Drink Blue Tea to Lose Weight

Nature provides us with infinity of medicinal plants that help keep our health up to date. One of them is Oolong tea (longevity) better known as blue tea or black dragon, of Asian origin (Taiwan), it has a characteristic subtle flavor, fruity smell and flowers; It is taken by preparing infusions either at hot or cold temperatures. Blue tea serves as a diabetes controller and fat burner if you consume it consistently, that is. If you incorporate it into your basic diet for the function of keeping the liver free of fat (healthy), it serves as a diuretic, eliminating the amount of fluid that is retained, which causes inflammation or swelling in certain parts of the body.

At present, blue or black dragon tea has been highly recognized among the plants that are used to lose weight, this is due to its high content of Catching (family of flavonoids), which help the metabolism to produce more antioxidants, avoiding skin aging and the reproduction of fats in the liver.

Its benefits are very varied, one of them are:

  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Eliminates excess fat in the cardiovascular arteries due to the presence of Tannin (astringent, bitter taste)
  • Improves glucose avoiding diabetes
  • Lose body weight naturally
  • Its medicinal properties produce antioxidants, among others…
  • Avoid stress
  • Helps the mane (hair, hair) to be stronger, brighter and have enough growth and volume
  • Digestion is more effective because it eliminates a large number of bacteria that cause inflammation in the belly. This should be taken one hour before each meal or after either hot or cold
  • Contains fluoride that helps to have a cavity free teeth
  • For those who are good drinkers of alcohol, it takes away the hangover
  • Improves breathing, avoiding flu, colds, lung infection
  • The kidney works actively by its constant release of toxins
  • Contains vitamins and minerals (B1, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc.)
  •  Control dermatitis.

Side effects or excessive use of oolong tea.

Oolong tea has certain consequences like everything in food intake in humans, when you do it in excess it is harmful, you should control the recommended doses so that it does not cause stomach conditions such as diarrhea, if you suffer from osteoporosis due to the loss of amount of liquids that is expelled through the urine, since calcium and proteins are lost, and its high content of caffeine (12-55 mg has a cup of tea) produces insomnia and for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding (breastfeeding, chest) to your babies, it is better to consult your pediatrician, it is also harmful for those who suffer from stomach ulcers or are allergic to caffeine and Tannin.

Remember that blue tea slims you naturally, little by little, and it is better to consume it if you are already at the ideal weight; if you want to lose weight faster, it is recommended to drink green tea, which you will do in weeks, following a diet of healthy foods and exercising.

Preparation of blue tea.

There are two ways to prepare the infusion:

  • Hot tea: a cup of mineral water or 250ml is poured into a clay or clay pot. Of the same, it is heated to a temperature not higher than 88 ° C (do not boil so that it does not alter its peculiar flavor of its leaves since these have already been fermented and do not oxidize). Next, add a small dessert spoon of camellia leaves in the teapot and let it blend for three to four minutes. If it is to lose weight, it is not necessary to add sugar or honey. Then take before or after meals, its intake three times a day is recommended.
  • Cold tea with ice (frappe): the same technique is applied, only it is less water, since when adding ice it provides the necessary amount, so its flavor is not lost, this type of tea is ideal on days of heat.

If you do not tolerate the taste of the infusion, I recommend another alternative to drinking black dragon tea (blue tea) is in compressed capsules, but it is necessary to consume enough water. Do not forget that it is a potential diuretic and you will lose fluid. So you do not suffer from side effects such as dehydration of the skin, hair loss, among others.


In conclusion, aunts and uncles, I tell you one thing, it is better to apply this quote that I extracted from the Bible that I have put into practice and it has worked for me, thank God it says: book of Matthew, chapter 15, verse 17 to 18.

Everything that enters the mouth goes to the stomach and is thrown into the latrine, but what comes out of the mouth comes out of the heart and this contaminates man…

Taking into account this biblical quote, drinking blue tea will help you lose weight, so it will be. Since the mind dominates the body and this in turn does its process and everything you consume will not make you fat.

Nature provides us with infinity of medicinal plants that help keep our health up to date. One of them is Oolong tea (longevity) better known as blue tea or black dragon, of Asian origin (Taiwan), it has a characteristic subtle flavor, fruity smell and flowers; It is taken by preparing infusions either at hot or cold temperatures. Blue tea serves as a diabetes controller and fat burner if you consume it consistently, that is. If you incorporate it into your basic diet for the function of keeping the liver free of fat (healthy), it serves as a diuretic, eliminating the amount of fluid that is retained, which causes inflammation or swelling in certain parts of the body.

At present, blue or black dragon tea has been highly recognized among the plants that are used to lose weight, this is due to its high content of Catching (family of flavonoids), which help the metabolism to produce more antioxidants, avoiding skin aging and the reproduction of fats in the liver.

Its benefits are very varied, one of them are:

  • Helps prevent cancer
  • Eliminates excess fat in the cardiovascular arteries due to the presence of Tannin (astringent, bitter taste)
  • Improves glucose avoiding diabetes
  • Lose body weight naturally
  • Its medicinal properties produce antioxidants, among others…
  • Avoid stress
  • Helps the mane (hair, hair) to be stronger, brighter and have enough growth and volume
  • Digestion is more effective because it eliminates a large number of bacteria that cause inflammation in the belly. This should be taken one hour before each meal or after either hot or cold
  • Contains fluoride that helps to have a cavity free teeth
  • For those who are good drinkers of alcohol, it takes away the hangover
  • Improves breathing, avoiding flu, colds, lung infection
  • The kidney works actively by its constant release of toxins
  • Contains vitamins and minerals (B1, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc.)
  •  Control dermatitis.

Side effects or excessive use of oolong tea.

Oolong tea has certain consequences like everything in food intake in humans, when you do it in excess it is harmful, you should control the recommended doses so that it does not cause stomach conditions such as diarrhea, if you suffer from osteoporosis due to the loss of amount of liquids that is expelled through the urine, since calcium and proteins are lost, and its high content of caffeine (12-55 mg has a cup of tea) produces insomnia and for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding (breastfeeding, chest) to your babies, it is better to consult your pediatrician, it is also harmful for those who suffer from stomach ulcers or are allergic to caffeine and Tannin.

Remember that blue tea slims you naturally, little by little, and it is better to consume it if you are already at the ideal weight; if you want to lose weight faster, it is recommended to drink green tea, which you will do in weeks, following a diet of healthy foods and exercising.

Preparation of blue tea.

There are two ways to prepare the infusion:

  • Hot tea: a cup of mineral water or 250ml is poured into a clay or clay pot. Of the same, it is heated to a temperature not higher than 88 ° C (do not boil so that it does not alter its peculiar flavor of its leaves since these have already been fermented and do not oxidize). Next, add a small dessert spoon of camellia leaves in the teapot and let it blend for three to four minutes. If it is to lose weight, it is not necessary to add sugar or honey. Then take before or after meals, its intake three times a day is recommended.
  • Cold tea with ice (frappe): the same technique is applied, only it is less water, since when adding ice it provides the necessary amount, so its flavor is not lost, this type of tea is ideal on days of heat.

If you do not tolerate the taste of the infusion, I recommend another alternative to drinking black dragon tea (blue tea) is in compressed capsules, but it is necessary to consume enough water. Do not forget that it is a potential diuretic and you will lose fluid. So you do not suffer from side effects such as dehydration of the skin, hair loss, among others.


In conclusion, aunts and uncles, I tell you one thing, it is better to apply this quote that I extracted from the Bible that I have put into practice and it has worked for me, thank God it says: book of Matthew, chapter 15, verse 17 to 18.

Everything that enters the mouth goes to the stomach and is thrown into the latrine, but what comes out of the mouth comes out of the heart and this contaminates man…

Taking into account this biblical quote, drinking blue tea will help you lose weight, so it will be. Since the mind dominates the body and this in turn does its process and everything you consume will not make you fat.

WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
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