Diabetic Diet

There is nothing sadder than refraining from something that we like, but that we know hurts us. Such is the case of people who suffer from certain diseases and, therefore, must refrain from eating certain foods.

For example, people with heart problems should avoid fats, high-salt breath, and the like. The same could be said of those who suffer from diabetes. This is a disease that arises when the pancreas does not produce the amount of insulin that the body needs.

Insulin has the function of maintaining adequate levels of glucose in the blood. Also, glucose enters the body and is transported to the cells where it is converted into energy, which makes the muscles and tissues perform their functions correctly.

People with diabetes have too much glucose in their blood, which can be harmful to the entire body, especially the heart, kidneys, and arteries. Hence the importance of having an adequate diet that allows them to enjoy good health, in the midst of their current circumstances.

Now, if you were recently diagnosed with diabetes or have someone you know who suffers from it, you may be curious about what foods a person with diabetes can consume, and what their impact on the body is, as well as which ones you should avoid to take care of yourself. Glucose levels in the blood.

In fact, knowing this information can save lives. Hence the importance of being informed and multiplying it, by making it reach our acquaintances. In this way, we will be taking care of ourselves, but also our loved ones, because you will know what the correct way to cook them is. But, without further ado, let’s see it right now.


These types of diets are based on eating three times a day at common times. This helps to better use the insulin that the body produces or that it receives through certain medicines. Of course, to establish a correct diet, you need the guidance of a registered dietitian.

This health professional will help you prepare a diet taking into account your particular characteristics, that is, your health goals, your tastes and your lifestyle. Therefore, it is not recommended that you suggest it to another person, since she has the characteristics and personal conditions of her.

In addition, it will inform you about how you can improve your eating habits. For example, how to choose the appropriate portions, which meet your needs related to your size and your daily activity level.

Why is it necessary?

This eating plan will help you keep your blood sugar levels under control. It will also help you watch your weight and control factors that may put you at risk for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and blood fats.

Choosing healthy foods and keeping track of your eating habits will keep your blood glucose within levels that are considered safe.

In the specific case of type 2 diabetes, losing weight helps keep blood glucose levels under control, as well as a number of other health benefits. An organized and nutritious diet will make it possible for you to reach this goal safely.

Now, what else do you need to know about how to keep this disease at bay? Let’s see it right now.

What do you need

In order to enjoy a varied diet, and not get bored in the process, it is important that you know what foods you can consume. Among them, we find the following:

  •  Good carbohydrates: During the digestion process, simple and complex CHO are broken down into glucose in the blood. Therefore, focus on the ones that are healthy. For example: fruits, vegetables, legumes, preferably whole grains and dairy products.
  •  High-fiber foods: within the group of fibers we find all the pieces of vegetables that the body has difficulty processing to digest well. Fiber also naturally regulates the levels of sugar in your blood, known as glucose. Some of the foods rich in fiber are: vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains.
  •  Ideal types of fish for heart health: eat this type of fish about three times a week. Salmon, tuna and sardines are fish rich in omega 3, which can help you prevent heart disease. However, avoid eating it fried, as well as eating fish with high levels of mercury.
  •  Good fats: among the foods that can help you reduce cholesterol levels, we find the following: avocado, nuts, olive, canola and peanut oils, among others. However, it is not convenient that you exaggerate with them, since all fats have a high caloric content.

Foods to avoid

Since diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, here are some of the foods you should avoid at all costs:

  •  Saturated fats: avoid those dairy products that are high in fat, as well as animal proteins, such as butter, beef, sausages, bacon, etc. On the other hand, limit the consumption of palm and coconut oils.
  •  Tran’s fats: These fats are found in processed foods, baked goods, butter, and stick margarines.
  •  Cholesterol: Some of the sources of cholesterol are foods that are high in fat. For example, egg yolks, liver, among other viscera. It is not recommended that the diabetic person consume more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol per day.
  •  Sodium: make an effort to consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium in the day. In fact, if you have high blood pressure, you may need to eat even less.

Following a diet based on three meals a day, at regular times, will help you make better use of the insulin that your body produces. But, what other recommendations should you take into account?


There are actually different approaches to creating a diet that helps you keep your blood glucose levels in the normal range. One of them is the plate method, what does it consist of?

This method focuses on consuming more vegetables. Also, when you prepare your dish, follow these recommendations:

  • Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables. For example, spinach, carrots and tomatoes.
  • A quarter of your plate should contain some protein, such as tuna, lean pork, or chicken.
  • In the last room, put an item that is whole grain, like brown rice, green peas, etc.
  • You can include small amounts of good fats, such as nuts or avocados, which you can add to a salad.
  • Complement your meal with a portion, either fruit or dairy, as well as a drink of water, tea or coffee without sugar.
  • Other methods that you can use are the counting of carbohydrates per meal, the selection of your foods and the glycemic index. A menu model can be the following:
  • At breakfast: a slice of whole wheat bread with two teaspoons of jelly, half a cup of wheat cereal with low-fat milk, a piece of fruit and coffee.
  • For lunch: a sandwich on wheat bread with roast beef, lettuce, low-fat cheese, tomato, a little mayonnaise, water and a medium apple.
  • For dinner: salmon, tablespoon and a half of vegetable oil, a baked potato and unsweetened iced tea.
  • For the snack: 2 and half cups of popcorn.

However, it is best to visit a nutritionist. He will give you a better orientation, taking into account your weight, height and level of daily activity.

There is nothing sadder than refraining from something that we like, but that we know hurts us. Such is the case of people who suffer from certain diseases and, therefore, must refrain from eating certain foods.

For example, people with heart problems should avoid fats, high-salt breath, and the like. The same could be said of those who suffer from diabetes. This is a disease that arises when the pancreas does not produce the amount of insulin that the body needs.

Insulin has the function of maintaining adequate levels of glucose in the blood. Also, glucose enters the body and is transported to the cells where it is converted into energy, which makes the muscles and tissues perform their functions correctly.

People with diabetes have too much glucose in their blood, which can be harmful to the entire body, especially the heart, kidneys, and arteries. Hence the importance of having an adequate diet that allows them to enjoy good health, in the midst of their current circumstances.

Now, if you were recently diagnosed with diabetes or have someone you know who suffers from it, you may be curious about what foods a person with diabetes can consume, and what their impact on the body is, as well as which ones you should avoid to take care of yourself. Glucose levels in the blood.

In fact, knowing this information can save lives. Hence the importance of being informed and multiplying it, by making it reach our acquaintances. In this way, we will be taking care of ourselves, but also our loved ones, because you will know what the correct way to cook them is. But, without further ado, let’s see it right now.


These types of diets are based on eating three times a day at common times. This helps to better use the insulin that the body produces or that it receives through certain medicines. Of course, to establish a correct diet, you need the guidance of a registered dietitian.

This health professional will help you prepare a diet taking into account your particular characteristics, that is, your health goals, your tastes and your lifestyle. Therefore, it is not recommended that you suggest it to another person, since she has the characteristics and personal conditions of her.

In addition, it will inform you about how you can improve your eating habits. For example, how to choose the appropriate portions, which meet your needs related to your size and your daily activity level.

Why is it necessary?

This eating plan will help you keep your blood sugar levels under control. It will also help you watch your weight and control factors that may put you at risk for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and blood fats.

Choosing healthy foods and keeping track of your eating habits will keep your blood glucose within levels that are considered safe.

In the specific case of type 2 diabetes, losing weight helps keep blood glucose levels under control, as well as a number of other health benefits. An organized and nutritious diet will make it possible for you to reach this goal safely.

Now, what else do you need to know about how to keep this disease at bay? Let’s see it right now.

What do you need

In order to enjoy a varied diet, and not get bored in the process, it is important that you know what foods you can consume. Among them, we find the following:

  •  Good carbohydrates: During the digestion process, simple and complex CHO are broken down into glucose in the blood. Therefore, focus on the ones that are healthy. For example: fruits, vegetables, legumes, preferably whole grains and dairy products.
  •  High-fiber foods: within the group of fibers we find all the pieces of vegetables that the body has difficulty processing to digest well. Fiber also naturally regulates the levels of sugar in your blood, known as glucose. Some of the foods rich in fiber are: vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole grains.
  •  Ideal types of fish for heart health: eat this type of fish about three times a week. Salmon, tuna and sardines are fish rich in omega 3, which can help you prevent heart disease. However, avoid eating it fried, as well as eating fish with high levels of mercury.
  •  Good fats: among the foods that can help you reduce cholesterol levels, we find the following: avocado, nuts, olive, canola and peanut oils, among others. However, it is not convenient that you exaggerate with them, since all fats have a high caloric content.

Foods to avoid

Since diabetes increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, here are some of the foods you should avoid at all costs:

  •  Saturated fats: avoid those dairy products that are high in fat, as well as animal proteins, such as butter, beef, sausages, bacon, etc. On the other hand, limit the consumption of palm and coconut oils.
  •  Tran’s fats: These fats are found in processed foods, baked goods, butter, and stick margarines.
  •  Cholesterol: Some of the sources of cholesterol are foods that are high in fat. For example, egg yolks, liver, among other viscera. It is not recommended that the diabetic person consume more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol per day.
  •  Sodium: make an effort to consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium in the day. In fact, if you have high blood pressure, you may need to eat even less.

Following a diet based on three meals a day, at regular times, will help you make better use of the insulin that your body produces. But, what other recommendations should you take into account?


There are actually different approaches to creating a diet that helps you keep your blood glucose levels in the normal range. One of them is the plate method, what does it consist of?

This method focuses on consuming more vegetables. Also, when you prepare your dish, follow these recommendations:

  • Fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables. For example, spinach, carrots and tomatoes.
  • A quarter of your plate should contain some protein, such as tuna, lean pork, or chicken.
  • In the last room, put an item that is whole grain, like brown rice, green peas, etc.
  • You can include small amounts of good fats, such as nuts or avocados, which you can add to a salad.
  • Complement your meal with a portion, either fruit or dairy, as well as a drink of water, tea or coffee without sugar.
  • Other methods that you can use are the counting of carbohydrates per meal, the selection of your foods and the glycemic index. A menu model can be the following:
  • At breakfast: a slice of whole wheat bread with two teaspoons of jelly, half a cup of wheat cereal with low-fat milk, a piece of fruit and coffee.
  • For lunch: a sandwich on wheat bread with roast beef, lettuce, low-fat cheese, tomato, a little mayonnaise, water and a medium apple.
  • For dinner: salmon, tablespoon and a half of vegetable oil, a baked potato and unsweetened iced tea.
  • For the snack: 2 and half cups of popcorn.

However, it is best to visit a nutritionist. He will give you a better orientation, taking into account your weight, height and level of daily activity.

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