Exercises to Gain Weight

In general, everyone goes to the gym to lose weight, kilos, gain firmness… and ultimately look much better. But there is another part, another group of people who are looking for the opposite. They do not want to lose weight or lose weight. What they are looking for is to have more volume, gain kilos, and have more weight… yes. As is often said, nobody is comfortable with what they have and for this; specific exercises must be done that help to have more muscle mass. Because simply eating and gaining weight is not the same as gaining muscle tone and having more muscle mass. It is not important to be fatter, but to be bigger.

You have to know, first of all, what kind of morphology you have. To start changing your body shape, you need to put yourself in good hands. A person who knows what he does who advises you and helps you. Depending on the type of morphology you have, it will cost you a little more to be able to change the shape of your body and achieve your goals.


  1. You should know that the idea so crowded and always said that if you eat a lot, you will get big, is a lie. Big you will not get, but fat or fat, yes. It is always wrongly said that if you eat you will get square or big and it is absolutely false! Forget that idea forever.
  2. It is also not true that, if you do a specific exercise, you will be able to get big… you can improve or increase that area, but you will have a body at least, strange… in fact, you will surely see people in the gym who seem unbalanced. And this is because they are only based on a specific area of ​​your body. As it can be arms, back or abdominals. But they have narrow legs that make them look ridiculous.
  3. The combination to get stronger or bigger with exercises will always be with time, proper nutrition and adequate exercises. But also taking the breaks that are required.
  4. Do not try to press the machine because the body has a memory. If you tighten it too much and don’t give it the necessary rest, it will complain by injuring itself or not growing properly.
  5. Find out what type of morph is yours. Knowing this is more important than you think. For example, based on knowing what your body shape and constitution are like, an expert can advise you not to crush yourself so much in an area of ​​your body where it will surely cost you or never get what you are looking for and only help you improve another. Area of ​​your body, make up your body a lot. They are little tricks that anyone who knows a little about the subject will tell you.
  6. That said, there are three types of morphs and these can be: the ectomorph, the mesomorph and the endomorph. Based on this, you have to know what each body is like.
  7. The ectoform body type is a slim body type. So much so that some have no forms. It’s not luck either, although you might think so. Moreover, in this case, for people who have it, they have a hard time because if they want to gain weight it is very difficult for them. They do not gain weight quickly or find it easy. Their body and their metabolism is like this, they can eat a lot and not gain weight. They are slim by nature.
  8. A misinform body is a half ectomorph, half endomorph body type. It’s one half of each. It is characterized by being a body with a shape that mainly has a narrow waist and wide legs and shoulders. They generally have an easy time gaining muscle mass.
  9. The endomorph body is rather slim type bodies. But they are taller or longer and luckily their metabolism is usually accelerated, which helps them a lot to diet and control themselves. As for the shape, they are to understand us, like rectangular.
  10. Once you know what kind of morphology you have, it’s time to start with the diet and above all, with the right type of exercise.
  11. For the legs, one of the exercises that works best to increase muscle mass is the squat. If preferable, also use dumbbells (weights). In this way, the body will have more volume and will gain more muscle mass.
  12. To increase volume in the middle and lower body, specifically for legs and buttocks, it will be good to climb stairs, hills, climbs… if you don’t carry weight well, but to increase volume, nothing like doing it with some weight .
  13. Another exercise that is a basic because it works well for any type of body, whatever shape you have and whatever level it is. In addition, it tones, helps speed up metabolism, lose fat, volume, lose cellulite, etc. They are the famous squats. You can start if it costs you a lot, do it without weight. But in that case, you better make them very deep. Otherwise, as soon as you can and are in good physical shape, always do it with some weight. You choose. Some weights or netball (also called a Russian weight).
  14. If you do the exercises at home, you should always be very consistent. Keep in mind that increasing volume is not easy… you have to take into account your genetics and then the time you are going to dedicate to it. Constancy is essential. And also, the diet. At home it will be more complicated due to the issue of machines. In a gym, for example, it will always be faster.
  15. At home, on the other hand, you can start by taking into account how far you can go and what you are used to. Starting with your own body and its weight, adding straps and where you can, weight.
  16. The diet will be the key and totally essential and fundamental. It won’t do any good if you’re crushing yourself with weight training but eating poorly. Or the absurd belief that you have to eat a lot. No. Actually, no and yes. Eat a lot of calories, but it must be healthy food and real food. No greasy or junk food. That some still believe that it is possible to be great. No. It is one thing to have more volume and be healthy and another thing is to be fat.
  17. Above all, always put yourself in the hands of a specialist (a coach, a dietician, a personal trainer, etc.) because following a diet of this type is not healthy if you do not know what is being talked about or how to do it. It is important to eat often, but it is not good to eat too much or too little. With the correct exercises, many calories will be consumed and you have to be well “fed”. Ingredients such as protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts, healthy and good fats, avocado, etc.

What do you need

  • Comfortable clothes.
  • Weights / Dumbbells.
  • Exercises with your own weight.
  • Know what type of morphology you have.
  • A proper diet.
  • Lots of perseverance and patience.


Do not forget to always contact a professional. Do not put yourself in the hands of acquaintances or pay attention to what an acquaintance who does the same may tell you. You will always have to take into account your height, your weight, your metabolism, the calories you spend or those you consume. Therefore, they must base it on your case. Exercise and personalized diet.

You have to eat a lot but always with healthy foods and forget about fried foods, fats, flours, processed foods, salt, sweets, soft drinks, alcohol, etc. Always calculating the cost that you make in the gym, your day to day, the diet that you take (and how you do it) and the morphology that you may have.

Do not despair if you do not quickly appreciate the changes. It is difficult and not everyone finds it as easy. Do not throw in the towel, be constant and pursue your goals.

In general, everyone goes to the gym to lose weight, kilos, gain firmness… and ultimately look much better. But there is another part, another group of people who are looking for the opposite. They do not want to lose weight or lose weight. What they are looking for is to have more volume, gain kilos, and have more weight… yes. As is often said, nobody is comfortable with what they have and for this; specific exercises must be done that help to have more muscle mass. Because simply eating and gaining weight is not the same as gaining muscle tone and having more muscle mass. It is not important to be fatter, but to be bigger.

You have to know, first of all, what kind of morphology you have. To start changing your body shape, you need to put yourself in good hands. A person who knows what he does who advises you and helps you. Depending on the type of morphology you have, it will cost you a little more to be able to change the shape of your body and achieve your goals.


  1. You should know that the idea so crowded and always said that if you eat a lot, you will get big, is a lie. Big you will not get, but fat or fat, yes. It is always wrongly said that if you eat you will get square or big and it is absolutely false! Forget that idea forever.
  2. It is also not true that, if you do a specific exercise, you will be able to get big… you can improve or increase that area, but you will have a body at least, strange… in fact, you will surely see people in the gym who seem unbalanced. And this is because they are only based on a specific area of ​​your body. As it can be arms, back or abdominals. But they have narrow legs that make them look ridiculous.
  3. The combination to get stronger or bigger with exercises will always be with time, proper nutrition and adequate exercises. But also taking the breaks that are required.
  4. Do not try to press the machine because the body has a memory. If you tighten it too much and don’t give it the necessary rest, it will complain by injuring itself or not growing properly.
  5. Find out what type of morph is yours. Knowing this is more important than you think. For example, based on knowing what your body shape and constitution are like, an expert can advise you not to crush yourself so much in an area of ​​your body where it will surely cost you or never get what you are looking for and only help you improve another. Area of ​​your body, make up your body a lot. They are little tricks that anyone who knows a little about the subject will tell you.
  6. That said, there are three types of morphs and these can be: the ectomorph, the mesomorph and the endomorph. Based on this, you have to know what each body is like.
  7. The ectoform body type is a slim body type. So much so that some have no forms. It’s not luck either, although you might think so. Moreover, in this case, for people who have it, they have a hard time because if they want to gain weight it is very difficult for them. They do not gain weight quickly or find it easy. Their body and their metabolism is like this, they can eat a lot and not gain weight. They are slim by nature.
  8. A misinform body is a half ectomorph, half endomorph body type. It’s one half of each. It is characterized by being a body with a shape that mainly has a narrow waist and wide legs and shoulders. They generally have an easy time gaining muscle mass.
  9. The endomorph body is rather slim type bodies. But they are taller or longer and luckily their metabolism is usually accelerated, which helps them a lot to diet and control themselves. As for the shape, they are to understand us, like rectangular.
  10. Once you know what kind of morphology you have, it’s time to start with the diet and above all, with the right type of exercise.
  11. For the legs, one of the exercises that works best to increase muscle mass is the squat. If preferable, also use dumbbells (weights). In this way, the body will have more volume and will gain more muscle mass.
  12. To increase volume in the middle and lower body, specifically for legs and buttocks, it will be good to climb stairs, hills, climbs… if you don’t carry weight well, but to increase volume, nothing like doing it with some weight .
  13. Another exercise that is a basic because it works well for any type of body, whatever shape you have and whatever level it is. In addition, it tones, helps speed up metabolism, lose fat, volume, lose cellulite, etc. They are the famous squats. You can start if it costs you a lot, do it without weight. But in that case, you better make them very deep. Otherwise, as soon as you can and are in good physical shape, always do it with some weight. You choose. Some weights or netball (also called a Russian weight).
  14. If you do the exercises at home, you should always be very consistent. Keep in mind that increasing volume is not easy… you have to take into account your genetics and then the time you are going to dedicate to it. Constancy is essential. And also, the diet. At home it will be more complicated due to the issue of machines. In a gym, for example, it will always be faster.
  15. At home, on the other hand, you can start by taking into account how far you can go and what you are used to. Starting with your own body and its weight, adding straps and where you can, weight.
  16. The diet will be the key and totally essential and fundamental. It won’t do any good if you’re crushing yourself with weight training but eating poorly. Or the absurd belief that you have to eat a lot. No. Actually, no and yes. Eat a lot of calories, but it must be healthy food and real food. No greasy or junk food. That some still believe that it is possible to be great. No. It is one thing to have more volume and be healthy and another thing is to be fat.
  17. Above all, always put yourself in the hands of a specialist (a coach, a dietician, a personal trainer, etc.) because following a diet of this type is not healthy if you do not know what is being talked about or how to do it. It is important to eat often, but it is not good to eat too much or too little. With the correct exercises, many calories will be consumed and you have to be well “fed”. Ingredients such as protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts, healthy and good fats, avocado, etc.

What do you need

  • Comfortable clothes.
  • Weights / Dumbbells.
  • Exercises with your own weight.
  • Know what type of morphology you have.
  • A proper diet.
  • Lots of perseverance and patience.


Do not forget to always contact a professional. Do not put yourself in the hands of acquaintances or pay attention to what an acquaintance who does the same may tell you. You will always have to take into account your height, your weight, your metabolism, the calories you spend or those you consume. Therefore, they must base it on your case. Exercise and personalized diet.

You have to eat a lot but always with healthy foods and forget about fried foods, fats, flours, processed foods, salt, sweets, soft drinks, alcohol, etc. Always calculating the cost that you make in the gym, your day to day, the diet that you take (and how you do it) and the morphology that you may have.

Do not despair if you do not quickly appreciate the changes. It is difficult and not everyone finds it as easy. Do not throw in the towel, be constant and pursue your goals.

WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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