfectly and some extra care. Therefore, they are born smaller and thinner.
  22. This review of the baby, with two months of life is of vital importance for his health. On the one hand, the pediatrician will vaccinate him (he would have the other hepatitis B vaccine, the meningitis vaccine, etc.) It also depends on the autonomous community where he resides. And of course, of course, he will make an exhaustive assessment of his motor skills to rule out any type of anomaly or problem. He will make you smile, he will assess if you can move your arms, legs, sit, stand, if you have reflexes, etc.

What do you need

  • Go regularly (every month) or when the pediatrician sees fit for his routine visit.
  • The first six months of life are very important. That is why you have to follow a control of their weight and size.


You should always bear in mind that it is essential for the baby to visit his pediatrician on a regular basis (every month), so that he is the one who assesses him. He will take your measurements; weigh you, apart from vaccinating you and doing the pertinent examinations. When in doubt, always ask him, ignore “so-and-so” because each baby is different and depends a lot on the factors.

A baby can be just as healthy as another who weighs more or vice versa or is more or less large. Many things are taken into account there: gestation, pregnancy, when he was born, childbirth, genetics, what the parents are like, if he eats well, intolerances, etc. Infinity of factors.

For the same reason, it is so important that during the first six months of life, you visit the pediatrician regularly. Thus, even especially, the first year of his life. Although of course, after visits to the pediatrician are somewhat more spaced in time, it does not mean that they stop going.

If the pediatrician in those routine visits that he makes to make sure that everything is under control and correct check, for example, that the baby is gaining too much weight, they will ask you about the amount he eats. She may eat too much milk or too many times. Or maybe the milk is too fatty. In other cases, possible problems will be assessed. If, on the other hand, the little boy or girl is below the weight she should be, then they will also ask you about the amount she eats, the times she feeds, the number of times she eats, etc. . It will also be mediated and the same as in the previous case, the necessary explorations will be made to rule out any type of problem or anomaly in its development.

The first months of the baby’s life, his health is looked at with a magnifying glass. Naturally, one of the things that most worries parents is that the baby is gaining weight properly and that it is growing as planned.

But this is when many parents (especially first-timers) begin to have doubts. What is the weight that your baby should have when he is two months old?, Is he the correct weight is he chubby, is he very skinny…? The answer is simple and clear: relax. The first months of life and up to six months (half a year of the baby) you will have to take the baby to the pediatrician every month. So it will be this one, who will tell you whether or not you should worry.

The pediatrician will take your baby’s measurements monthly, measure him and weigh him. He will always write everything down, in this way you can compare and see if he / she is gaining weight or if she is not and if she is growing as expected (or not).


  1. As we have already mentioned, something that is totally basic and that you must take into account is that once your baby is born, it will be controlled by your doctor. That is, when they are babies (until adolescence) it will be the pediatrician. That is the doctor, of the smallest.
  2. Visits to the pediatrician will also depend on the needs of each baby. Of course, you must have all the confidence in the doctor because, after all, it will be the doctor who will be aware that your baby will be without problems and healthy.
  3. Not only will he be the one who measures and weighs you at each visit (also) but he will be in charge of having to administer the vaccines, do the examinations, check-ups, etc.
  4. As for the issue of the weight and growth of the little boy or girl, it is fundamental. Not for aesthetics, of course, but for your health. So much so, that it is taken into account to be able to assess that the baby is growing and developing correctly, without health problems, without congenital, mental, physical, psychomotor problems…
  5. It is for this same reason that it will be essential that on a regular basis (usually once a month) you have to go to the pediatrician and he/she takes the baby’s measurements.
  6. As for weight, which is what we are dealing with in this post, it is no less important… in fact it is just as or more important. For the same reasons and because it is vital that the pediatrician can evaluate it and even detect any anomaly in the baby. If the little one did not gain weight properly, was very skinny or, on the contrary, too obese, he would have to ask you questions about whether he eats a lot or not, does he have a problem, etc. and of course, carry out the relevant tests.
  7. Since the baby is only two months old, of course, the only thing he can eat is breast milk. But that does not imply that he is a baby or very gluttonous or that, on the contrary, he has a hard time eating and does not want to. Hence, it is very important, the questions of the pediatrician type: “How often do you eat, if you eat well, if you eat a lot, if you are very hungry, etc.”
  8. One of the concerns also of many mothers is the issue of milk intake. Some mothers prefer and want to breastfeed, but others are either not convinced by that idea, they cannot breastfeed them, or they have to work and cannot breastfeed In all these cases, the options are different, but just as valid for the baby. The little one to begin with, will grow just as well and feed. You just have to follow some or other guidelines. But always, it will depend on the creature itself and it is not an exact science.
  9. When it is said that the baby feeds on breast milk or is breastfed, it is referring to the fact that he only eats the milk from his mother’s breast. Not in a bottle and not an artificial milk. If not, directly from her mother’s breast.
  10. On the contrary, when it is said that the baby is fed with artificial milk, it is because it refers to the fact that the baby drinks prepared milk and it is not from his mother’s breast.
  11. This, on the one hand, but then there are the shots. This is what the “meals” that the baby makes are called. And we assure you that they are not few… yes, this is not an exact science. As each baby is a world, they are different. And if a baby does, for example, an average of seven feedings a day, it does not mean that another cannot do five daily feedings. Because it will depend on whether one is hungrier, is more of an eater, in one shot they eat more than the other, etc. Therefore, the baby is also the one who takes the lead and if she is hungry, she will let you know.
  12. As they are babies, if you are lucky that they are eaters, as we told you, they will let you know because they will cry. But there are also those who are “bad eaters” for example. That it costs them a little more, so therefore, you cannot trust them and you still have to have a control of the hours that pass between taking and taking, the amount they eat and how many times.
  13. Broadly speaking, when in doubt, you should always consult your pediatrician. Assessing the age, weight, size and how the baby is, he will advise you one thing or another.
  14. In any case, from here we will tell you (in broad strokes) what is usual in babies. But as we say, always follow the doctor’s guidelines.
  15. If all goes well, the baby will want to eat every X hours. Generally, there will be no more than three or four hours between each meal.
  16. Then there’s how many times do you eat? Well, it will also depend on each baby. But the normal thing is that you want and/or have to do it between five and seven times. Be careful, it is not exact, we emphasize that it depends a lot on the amount the baby eats. If you eat a lot and are gluttonous, obviously, you won’t need to eat as many times or repeatedly. That is why we warn that it is only gross mood.
  17. The amount of milk you should drink, which is not an exact science either, is advised not to be less than 150 milliliters and at most, for each feeding, not more than 180 milliliters.
  18. All of the above being said, babies generally tend to eat every four to six hours if they are a good eater or a normal eater. If you are lucky enough that they are gluttonous or drink the whole bottle, they will not need to eat as often (which will be lucky for the mother who will be exhausted, the poor thing).
  19. Now we move on to the million dollar question… (Or one of many questions), how much does or should the baby weigh at two months? Well, an exact weight, there is not. Because each baby is a world. A baby that is big is not the same as a baby that is smaller. Even so, both can vary in weight and be just as healthy. But if, as general measures, it could be said that she would have a correct weight if she is at least four kilos and with a maximum weight of six and a half kilos. Therefore, weighing between that minimum and maximum is considered a very adequate weight.
  20. Be careful, as we never get tired of repeating, this depends on many different factors. For example: it will vary between sex (if it is a girl or a boy), it will vary if it is of constitution and large bones, the centimeters it has, etc.
  21. It is also highly valued and greatly influenced (apart from what has already been mentioned) how the baby was born. And we explain it very briefly. It will not be the same, a baby that was born after a perfect pregnancy, at the correct weeks and with nine months of gestation, than, for example, and a baby that was born premature. Premature babies, for more than obvious reasons, need time to develop perfectly and some extra care. Therefore, they are born smaller and thinner.
  22. This review of the baby, with two months of life is of vital importance for his health. On the one hand, the pediatrician will vaccinate him (he would have the other hepatitis B vaccine, the meningitis vaccine, etc.) It also depends on the autonomous community where he resides. And of course, of course, he will make an exhaustive assessment of his motor skills to rule out any type of anomaly or problem. He will make you smile, he will assess if you can move your arms, legs, sit, stand, if you have reflexes, etc.

What do you need

  • Go regularly (every month) or when the pediatrician sees fit for his routine visit.
  • The first six months of life are very important. That is why you have to follow a control of their weight and size.


You should always bear in mind that it is essential for the baby to visit his pediatrician on a regular basis (every month), so that he is the one who assesses him. He will take your measurements; weigh you, apart from vaccinating you and doing the pertinent examinations. When in doubt, always ask him, ignore “so-and-so” because each baby is different and depends a lot on the factors.

A baby can be just as healthy as another who weighs more or vice versa or is more or less large. Many things are taken into account there: gestation, pregnancy, when he was born, childbirth, genetics, what the parents are like, if he eats well, intolerances, etc. Infinity of factors.

For the same reason, it is so important that during the first six months of life, you visit the pediatrician regularly. Thus, even especially, the first year of his life. Although of course, after visits to the pediatrician are somewhat more spaced in time, it does not mean that they stop going.

If the pediatrician in those routine visits that he makes to make sure that everything is under control and correct check, for example, that the baby is gaining too much weight, they will ask you about the amount he eats. She may eat too much milk or too many times. Or maybe the milk is too fatty. In other cases, possible problems will be assessed. If, on the other hand, the little boy or girl is below the weight she should be, then they will also ask you about the amount she eats, the times she feeds, the number of times she eats, etc. . It will also be mediated and the same as in the previous case, the necessary explorations will be made to rule out any type of problem or anomaly in its development.

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