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How Much Should A 4 Month Old Weigh?

The first stage of the baby is amazing in terms of the changes it undergoes. How fast they grow, gain weight quickly, stretch at times, learn, evolve… and it is, above all, during the first six months, where they make changes in size faster. Then they do it more gradually.

It is in these months that many parents wonder what weight is right for their baby. If she should weigh more or less, if the size is normal, etc.

First of all, calm down. During the first year of life (especially) you will have to go quite regularly (the first six months) to the pediatrician. Therefore, he will be in charge of telling you if he is there or not, it is the correct weight for him. He will weigh you every month and write it down. And he will do the same with his measures. In this way, by having everything written down, he can make a correct evaluation and compare how his progress is being.

As far as the exact weight or the averages of the baby, it is not possible to know exactly since it is not an exact science. Because many factors will have to be taken into account… gestation, pregnancy, genetics… obviously, being born prematurely they will need more time to develop and will be born with a lower weight than the others and will be smaller and more delicate. For the same reason, comparisons cannot be made and each baby is a world and has its own circumstances.


  1. Of course, what we are going to comment on are tables at a generic level. It is in a general way. It should more or less, the common. But each case is special and must be valued. So if it’s not the same, don’t worry. Always pay attention to what your baby’s pediatrician tells you.
  2. In the case of the sexes, there are slight differences. In general, if it is a boy, it will be a little chubby and in the case of girls, a little smaller.
  3. In the table, the weight of a four-month-old child should be, at a minimum of about six and a half kilos. And in terms of size, between sixty-two and sixty-five centimeters.
  4. In the case of girls, the weight should be around six kilos and the measurements between sixty and sixty-two centimeters.
  5. Of course, we never tire of repeating the same thing to you. Ignore the tables. Because without going any further, a baby who is already born big, where just weighing him is four or five kilos… of course, at four months of life, he cannot continue to weigh only four or five kilos. Therefore, he will weigh much more. That does not mean that he is sick, or that he is obese, that he has problems… nothing. He’s just a big baby.
  6. Genetics in these cases has a lot to do with it. You have to look at parents and even grandparents. If they are big, tall, wide-boned… all this will have an influence for sure.
  7. If until now the baby has been growing that it seems that he does it “for days” and he is weighing more quickly, after four or six months, things slow down. It is a completely natural progression. Do not worry.
  8. Surely it may seem a bit strange, shocking or curious to you, if you look at your baby’s table when you take him to the pediatrician, as he has spent the first months weighing more quickly, he has been stretching quickly… and now you will see that it seems that this change it’s not that “exaggerated”.
  9. On average, it is not possible to calculate how much the baby can gain weight from month to month or approximately every day. Because it will depend on how much the baby weighs, how tall it is, if it eats well, if it has been ill, etc. But to give an example (always generalizing) perhaps what he can recover up to six months (his half year of life) is two or three kilos. And as for what can grow… it is also generalizing, but let’s supposes that it can be between six or seven centimeters.
  10. Having said all this, comes the question that first-time mothers, especially because they are new and new to motherhood, do not know or are overly concerned. How much should you eat?
  11. We continue with what we warned you before. Never compare your baby to anyone else. If there is a baby of a similar age and he eats much less, it does not mean that yours should eat less. And if it’s the other way around and yours eats little, it doesn’t mean that you should give him more because so-and-so or boy does. Each baby goes at her own pace. There are those that are more gluttonous, that they eat better or that the bottles are bigger. They drink more milk, but fewer times a day. Therefore, never compare them.
  12. Broadly speaking, a baby who is only four months old should take between four or five daily feedings. Which means that she should eat between four and five times a day? The amount, minimum between 120 ml of milk and no more than 180 ml. But as we already said that this is not something that should be followed at face value nor is it something exact, it will have to be assessed with the baby. How much does she drink, how many times… in general, they also make themselves known in this aspect and you will see or notice if she is hungry or not.
  13. Something that also worries parents is when the baby does not stop crying or does not get enough from eating only breast milk. For this reason, some mothers decide to include a little grain-free porridge with their milk to fill them up a bit. Not all babies are the same and what satisfies some others who are bigger or more gluttonous does not finish filling their stomachs and they are hungry. You have to consider those things. And if you don’t dare, tell your pediatrician so he can advise you better.
  14. The same will happen with the breast if you have decided to breastfeed him and give him breast milk. If before you had to force him or place him to eat, now that he is more “savvy” you will notice that he gets nervous, that he squeezes, that he tries to grab, that he already puts his mouth… that he is hungry it will be much more visible. And the same will happen if he does not want to eat.
  15. Many mothers begin to worry just after four months because they don’t know if they should start introducing something other than milk or wait a little longer. This may even be contradictory. Why? Well, because, to begin with, according to doctors they do not advise it. Moreover, they are in favor that babies should have a milk-based diet until half a year of life (six months). But instead, and rightly so, the trouble begins if you go through supermarkets and pharmacies and see that it is full of porridge and cereals that indicate that they can be consumed from four months. So can it or can’t it?
  16. Of course, we will not be the ones to say if one thing or another is better. We simply discuss all the possibilities. Although obviously, if doctors and pediatricians advise against something, it will be for a reason. Perhaps, throwing a little awareness into the matter, for the two months that remain for the six, it is preferable to wait and that the baby has a more developed stomach and can, therefore, prevent the little one from ending up with discomfort, intolerances, pains, or whatever. Keep in mind that since she was born she has only been feeding on milk. Therefore, any changes or variations are new foods that we do not know how they will feel or how they will digest them.
  17. If the mother has to return to work and cannot spend more time with her baby and therefore cannot breastfeed her baby, the idea is to buy a breast pump and fill the bottles with her milk so that her little one can continue doing the you drink with breast milk.
  18. Of course, we must also take into account that a baby that has been gestated without any problems, that was born at nine months, that the mother has had a perfect pregnancy , is not the same as the case of a baby that Poor thing was born prematurely. Of course, in these cases, they cannot be compared. They are born smaller, weaker, they need extra time to continue developing and, in general, they are babies who may be underweight at first.

What do you need

  • Do not stop going to all the visits that the pediatrician sends you. They are visits in these months, very important to assess the baby.
  • If you have to go to work and you won’t be able to breastfeed every feeding, you’ll need a breast pump and bottles.
  • Do not compare your baby with any other or pay attention to what acquaintances, friends, so-and-so or so-and-so tell you… each baby is special and unique. Just pay attention to what the pediatrician tells you in any case.


Do not get so overwhelmed by the weight and size of the baby unless the pediatrician really tells you otherwise. In this case, some guidelines must be followed. But otherwise, take advantage of this precious stage with your baby. In these four months of life it is now, when he begins to be more moved, he will begin to pay more attention to things… enjoy the little one.

Think that, if the baby was born premature, it will also be logical that he is born smaller, with less weight and is smaller or requires some special care. Follow medical advice and do not worry about the size of it. As long as he’s healthy, everything will be fine. It will grow little by little and will recover the weight at its own pace.

The first stage of the baby is amazing in terms of the changes it undergoes. How fast they grow, gain weight quickly, stretch at times, learn, evolve… and it is, above all, during the first six months, where they make changes in size faster. Then they do it more gradually.

It is in these months that many parents wonder what weight is right for their baby. If she should weigh more or less, if the size is normal, etc.

First of all, calm down. During the first year of life (especially) you will have to go quite regularly (the first six months) to the pediatrician. Therefore, he will be in charge of telling you if he is there or not, it is the correct weight for him. He will weigh you every month and write it down. And he will do the same with his measures. In this way, by having everything written down, he can make a correct evaluation and compare how his progress is being.

As far as the exact weight or the averages of the baby, it is not possible to know exactly since it is not an exact science. Because many factors will have to be taken into account… gestation, pregnancy, genetics… obviously, being born prematurely they will need more time to develop and will be born with a lower weight than the others and will be smaller and more delicate. For the same reason, comparisons cannot be made and each baby is a world and has its own circumstances.


  1. Of course, what we are going to comment on are tables at a generic level. It is in a general way. It should more or less, the common. But each case is special and must be valued. So if it’s not the same, don’t worry. Always pay attention to what your baby’s pediatrician tells you.
  2. In the case of the sexes, there are slight differences. In general, if it is a boy, it will be a little chubby and in the case of girls, a little smaller.
  3. In the table, the weight of a four-month-old child should be, at a minimum of about six and a half kilos. And in terms of size, between sixty-two and sixty-five centimeters.
  4. In the case of girls, the weight should be around six kilos and the measurements between sixty and sixty-two centimeters.
  5. Of course, we never tire of repeating the same thing to you. Ignore the tables. Because without going any further, a baby who is already born big, where just weighing him is four or five kilos… of course, at four months of life, he cannot continue to weigh only four or five kilos. Therefore, he will weigh much more. That does not mean that he is sick, or that he is obese, that he has problems… nothing. He’s just a big baby.
  6. Genetics in these cases has a lot to do with it. You have to look at parents and even grandparents. If they are big, tall, wide-boned… all this will have an influence for sure.
  7. If until now the baby has been growing that it seems that he does it “for days” and he is weighing more quickly, after four or six months, things slow down. It is a completely natural progression. Do not worry.
  8. Surely it may seem a bit strange, shocking or curious to you, if you look at your baby’s table when you take him to the pediatrician, as he has spent the first months weighing more quickly, he has been stretching quickly… and now you will see that it seems that this change it’s not that “exaggerated”.
  9. On average, it is not possible to calculate how much the baby can gain weight from month to month or approximately every day. Because it will depend on how much the baby weighs, how tall it is, if it eats well, if it has been ill, etc. But to give an example (always generalizing) perhaps what he can recover up to six months (his half year of life) is two or three kilos. And as for what can grow… it is also generalizing, but let’s supposes that it can be between six or seven centimeters.
  10. Having said all this, comes the question that first-time mothers, especially because they are new and new to motherhood, do not know or are overly concerned. How much should you eat?
  11. We continue with what we warned you before. Never compare your baby to anyone else. If there is a baby of a similar age and he eats much less, it does not mean that yours should eat less. And if it’s the other way around and yours eats little, it doesn’t mean that you should give him more because so-and-so or boy does. Each baby goes at her own pace. There are those that are more gluttonous, that they eat better or that the bottles are bigger. They drink more milk, but fewer times a day. Therefore, never compare them.
  12. Broadly speaking, a baby who is only four months old should take between four or five daily feedings. Which means that she should eat between four and five times a day? The amount, minimum between 120 ml of milk and no more than 180 ml. But as we already said that this is not something that should be followed at face value nor is it something exact, it will have to be assessed with the baby. How much does she drink, how many times… in general, they also make themselves known in this aspect and you will see or notice if she is hungry or not.
  13. Something that also worries parents is when the baby does not stop crying or does not get enough from eating only breast milk. For this reason, some mothers decide to include a little grain-free porridge with their milk to fill them up a bit. Not all babies are the same and what satisfies some others who are bigger or more gluttonous does not finish filling their stomachs and they are hungry. You have to consider those things. And if you don’t dare, tell your pediatrician so he can advise you better.
  14. The same will happen with the breast if you have decided to breastfeed him and give him breast milk. If before you had to force him or place him to eat, now that he is more “savvy” you will notice that he gets nervous, that he squeezes, that he tries to grab, that he already puts his mouth… that he is hungry it will be much more visible. And the same will happen if he does not want to eat.
  15. Many mothers begin to worry just after four months because they don’t know if they should start introducing something other than milk or wait a little longer. This may even be contradictory. Why? Well, because, to begin with, according to doctors they do not advise it. Moreover, they are in favor that babies should have a milk-based diet until half a year of life (six months). But instead, and rightly so, the trouble begins if you go through supermarkets and pharmacies and see that it is full of porridge and cereals that indicate that they can be consumed from four months. So can it or can’t it?
  16. Of course, we will not be the ones to say if one thing or another is better. We simply discuss all the possibilities. Although obviously, if doctors and pediatricians advise against something, it will be for a reason. Perhaps, throwing a little awareness into the matter, for the two months that remain for the six, it is preferable to wait and that the baby has a more developed stomach and can, therefore, prevent the little one from ending up with discomfort, intolerances, pains, or whatever. Keep in mind that since she was born she has only been feeding on milk. Therefore, any changes or variations are new foods that we do not know how they will feel or how they will digest them.
  17. If the mother has to return to work and cannot spend more time with her baby and therefore cannot breastfeed her baby, the idea is to buy a breast pump and fill the bottles with her milk so that her little one can continue doing the you drink with breast milk.
  18. Of course, we must also take into account that a baby that has been gestated without any problems, that was born at nine months, that the mother has had a perfect pregnancy , is not the same as the case of a baby that Poor thing was born prematurely. Of course, in these cases, they cannot be compared. They are born smaller, weaker, they need extra time to continue developing and, in general, they are babies who may be underweight at first.

What do you need

  • Do not stop going to all the visits that the pediatrician sends you. They are visits in these months, very important to assess the baby.
  • If you have to go to work and you won’t be able to breastfeed every feeding, you’ll need a breast pump and bottles.
  • Do not compare your baby with any other or pay attention to what acquaintances, friends, so-and-so or so-and-so tell you… each baby is special and unique. Just pay attention to what the pediatrician tells you in any case.


Do not get so overwhelmed by the weight and size of the baby unless the pediatrician really tells you otherwise. In this case, some guidelines must be followed. But otherwise, take advantage of this precious stage with your baby. In these four months of life it is now, when he begins to be more moved, he will begin to pay more attention to things… enjoy the little one.

Think that, if the baby was born premature, it will also be logical that he is born smaller, with less weight and is smaller or requires some special care. Follow medical advice and do not worry about the size of it. As long as he’s healthy, everything will be fine. It will grow little by little and will recover the weight at its own pace.

WeightNotes Staff
Quick workouts, quick recipes, and adventures are highlighted in WeightNotes. Trainers, fitness instructors, and experts in weight loss provide advice in our articles. Regarding nutritious recipes and a wide range of exercises, we had a lot to offer.

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