How Many Calories Should You Burn In A Day To Lose Weight?

Every day there are many people who consider what they should do to lose weight and thus improve their health and/or physical condition to try to look more attractive or feel better about them.

However, it is important to know that every time you eat a meal or drink, you are providing your body with a number of calories, which varies depending on the type of food in question. It is a caloric intake that is what defines your weight.

In this way, the fewer calories you consume per day or the more you consume with physical exercise, you will be able to lose weight faster. Many people wonder how many calories to burn in a day to lose weight and then we are going to give you the answer to this question.

Calories to burn per day to lose weight

Before giving you a series of tips in the form of exercises that you can do to achieve your weight loss goal, it is important that you know the daily calories that a person should consume.

To do this, you can use a formula that serves as an estimate to know the approximate number of calories you should eat. To do this, you just have to weigh yourself and take that current weight in kilograms to multiply it by 30. The final result will be the number of calories that, in theory, you should consume per day, approximately.

Once you are clear about the caloric intake you need for each day and that will help you maintain your current weight, you will have a better idea of ​​what you should burn to lose weight.

However, you should know that each person requires the burning of a certain number of calories to lose weight. This means that not all people need to burn the same calories. As a general rule, a person who is not overweight or sedentary should try to burn about 3,500 calories a day in order to lose a kilo of fat in a healthy way. In this way, if you want to lose a kilo of fat in a week, you will need to burn around 600 calories a day.

Best exercises to burn calories

If you want to burn calories quickly, it is important that you do physical exercise, which must be accompanied by a good diet.

In any case, some of the best exercises to achieve your weight loss goal are the following:

  • Jump rope for an hour (approx. 750 calories)
  • Running for an hour on a treadmill or the street (approx. 1,000 calories)
  • Walk for an hour a day (200 calories approx.).
  • Perform squats for 30 minutes (200 calories approx.)
  • Do spinning for 30 minutes (approx. 300 calories).

However, there are countless exercises that you can do. The key to achieving weight loss is to achieve a caloric deficit, that is, the number of calories burned exceeds the number of calories consumed in a day.

Thus, you can find the sport that you like the most and practice it to a greater or lesser extent to achieve weight loss more or less quickly.

However, you can also lose without it being a sport itself, since performing daily actions such as climbing the stairs, laughing, dancing, cleaning your house or even having sex, among other habits, can help you lose weight, since when if you carry out all these activities, you will be burning calories and, therefore, losing weight.

Foods recommended for being low in calories

If you are interested in losing weight, it is essential that, in addition to doing the corresponding physical exercise, you maintain an appropriate diet. For this, it is recommended that you look for foods with a low calorie intake. These will help you lose weight more effectively and quickly.

Some of the foods that you can include in your diet to achieve better results are the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables: They are a staple of the diet, the most advisable being pineapple, spinach, celery, artichokes or grapefruit.
  • White fish: This type of fish has healthy fats (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Some of them are hake, cod, monkfish or sole.
  • Meats: Meat is important but you should opt for those that are lower in fat, such as turkey, rabbit, skinless chicken or some parts of the pork.
  • Dairy: You must drink milk and its derivatives that are 100% skimmed.

Likewise, the consumption of foods such as asparagus, cauliflower, fennel, pumpkin, lettuce, blueberries, cucumber or melon is recommended, which are considered negative calorie foods, since they have fewer calories than the body needs to assimilate their nutrients.

What do you need

  • To do physical exercise.
  • Maintain a good diet.
  • Carry out healthy habits.


  • You should try to be constant and dedicate a part of your daily time to physical exercise.
  • You must adopt appropriate eating habits, leaving aside all those products that can be negative for health and that contribute to weight gain.
  • If you need it, put yourself in the hands of a professional who can indicate training or a diet.

Every day there are many people who consider what they should do to lose weight and thus improve their health and/or physical condition to try to look more attractive or feel better about them.

However, it is important to know that every time you eat a meal or drink, you are providing your body with a number of calories, which varies depending on the type of food in question. It is a caloric intake that is what defines your weight.

In this way, the fewer calories you consume per day or the more you consume with physical exercise, you will be able to lose weight faster. Many people wonder how many calories to burn in a day to lose weight and then we are going to give you the answer to this question.

Calories to burn per day to lose weight

Before giving you a series of tips in the form of exercises that you can do to achieve your weight loss goal, it is important that you know the daily calories that a person should consume.

To do this, you can use a formula that serves as an estimate to know the approximate number of calories you should eat. To do this, you just have to weigh yourself and take that current weight in kilograms to multiply it by 30. The final result will be the number of calories that, in theory, you should consume per day, approximately.

Once you are clear about the caloric intake you need for each day and that will help you maintain your current weight, you will have a better idea of ​​what you should burn to lose weight.

However, you should know that each person requires the burning of a certain number of calories to lose weight. This means that not all people need to burn the same calories. As a general rule, a person who is not overweight or sedentary should try to burn about 3,500 calories a day in order to lose a kilo of fat in a healthy way. In this way, if you want to lose a kilo of fat in a week, you will need to burn around 600 calories a day.

Best exercises to burn calories

If you want to burn calories quickly, it is important that you do physical exercise, which must be accompanied by a good diet.

In any case, some of the best exercises to achieve your weight loss goal are the following:

  • Jump rope for an hour (approx. 750 calories)
  • Running for an hour on a treadmill or the street (approx. 1,000 calories)
  • Walk for an hour a day (200 calories approx.).
  • Perform squats for 30 minutes (200 calories approx.)
  • Do spinning for 30 minutes (approx. 300 calories).

However, there are countless exercises that you can do. The key to achieving weight loss is to achieve a caloric deficit, that is, the number of calories burned exceeds the number of calories consumed in a day.

Thus, you can find the sport that you like the most and practice it to a greater or lesser extent to achieve weight loss more or less quickly.

However, you can also lose without it being a sport itself, since performing daily actions such as climbing the stairs, laughing, dancing, cleaning your house or even having sex, among other habits, can help you lose weight, since when if you carry out all these activities, you will be burning calories and, therefore, losing weight.

Foods recommended for being low in calories

If you are interested in losing weight, it is essential that, in addition to doing the corresponding physical exercise, you maintain an appropriate diet. For this, it is recommended that you look for foods with a low calorie intake. These will help you lose weight more effectively and quickly.

Some of the foods that you can include in your diet to achieve better results are the following:

  • Fruits and vegetables: They are a staple of the diet, the most advisable being pineapple, spinach, celery, artichokes or grapefruit.
  • White fish: This type of fish has healthy fats (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Some of them are hake, cod, monkfish or sole.
  • Meats: Meat is important but you should opt for those that are lower in fat, such as turkey, rabbit, skinless chicken or some parts of the pork.
  • Dairy: You must drink milk and its derivatives that are 100% skimmed.

Likewise, the consumption of foods such as asparagus, cauliflower, fennel, pumpkin, lettuce, blueberries, cucumber or melon is recommended, which are considered negative calorie foods, since they have fewer calories than the body needs to assimilate their nutrients.

What do you need

  • To do physical exercise.
  • Maintain a good diet.
  • Carry out healthy habits.


  • You should try to be constant and dedicate a part of your daily time to physical exercise.
  • You must adopt appropriate eating habits, leaving aside all those products that can be negative for health and that contribute to weight gain.
  • If you need it, put yourself in the hands of a professional who can indicate training or a diet.
WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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