Exercises to Lose Weight At Home

To lead a healthy life, experts give certain recommendations. For example, eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and get enough sleep and exercise, among other equally useful recommendations.

However, despite being aware that this would help improve our quality of life, few people put these recommendations into practice. Have you ever wondered why?

Some of them lead very busy lives, where they barely have enough time to sleep a few hours. The next day they should follow the same routine. For this reason, on weekends, the last thing they want to do is leave their homes and exercise.

It is true that the body needs exercise. If we don’t, our muscles will not only look flaccid, but they will also lose strength, which would be counterproductive in every way.

On the other hand, in some countries the economy is usually very unstable, which makes it impossible to have additional expenses? Paying for the gym could be seen as an additional expense and therefore seen as unnecessary, even though it really isn’t.

However, the fact of not being able to go to the gym, for one reason or another is not an excuse not to exercise because you can do it from your own home.

Some people set aside a few minutes in the morning to follow an exercise routine that they watch on TV. However, that’s not the only way you can exercise from home.

Today we will be sharing some tips and recommendations that will be useful to you. Everything, with the purpose of being active and exercising from the comfort of your home, without having to spend another euro of your monthly budget. Therefore, pay close attention and put it into practice.


We cannot deny that we all like to look good. However, many find it difficult to exercise due to the pace of life they lead. While others are limited because they don’t have the resources to pay for a gym.

Now, whoever wants, can. If you have the desire to exercise and lead a much healthier life, you can do a workout routine in your own home.

Doing so will allow you to choose the best time to exercise and the time you will do it. You can even decide how often you will exercise. All this will result in you feeling better, especially if you are overweight or have a few extra pounds.

One of the most recommended exercises are those that are included in the cardio category. They are also known as cardio training. What includes? Any type of exercise of moderate or prolonged duration, such as walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling, etc.

This is one of the best ways to lose weight, since you take care to include intense exercise, for short intervals of time, in your usual training routine.

When you do cardio you speed up your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories during the following hours of the day. How can you include cardio training in your exercise routine? Very easy! You can increase the intensity with which you do the exercise for 30 seconds, every 5 minutes.

On the other hand, the frequency and duration of each interval will depend on your physical fitness. However, what we do have to keep in mind is that they should be enough to speed up both your heart rate and your breathing.

Another exercise that you can do at home, to lose weight, is the sit -up, which we also know as Crunch.

The traditional and most effective method of doing sit-ups is to lie on your back on the floor. Then, you should place your hands on the back of your neck and rise up to your knees, touching them with the opposite elbow. That is, right knee, left elbow; left knee, right elbow and so on.

You can do two sets of this exercise; each of those sets should include about 20 repetitions, which means that they will be 10 on the right side and 10 on the left side.

It may seem like a somewhat complex and even exhausting exercise. However, you must keep in mind that this will help you achieve a flat stomach and reduce the centimeters of your waist. Something that will be very beneficial regardless of whether you are a man or a woman.

You can also do push-ups. These are done by placing yourself face down with your legs stretched out and your hands resting on the ground, which should be in line with your shoulders.

This exercise consists of lowering the chest until it touches the ground and then going back up. You must do this several times. Generally, it’s recommended that you do about three sets of 10 reps each.

Since it is an exercise that generates a great impact on the body, you can start doing it by resting your knees on the ground, to help you. However, it is best to be able to do push-ups, without the help of your knees, as soon as possible.

When you have mastered the technique, you will notice that it is an excellent exercise to work the chest, arms and shoulders. So you can show off toned arms and a firm chest.

Another very useful exercise is squats. To do them, you have to spread your legs wide and place your hands behind your head. Then, you should lower your trunk as if you were going to sit down, until your muscles can be parallel to the ground. So you support your weight with your heels. Afterwards, you should return to the starting position.

When you squat, you want to make sure your feet are perfectly aligned with your knees. You can start by doing two sets of about 15 repetitions each, since they are 100% recommended exercises for those who want to lose weight in the thighs and buttocks because these areas of the body are worked very well.

Another exercise that can be very useful to you, in this particular, is the one known by the name of lunge. The starting position is to stand up with your hands on your waist. Then, you must advance one of the two legs and flex it, without lifting the heel from the ground. So that you can keep your spine straight.

Remember that you must alternate both legs to be able to exercise them. If you do about 3 sets of 20 lunges each, in a short time you will be able to lose weight and tone your thighs, buttocks and legs.

Now, what do you need to lose weight at home? We’ll be looking at it right now.

What do you need

If you want to do it, you can do it. Actually, it’s just about having a good attitude and getting down working to accomplish the goal we’ve set for ourselves. Therefore, without excuses, the first thing you will need is the will to do things. The rest, surely you have it at your fingertips.

For example, for cardio exercises, you may need a stationary bike. If you do not have one, you can jog in the same garden of your house. You don’t necessarily have to get out of it. You can jog back and forth for a set amount of time.

You’ll also likely need a blanket or a suitable surface to exercise on, as the floor isn’t usually a very comfortable place to exercise. You may end up sore or find it more difficult to stick to your routine.

In order for you to be able to do all of the stretching movements with ease, you will need to have appropriate clothing. It can be lira or cotton. The important thing is that it allows you to move freely.

You must not forget that you need to hydrate well. Therefore, the recommendation is that you can count on a water filter, to replenish energy every time you finish an exercise.

Some people find it more stimulating to exercise while listening to music. Therefore, listen to dynamic music that motivates you and encourages you to continue until the end.

On the other hand, it will be necessary for you to integrate other types of exercises into your routine. For example, those that are made with the help of weights. In that case, it will be very useful to have small weights at home to mark, medium weights to exercise and large weights for higher impact work.

Now, until now you may feel that you have the necessary resources to start exercising and losing weight from home. However, it is important that you pay attention to some additional tips that we have for you. Let’s see them in the next subtitle.


Taking the first step is usually the most difficult. So in order to get started, you may need to seek the help and support of a friend who also wants to lose weight.

Generally, when we are accompanied, it costs us less to do things, since we have someone with whom to talk and share experiences. In addition, seeing the effort and commitment that your partner puts in can motivate you to do the exercises with the appropriate intensity.

Remember that it is about making a habit. Of course, since exercising is not part of your routine, it will be difficult at first and you may even feel that you do not have time for it. However, don’t let the law of least effort win again.

If you do exercises at home, at least for a month, you will see the results. For example, you will feel more energetic, you will see how the muscular pains disappear and it will begin to be part of your day to day life.

Of course, if the original purpose is to lose weight, you must not forget that you must eat healthily. You won’t accomplish anything if you exercise and then eat junk food or food with too much fat. It will be as if you were hitting the air, that is, you will not have any results, and you will not get anywhere.

You also need to stay well hydrated. You should drink enough water before, during and after your exercise routine. This way you will not run the risk of decompensating by eliminating salts and nutrients from your body.

Finally, and not for that it is less important, you must rest enough. Sleeping at least 8 hours a day has always been recommended. If you sleep less or more than indicated, it could bring you negative and harmful consequences, which you surely do not want to happen.

Now that you have all these tips and recommendations, you have no excuse not to exercise and lose weight at home. Remember that by doing this you will feel better, more comfortable and more confident in your body. In addition, you will lead a healthier life and you will be less prone to disease.

You will have all these benefits if you only include a couple of exercises in your daily routine. Make room in your busy schedule to give your body the time it deserves. Remember what is always said “a healthy body, a healthy mind”. So any effort will be worth it.

To lead a healthy life, experts give certain recommendations. For example, eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and get enough sleep and exercise, among other equally useful recommendations.

However, despite being aware that this would help improve our quality of life, few people put these recommendations into practice. Have you ever wondered why?

Some of them lead very busy lives, where they barely have enough time to sleep a few hours. The next day they should follow the same routine. For this reason, on weekends, the last thing they want to do is leave their homes and exercise.

It is true that the body needs exercise. If we don’t, our muscles will not only look flaccid, but they will also lose strength, which would be counterproductive in every way.

On the other hand, in some countries the economy is usually very unstable, which makes it impossible to have additional expenses? Paying for the gym could be seen as an additional expense and therefore seen as unnecessary, even though it really isn’t.

However, the fact of not being able to go to the gym, for one reason or another is not an excuse not to exercise because you can do it from your own home.

Some people set aside a few minutes in the morning to follow an exercise routine that they watch on TV. However, that’s not the only way you can exercise from home.

Today we will be sharing some tips and recommendations that will be useful to you. Everything, with the purpose of being active and exercising from the comfort of your home, without having to spend another euro of your monthly budget. Therefore, pay close attention and put it into practice.


We cannot deny that we all like to look good. However, many find it difficult to exercise due to the pace of life they lead. While others are limited because they don’t have the resources to pay for a gym.

Now, whoever wants, can. If you have the desire to exercise and lead a much healthier life, you can do a workout routine in your own home.

Doing so will allow you to choose the best time to exercise and the time you will do it. You can even decide how often you will exercise. All this will result in you feeling better, especially if you are overweight or have a few extra pounds.

One of the most recommended exercises are those that are included in the cardio category. They are also known as cardio training. What includes? Any type of exercise of moderate or prolonged duration, such as walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling, etc.

This is one of the best ways to lose weight, since you take care to include intense exercise, for short intervals of time, in your usual training routine.

When you do cardio you speed up your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories during the following hours of the day. How can you include cardio training in your exercise routine? Very easy! You can increase the intensity with which you do the exercise for 30 seconds, every 5 minutes.

On the other hand, the frequency and duration of each interval will depend on your physical fitness. However, what we do have to keep in mind is that they should be enough to speed up both your heart rate and your breathing.

Another exercise that you can do at home, to lose weight, is the sit -up, which we also know as Crunch.

The traditional and most effective method of doing sit-ups is to lie on your back on the floor. Then, you should place your hands on the back of your neck and rise up to your knees, touching them with the opposite elbow. That is, right knee, left elbow; left knee, right elbow and so on.

You can do two sets of this exercise; each of those sets should include about 20 repetitions, which means that they will be 10 on the right side and 10 on the left side.

It may seem like a somewhat complex and even exhausting exercise. However, you must keep in mind that this will help you achieve a flat stomach and reduce the centimeters of your waist. Something that will be very beneficial regardless of whether you are a man or a woman.

You can also do push-ups. These are done by placing yourself face down with your legs stretched out and your hands resting on the ground, which should be in line with your shoulders.

This exercise consists of lowering the chest until it touches the ground and then going back up. You must do this several times. Generally, it’s recommended that you do about three sets of 10 reps each.

Since it is an exercise that generates a great impact on the body, you can start doing it by resting your knees on the ground, to help you. However, it is best to be able to do push-ups, without the help of your knees, as soon as possible.

When you have mastered the technique, you will notice that it is an excellent exercise to work the chest, arms and shoulders. So you can show off toned arms and a firm chest.

Another very useful exercise is squats. To do them, you have to spread your legs wide and place your hands behind your head. Then, you should lower your trunk as if you were going to sit down, until your muscles can be parallel to the ground. So you support your weight with your heels. Afterwards, you should return to the starting position.

When you squat, you want to make sure your feet are perfectly aligned with your knees. You can start by doing two sets of about 15 repetitions each, since they are 100% recommended exercises for those who want to lose weight in the thighs and buttocks because these areas of the body are worked very well.

Another exercise that can be very useful to you, in this particular, is the one known by the name of lunge. The starting position is to stand up with your hands on your waist. Then, you must advance one of the two legs and flex it, without lifting the heel from the ground. So that you can keep your spine straight.

Remember that you must alternate both legs to be able to exercise them. If you do about 3 sets of 20 lunges each, in a short time you will be able to lose weight and tone your thighs, buttocks and legs.

Now, what do you need to lose weight at home? We’ll be looking at it right now.

What do you need

If you want to do it, you can do it. Actually, it’s just about having a good attitude and getting down working to accomplish the goal we’ve set for ourselves. Therefore, without excuses, the first thing you will need is the will to do things. The rest, surely you have it at your fingertips.

For example, for cardio exercises, you may need a stationary bike. If you do not have one, you can jog in the same garden of your house. You don’t necessarily have to get out of it. You can jog back and forth for a set amount of time.

You’ll also likely need a blanket or a suitable surface to exercise on, as the floor isn’t usually a very comfortable place to exercise. You may end up sore or find it more difficult to stick to your routine.

In order for you to be able to do all of the stretching movements with ease, you will need to have appropriate clothing. It can be lira or cotton. The important thing is that it allows you to move freely.

You must not forget that you need to hydrate well. Therefore, the recommendation is that you can count on a water filter, to replenish energy every time you finish an exercise.

Some people find it more stimulating to exercise while listening to music. Therefore, listen to dynamic music that motivates you and encourages you to continue until the end.

On the other hand, it will be necessary for you to integrate other types of exercises into your routine. For example, those that are made with the help of weights. In that case, it will be very useful to have small weights at home to mark, medium weights to exercise and large weights for higher impact work.

Now, until now you may feel that you have the necessary resources to start exercising and losing weight from home. However, it is important that you pay attention to some additional tips that we have for you. Let’s see them in the next subtitle.


Taking the first step is usually the most difficult. So in order to get started, you may need to seek the help and support of a friend who also wants to lose weight.

Generally, when we are accompanied, it costs us less to do things, since we have someone with whom to talk and share experiences. In addition, seeing the effort and commitment that your partner puts in can motivate you to do the exercises with the appropriate intensity.

Remember that it is about making a habit. Of course, since exercising is not part of your routine, it will be difficult at first and you may even feel that you do not have time for it. However, don’t let the law of least effort win again.

If you do exercises at home, at least for a month, you will see the results. For example, you will feel more energetic, you will see how the muscular pains disappear and it will begin to be part of your day to day life.

Of course, if the original purpose is to lose weight, you must not forget that you must eat healthily. You won’t accomplish anything if you exercise and then eat junk food or food with too much fat. It will be as if you were hitting the air, that is, you will not have any results, and you will not get anywhere.

You also need to stay well hydrated. You should drink enough water before, during and after your exercise routine. This way you will not run the risk of decompensating by eliminating salts and nutrients from your body.

Finally, and not for that it is less important, you must rest enough. Sleeping at least 8 hours a day has always been recommended. If you sleep less or more than indicated, it could bring you negative and harmful consequences, which you surely do not want to happen.

Now that you have all these tips and recommendations, you have no excuse not to exercise and lose weight at home. Remember that by doing this you will feel better, more comfortable and more confident in your body. In addition, you will lead a healthier life and you will be less prone to disease.

You will have all these benefits if you only include a couple of exercises in your daily routine. Make room in your busy schedule to give your body the time it deserves. Remember what is always said “a healthy body, a healthy mind”. So any effort will be worth it.

WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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