Which Cheese Is Less Fattening

In an erroneous way, many times it is decided not to eat cheese for fear of gaining weight. Thinking that all cheeses are caloric and, therefore, should be prohibited in diets. An error that knowing what calories each cheese has, would not happen. Do not underestimate this dairy. Cheeses are a great source of protein and vitamins.

In the event that you want to get in shape or take care of yourself a little, say that any type of cheese, as long as it is consumed in moderation, does not have to be fattening or avoided. But if even with those, you are on a diet, there are cheeses that you should know that are the most suitable and recommended because they contain very few calories, less fat, less salt…

The trick is to read the labels and make sure what kind of milk the cheese is made with. It’s not stupid, on the contrary. The more caloric milk, the more fat the cheese will have and the more calories it will provide. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the milk with which it is made and also, the time that the cheese is allowed to mature. It also influences.

The milks that are more caloric, for example, are buffalo milk and sheep milk. Bear in mind that cheeses are usually made from buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk.


  1. The most recommended cheeses (some of them) the famous ricotta cheese, feta cheese, mozzarella, quark cheese, Burgos cheese, etc.
  2. One of the most consumed cheeses, for example in diets, is the so-called ricotta cheese or also known as cottage cheese. This cheese stands out because it has very few calories and, in addition, it also has the advantage that it contains little fat. For example, if we take into account the values ​​of one hundred grams, calculating by eye, we could say that this cheese barely reaches two hundred calories.
  3. This cheese, although it is low in calories, it is true that it will also influence what food it is accompanied with. For example, on toast, in salads, with a little olive oil, with avocado, a bit of honey, etc.
  4. Another low-calorie cheese is feta. Surely, you have seen it in many salads. Typical in Greek gastronomy. Fattening very little, but we also emphasize the same as before. Everything with measure and head. It will be useless to eat feta cheese to avoid gaining weight and prepare it with a salad full of dressings, fats, various sauces…
  5. Mozzarella, the famous Italian cheese that is not only fattening and very healthy, but is also ideal for preparing simple and fresh dishes in summer. This cheese has very few calories. A very satiating, healthy, easy to prepare dish that is very fattening is mozzarella with tomato and basil. Simple to prepare and very healthy. It can also be prepared with vegetables, lamb’s lettuce, lettuce… or just with olive oil. Be careful not to abuse this cheese because it is made with buffalo milk and is not only high in calories, but also has a lot of cholesterol.
  6. Burgos cheese is one of the most indicated in diets. Few calories, but somewhat bland. Also indicated in kenotic diets due to its low fat level.
  7. Cheese spread, Philadelphia type. This type of cheese must be looked at almost with a magnifying glass. Because, although it is true that they are not as caloric as others and, therefore, they are healthier, it does not mean that they do not have fat or calories. In fact, better if it is the light version (if you want to lose weight).
  8. Making a very brief summary: the lightest cheeses, those that contain fewer calories, are the ones that are always seen in diets (with reason). Burgos cheeses, ricotta, spreadable cheese… and be careful, because mozzarella, for example, is healthy and not one of the most caloric cheeses, but it should not be abused either. It is made with buffalo milk (one of the fattest and most caloric) and if you overdo it, you will be putting calories.

What do you need

  • Always check what type of milk the cheeses are made with (to rule out the most caloric ones).


In short, as we have been telling you, it is not necessary to eliminate cheese from the diet. Moreover, cheese, like dairy products, provides many health benefits and provides calcium among other vitamins.

Of course, as a trick, if what you are looking for is to lose weight or you are on a diet and you do not want to go overboard with cheeses that provide you with a lot of fat, the quick trick if you have doubts is to look at the labeling or to know what milk it has been made with.

Another factor that also provides extra calories and sometimes you don’t even realize it, is not so much the cheese itself, but what food you accompany it with. That glass of wine, the glass of cava, the bread, the sausage, and the snacks in general… and if you fall into temptation or have had a feast, nothing happens. Do not forget to play sports and / or compensate in the following meals. The key knows how to compensate.

In an erroneous way, many times it is decided not to eat cheese for fear of gaining weight. Thinking that all cheeses are caloric and, therefore, should be prohibited in diets. An error that knowing what calories each cheese has, would not happen. Do not underestimate this dairy. Cheeses are a great source of protein and vitamins.

In the event that you want to get in shape or take care of yourself a little, say that any type of cheese, as long as it is consumed in moderation, does not have to be fattening or avoided. But if even with those, you are on a diet, there are cheeses that you should know that are the most suitable and recommended because they contain very few calories, less fat, less salt…

The trick is to read the labels and make sure what kind of milk the cheese is made with. It’s not stupid, on the contrary. The more caloric milk, the more fat the cheese will have and the more calories it will provide. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the milk with which it is made and also, the time that the cheese is allowed to mature. It also influences.

The milks that are more caloric, for example, are buffalo milk and sheep milk. Bear in mind that cheeses are usually made from buffalo, cow, sheep and goat milk.


  1. The most recommended cheeses (some of them) the famous ricotta cheese, feta cheese, mozzarella, quark cheese, Burgos cheese, etc.
  2. One of the most consumed cheeses, for example in diets, is the so-called ricotta cheese or also known as cottage cheese. This cheese stands out because it has very few calories and, in addition, it also has the advantage that it contains little fat. For example, if we take into account the values ​​of one hundred grams, calculating by eye, we could say that this cheese barely reaches two hundred calories.
  3. This cheese, although it is low in calories, it is true that it will also influence what food it is accompanied with. For example, on toast, in salads, with a little olive oil, with avocado, a bit of honey, etc.
  4. Another low-calorie cheese is feta. Surely, you have seen it in many salads. Typical in Greek gastronomy. Fattening very little, but we also emphasize the same as before. Everything with measure and head. It will be useless to eat feta cheese to avoid gaining weight and prepare it with a salad full of dressings, fats, various sauces…
  5. Mozzarella, the famous Italian cheese that is not only fattening and very healthy, but is also ideal for preparing simple and fresh dishes in summer. This cheese has very few calories. A very satiating, healthy, easy to prepare dish that is very fattening is mozzarella with tomato and basil. Simple to prepare and very healthy. It can also be prepared with vegetables, lamb’s lettuce, lettuce… or just with olive oil. Be careful not to abuse this cheese because it is made with buffalo milk and is not only high in calories, but also has a lot of cholesterol.
  6. Burgos cheese is one of the most indicated in diets. Few calories, but somewhat bland. Also indicated in kenotic diets due to its low fat level.
  7. Cheese spread, Philadelphia type. This type of cheese must be looked at almost with a magnifying glass. Because, although it is true that they are not as caloric as others and, therefore, they are healthier, it does not mean that they do not have fat or calories. In fact, better if it is the light version (if you want to lose weight).
  8. Making a very brief summary: the lightest cheeses, those that contain fewer calories, are the ones that are always seen in diets (with reason). Burgos cheeses, ricotta, spreadable cheese… and be careful, because mozzarella, for example, is healthy and not one of the most caloric cheeses, but it should not be abused either. It is made with buffalo milk (one of the fattest and most caloric) and if you overdo it, you will be putting calories.

What do you need

  • Always check what type of milk the cheeses are made with (to rule out the most caloric ones).


In short, as we have been telling you, it is not necessary to eliminate cheese from the diet. Moreover, cheese, like dairy products, provides many health benefits and provides calcium among other vitamins.

Of course, as a trick, if what you are looking for is to lose weight or you are on a diet and you do not want to go overboard with cheeses that provide you with a lot of fat, the quick trick if you have doubts is to look at the labeling or to know what milk it has been made with.

Another factor that also provides extra calories and sometimes you don’t even realize it, is not so much the cheese itself, but what food you accompany it with. That glass of wine, the glass of cava, the bread, the sausage, and the snacks in general… and if you fall into temptation or have had a feast, nothing happens. Do not forget to play sports and / or compensate in the following meals. The key knows how to compensate.

WeightNotes Staffhttps://weightnotes.com
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