Good Foods to Lose Weight

If you want to know how to lose weight, it is important that you start on the basis of having as much knowledge as possible about your own food. The foods that help you lose weight are those that are responsible for contributing to the improvement of intestinal transit, but also those that speed up metabolism or help burn calories.

It is advisable to consume this type of food every day, always together with a balanced diet low in fat, sugar, sweets, processed foods and fried foods. In addition, if you really want to lose weight, it is essential that you carry out a regular practice of physical activity, even if it is walking several days a week for an hour.

Weight loss foods

There are numerous foods that can help you lose weight with the appropriate amount of intake. In this article we are going to talk about those that are best known and popular for providing greater benefits than the rest. For this reason it is highly advisable that you decide to include them in your diet.


The first of the foods that we are going to mention is the pear. It is a fruit rich in water that contains 71% insoluble fiber. Therefore, it helps to achieve a greater feeling of satiety and also to improve intestinal transit.

It also has natural sugar in the fruit itself that reduces the desire to consume sweets. This means that you can have greater control when it comes to avoiding those unwanted and harmful sweets for any diet and for health in general.

To contribute to weight loss, it is recommended to eat 20 minutes before the main meals.


Eggplant is becoming more and more common in diets to lose weight. It is a low-calorie fruit rich in fiber that favors the proper functioning of the intestine. It also prevents poor digestion, produces a feeling of satiety and fights bad cholesterol.

It also helps to deal with fluid retention as it is rich in water, minerals and vitamins. For its consumption you can prepare aborigine water and drink it throughout the day, or add it to salads, juices…


Cinnamon is an aromatic condiment that has numerous benefits for weight loss. It is an ingredient that can act as a thermogenic in the body, contributing to the stimulation of the process of burning body fat and increasing metabolism.

It also reduces blood sugar spikes, helps decrease insulin resistance and increases insulin sensitivity. All this also has its positive impact when it comes to losing weight.

For its consumption, cinnamon can be added to different preparations, such as cakes, cookies, juices, coffees, smoothies, etc.


Oatmeal is a common food in weight loss diets. It is rich in protein and soluble fibers. It provides satiety and helps improve bowel regulation, control high cholesterol and regulate blood glucose.

It is a food that can be consumed in multiple ways, and can be added to yogurts, smoothies, cakes or cookies.

Integral rice

Brown rice is rich in fiber. This helps to generate a greater feeling of satiety, which causes less food consumption. It is also rich in zinc, selenium and B vitamins, which promotes blood circulation.

It should be consumed in a controlled manner so that a harmful effect is not achieved. The appropriate portion will depend on each person and their needs.

Wheat bran

Wheat bran is also rich in fiber. It is mainly used to combat constipation, but also to increase satiety and regulate blood sugar levels.

It can be added to any preparation, helping to reduce the absorption of fat in the intestine, this being important for weight loss.


Strawberries are a food that has few calories, but is also rich in fiber. It helps control blood sugar levels and, like those mentioned above, increases the feeling of satiety. This is essential to reduce the calories ingested, which favors weight loss.

This fruit is also rich in foliate, Vitamin C and other compounds with inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It can be consumed both whole and in juices, being able to prepare different preparations with it.


Flaxseed is a seed rich in omega 3 and antioxidants. It helps control cholesterol and reduces inflammation in the body, helping to facilitate the weight loss process. It is also rich in fiber to improve digestion while increasing the level of satiety.

The most advisable thing is to crush its grains and add a couple of tablespoons in juices, salads, cereals, smoothies or yogurts. It can also be used to prepare bread, pastries or cakes, among others.

Green Tea

Green tea has excellent thermogenic properties, in addition to contributing to the acceleration of metabolism. This is due to caffeine, which is a natural stimulant that helps burn fat during physical exercise.

It also has powerful antioxidants. Can be consumed in the form of tea or capsules


Last but not least, we must refer to legumesAmong them are lentils, chickpeas, peas or beans. They are characterized by being a good source of protein and fiber, which help to increase the level of satiety and also to deal with constipation.

It is advisable to consume 4 tablespoons a day. In this way, with only half a cup a day you can enjoy all its benefits. You can consume them together with brown rice to further enhance its benefits.


  • To lose weight it is essential to maintain a balanced diet. You should also exercise regularly for best results.

If you want to know how to lose weight, it is important that you start on the basis of having as much knowledge as possible about your own food. The foods that help you lose weight are those that are responsible for contributing to the improvement of intestinal transit, but also those that speed up metabolism or help burn calories.

It is advisable to consume this type of food every day, always together with a balanced diet low in fat, sugar, sweets, processed foods and fried foods. In addition, if you really want to lose weight, it is essential that you carry out a regular practice of physical activity, even if it is walking several days a week for an hour.

Weight loss foods

There are numerous foods that can help you lose weight with the appropriate amount of intake. In this article we are going to talk about those that are best known and popular for providing greater benefits than the rest. For this reason it is highly advisable that you decide to include them in your diet.


The first of the foods that we are going to mention is the pear. It is a fruit rich in water that contains 71% insoluble fiber. Therefore, it helps to achieve a greater feeling of satiety and also to improve intestinal transit.

It also has natural sugar in the fruit itself that reduces the desire to consume sweets. This means that you can have greater control when it comes to avoiding those unwanted and harmful sweets for any diet and for health in general.

To contribute to weight loss, it is recommended to eat 20 minutes before the main meals.


Eggplant is becoming more and more common in diets to lose weight. It is a low-calorie fruit rich in fiber that favors the proper functioning of the intestine. It also prevents poor digestion, produces a feeling of satiety and fights bad cholesterol.

It also helps to deal with fluid retention as it is rich in water, minerals and vitamins. For its consumption you can prepare aborigine water and drink it throughout the day, or add it to salads, juices…


Cinnamon is an aromatic condiment that has numerous benefits for weight loss. It is an ingredient that can act as a thermogenic in the body, contributing to the stimulation of the process of burning body fat and increasing metabolism.

It also reduces blood sugar spikes, helps decrease insulin resistance and increases insulin sensitivity. All this also has its positive impact when it comes to losing weight.

For its consumption, cinnamon can be added to different preparations, such as cakes, cookies, juices, coffees, smoothies, etc.


Oatmeal is a common food in weight loss diets. It is rich in protein and soluble fibers. It provides satiety and helps improve bowel regulation, control high cholesterol and regulate blood glucose.

It is a food that can be consumed in multiple ways, and can be added to yogurts, smoothies, cakes or cookies.

Integral rice

Brown rice is rich in fiber. This helps to generate a greater feeling of satiety, which causes less food consumption. It is also rich in zinc, selenium and B vitamins, which promotes blood circulation.

It should be consumed in a controlled manner so that a harmful effect is not achieved. The appropriate portion will depend on each person and their needs.

Wheat bran

Wheat bran is also rich in fiber. It is mainly used to combat constipation, but also to increase satiety and regulate blood sugar levels.

It can be added to any preparation, helping to reduce the absorption of fat in the intestine, this being important for weight loss.


Strawberries are a food that has few calories, but is also rich in fiber. It helps control blood sugar levels and, like those mentioned above, increases the feeling of satiety. This is essential to reduce the calories ingested, which favors weight loss.

This fruit is also rich in foliate, Vitamin C and other compounds with inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It can be consumed both whole and in juices, being able to prepare different preparations with it.


Flaxseed is a seed rich in omega 3 and antioxidants. It helps control cholesterol and reduces inflammation in the body, helping to facilitate the weight loss process. It is also rich in fiber to improve digestion while increasing the level of satiety.

The most advisable thing is to crush its grains and add a couple of tablespoons in juices, salads, cereals, smoothies or yogurts. It can also be used to prepare bread, pastries or cakes, among others.

Green Tea

Green tea has excellent thermogenic properties, in addition to contributing to the acceleration of metabolism. This is due to caffeine, which is a natural stimulant that helps burn fat during physical exercise.

It also has powerful antioxidants. Can be consumed in the form of tea or capsules


Last but not least, we must refer to legumesAmong them are lentils, chickpeas, peas or beans. They are characterized by being a good source of protein and fiber, which help to increase the level of satiety and also to deal with constipation.

It is advisable to consume 4 tablespoons a day. In this way, with only half a cup a day you can enjoy all its benefits. You can consume them together with brown rice to further enhance its benefits.


  • To lose weight it is essential to maintain a balanced diet. You should also exercise regularly for best results.
WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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